Scarlet fever, incubation period: how long and how tolerated


Scarlet fever – children's anthroponomy infection, manifested by intoxication, sore throat and a distinctive rash.

Scarlet fever was next to a man as long as he can remember. It is described by Hippocrates and Avicenna, she didn't know salvation anywhere but in the XX century managed to find the causative agent. It is beta-hemolytic Streptococcus group A. the characteristics by microscopy: rounded form, the location chain.

When sowing on solid media it forms small round colonies with rough uneven edges.

In the external environment stable in dry or frozen lives up to a month. Disinfection and high temperature is easy to kill her.


The microorganism gets into the mucous membrane of the mouth or nose, where is fixed and begins to produce toxins. The main pathogenic factor is eritromicin, through which blood is carried around the body and settles in the skin. There it promotes expansion of the capillaries and causes inflammation. The dilated vessels form a rash of them in the skin enters the liquid, which penetrates the dermis. It explains the symptoms of skin peeling.

How long before lasted a quarantine in this disease? In the early twentieth century the child was isolated from others for 40 days.


Common in all countries. Most often, diseases associated with Streptococcus, is detected in the moderate and cold climate, especially in autumn-winter-spring period.

The infection is transmitted from person to person, the source of the sick people or the media. The disease is transmitted by aerosol, through the air, where the pathogen is found with droplets of liquid or dust.

On the way bacteria first arise the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and sometimes through the wound surface through which it enters the body.

The disease occurs more frequently in children two to ten years, newborns and adults – less.

After the transfer of infection formed persistent life antitoxic and antibacterial immunity. Due to the application of modern antibiotics, the number of mild forms of scarlet fever increased, but decreased tensions emerging immunity. This leads to the re-emergence of infection.

Clinical picture

Scarlet fever: incubation period is about a week.

At this time the child feel good, the disease does not manifest itself. Then develop the basic signs of illness: fever, sore throat, fine rash over the body, after which there is a skin peeling.

The symptoms of scarlet fever can be expressed in different ways. Depending on this there are three degrees of severity:

  • Light is characterized by elevation of body temperature above 380C. A moderately red throat, tonsils are increased. Rashes are mild, takes place over five days.
  • If the average temperature rises above 400C. The tonsils and throat are bright red, "burning", with purulent. Rash all over the body, excluding the nasolabial triangle, which is bright white on the background of reddened skin rashes. It lasts about ten days, after the "flowering" skin peels. Heart rate and blood pressure increase, heart sounds are muffled. Can develop symptoms "scarlatinous heart" – decrease heart rate tremors. Treatment they require.
  • Heavy is manifested by high fever: 400C and above, has not abated more than a week. Because of severe intoxication in a child nausea and repeated vomiting. Bothers severe headache, weakness. The rash covers the whole body merges into uneven spots, reveals even on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Arise purulent lesions in other organs: otitis media, sinusitis and others. Symptoms develop stun, clouding of consciousness, delirium infectious. Dangerous development of infectious-toxic shock. It is a kind of toxic-septic form. Suffer it in most adults. Quickly develop signs of heart insufficiency with pressure drop, hemorrhages in the skin.

In the normal course of the disease, its duration is fourteen days.

Before antibiotics, a severe form of scarlet fever led to the death of 25% of cases.


May develop purulent diseases: otitis media, lymphadenitis, sinusitis, and others.

Streptococci in antigenic terms is similar to some human organs (heart, kidneys, joints), so sometimes your own immune cells start to attack these organs. Can develop symptoms of rheumatic fever, myocarditis with heart disease, glomerulonephritis.

Therefore, it is crucial to treat scarlet fever to prevent these terrible diseases.


In the diagnosis takes into account the clinical history and examination revealed the typical symptoms of scarlet fever.

According to the General analysis of blood and urine to assess the General condition of the child. In the blood revealed an increase in the number of leukocytes at the expense of neutrophils, increasing the settling speed. Urine also reveal signs of inflammation: traces of protein, a small amount of leukocytes, hyaline cylinders. During the development of jade will appear in the red blood cells.

An ECG assesses cardiac function and allows time to monitor the symptoms of myocarditis in children.

To confirm the diagnosis of a bacterial inoculation of material taken from the hearth, in a nutrient medium.


Hospitalitynet children with severe infection and in that case, if he is not provided proper care (a dysfunctional family) and, if necessary, isolation from other family members (young children, people working in contact with children).

The goal of treatment is to alleviate symptoms, eliminate the pathogen and prevent complications.

The first seven days or more, prescribe bed rest, sparing diet, excessive drinking (litres per day).

The microorganism is exposed to antibiotics of the penicillin group course for ten days.

The baby is discharged from hospital is carried out not earlier than in ten days. If signs of illness, hospitalization lasts longer. Children who have had the infection further in a month or three, depending on the severity of the case, examined by a pediatrician, to prevent the development of long-term complications.


Vaccination against scarlet fever now is not possible.

Nonspecific prevention involves early detection and isolation of the sick child from other children. In kindergarten need daily wet cleaning, take a look around all coming. If the identified symptoms are rash, they are not allowed in the team. Upon detection of a case:

  • then, how long is the quarantine for scarlet fever due to the incubation period, i.e., seven days, at this time it is not allowed new members or absent, it is prohibited to transfer children to other groups,
  • not allowed to contact the quarantine group with others in kindergarten,
  • in the room fumigating,
  • contact children examined by a pediatrician, if revealed signs of an infectious disease, they are also isolated.

In the house where they treat the child:

  • restrict communication with other children,
  • conduct daily hygiene of linen, toys, clothes,
  • in the room where it is located, several times a day to clean up,
  • those who are caring for a child need to change clothes, wash.

If the child attends a kindergarten or first two classes of the school, the team allow him twelve days after the end of the quarantine period.

So, how far does the quarantine? For contact seven days for a sick child – not less than twenty-two.

Adherence to these measures will prevent the spread of infection in the garden, and among families of a sick child.