For scarlet fever in adults

Sore throat when swallowing

Scarlet fever – infection, heavily affecting the area of the tonsils. Its causative agent is β geopoliticheskii Streptococcus group A. It is spread as airborne droplets and food if they are infected. In the human body people easily enters through the genitals, skin wounds, throat, nose. At the site of inflammation and is an active bacteria, which begin to redistribute the toxins. The body is poisoned and intoxication. When the blood increases the amount of harmful substances, the vessels dilate and form a skin rash and irritation. Scarlet fever has long been considered one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases. After the discovery of antibiotics, the risk of disease decreased significantly. According to the statistics of scarlet fever is most common in adolescents and 52%.

The symptoms of scarlet fever are very similar to other diseases:

  • Rubella.
  • Measles.
  • Mononucleosis.
  • Angina.
  • Meningitis.
  • Dermatitis occurring on the background of medicines.

Because of the symptoms doctors can make mistakes in Diagnosis. It is necessary to rely not only on symptoms but on performance tests.

If the bacteria penetrate directly into the bloodstream, it can affect not only the skin, but also organs.

What is the causative agent of scarlet fever?

The bacterium that causes scarlet fever is called β-hemolytic Streptococcus group a (Streptococcus pyogenes). By their resistance they are obliged by the presence of:

  • capsules,
  • the toxins that they form in the process of reproduction,
  • are composed of anitrogen, which inhibits the production of antibodies and activates the author of the tumor necrosis, and forms a rash and toxicity,
  • leukocidin – toxin that attacks the white blood cells,
  • hemolysin begins to destroy red blood cells and adversely affect phagocytes,
  • enterotoxin affects the gastrointestinal tract.

It is very resistant to both internal and external environmental factors and disinfectants. He can tolerate large temperature swings from cold to high temperatures (+70). He is most active in autumn and spring, is formed when cold dry substrate. In the cold season, people most often affected by this disease. Basically, this pathogen attacks the immune system that is susceptible to this toxigenic species.

If you have had the disease, then formed antitoxic immunity. There remains, however, an allergic reaction, which may be accompanied by fever and rash.

The main carrier is a very sick person. When a pathogen enters the body, it begins to multiply and produce toxins which causes the body's immune response.

The least affected are those people who are hardened. So try to exercise and tempers.

What symptoms might be at scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever in adults is much more difficult than in children. In most cases, scarlet fever affects children and adults infected by them airborne. Infection occurs quickly and the symptoms occur abruptly, if the person has not developed immunity against these bacteria.

The incubation period of the disease is about a week, and then begin to appear the first symptoms. Complete recovery occurs only after 2-3 weeks. The first signs of which manifested scarlet fever is intoxication, which is accompanied by:

  • rise in temperature,
  • fever,
  • decreased appetite,
  • the state of anxiety and excitation or loss of strength, drowsiness,
  • chill,
  • severe pain in the throat when swallowing.

A day after the fever, starts showing signs of irritation and rash all over the body. The skin itches and swells slightly. Cheeks blush, and the language acquires a crimson color. To make sure a person does scarlet fever need to put pressure on the area with the rash, and she'll have to disappear. This rash lasts about a week and then disappears.

Signs of biochemical indicators can also indicate the presence of scarlet fever. The patient noted eosinophilia, leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, low hemoglobin levels.

In severe forms, a characteristic feature of scarlet fever rash on the body is much more than the average and easy form.

After 2 weeks on the spot irritation of the skin starts peeling. The skin begins to go with flakes and layers.

What treatment is indicated for scarlet fever?

Treatment of scarlet fever in adults proceeds effectively and quickly. If scarlet fever be severe, you need urgent hospitalization.

If the form is light, treated scarlet fever at home, because the symptoms are not so strongly expressed. The doctor needs to evaluatesymptoms and prescribe proper treatment.

  • Usually therapy consists of antibiotics. The most common antibiotic that treat scarlet fever is penicillin. It is prescribed for 10 days. If the patient has intolerance to this antibiotic, prescribed other of a number of Cephalosporins and Macrolides.
  • Stay at least a week. The patient needs complete rest and bed rest.
  • To resolve the redness and sore throat you must gargle. To use herbs and tinctures: calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus, propolis.
  • To resolve Allergy symptoms need to take antihistamines: Effective, Zodak, Fenkarol.
  • To strengthen the immune system need to drink more of their teas rosehip, raspberry.
  • Drink multivitamin preparations. Very effective vitamins are as follows: alphabet, Elevit, Vitrum.
  • It is very important during antibiotics make the medications help to recover the intestinal flora and stomach: Linex, Enterogermina, hilak, Festal, Acipol.
  • The use of antipyretic medications to eliminate the fever.
  • You also need to remove all toxic substances from the body. This is done with drugs: tavegil, suprastin.
Try not to scratch, otherwise the rash will be more and there will be swelling of the skin.

Adult diagnosis of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever can be identified not only with the external symptoms, but with the help of laboratory methods:

  • General analysis of blood (increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leukocytes).
  • The General analysis of urine.
  • ECG.
  • Swab of throat (bacteriological method).
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – shows how immunity affects infection and determine the stage of disease.


  • To quickly get rid of the disease, then you need to react to the symptoms.
  • More walk in the fresh air.
  • Less contact with sick people, especially in the autumn and spring period.


Transferred scarlet fever in adults in severe stages can cause complications in the form of:

  • myocarditis,
  • pyelonephritis, in advanced cases, may go in glomerulonephritis,
  • pneumonia,
  • otitis media, sinusitis,
  • arthrosis,
  • lymphadenitis.

However, if early treatment of such recurrence can be avoided.