Scarlet fever: symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, treatment

Temperature and headache

Scarlet fever – illness that mainly affects children. In this section we will tell You what is scarlet fever and how to treat it, and most importantly – how to avoid this disease. It manifests itself from the first day of infection. Beta-hemolytic group a Streptococcus is the causative agent of the disease.

The source can be:

  • people who become ill with scarlet fever or a sore throat,
  • the man is quite healthy at first glance, however, being a carrier of Streptococcus. Which make up 15% of the population,
  • people, ill with scarlet fever, can up to 3 weeks after recovery post streptococci.
The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Sometimes you can get infected with scarlet fever just by touching those or other objects they touched sick or healthy Hawker streptococci.

Along with this, in the first days of illness when the patient is particularly dangerous to healthy individuals, can be transmitted through utensils and personal hygiene items that were used to patients. One of the main features of scarlet fever is the constant change of incidence. Sometimes she's high, sometimes low. Thus, the intervals of the incidence can range from 2 to 4 years, and sometimes from 30 to 50 years. Thomas Sydenham in the 60-ies of the XVII century in one of his entries talked about the disease as a minor illness, hardly need mention. After 15 years he is facing this disease in a severe form and it compares in severity with the plague. Written in 60-ies of the XVII century the symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of scarlet fever of our days.

What happens in the body?

Through the above ways, scarlet fever affects primarily the nose. Starts acute inflammatory process. The patient complains of:

  • pain when swallowing,
  • a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees,
  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • weakness.

The incubation period lasts from 1 to 10 days. A child can be a boy for 24 hours prior to symptoms and for the next 3 weeks. After contact with the mucosa, the organisms get into the blood, where it very rapidly spreads a toxic substance eritromicin. This substance affects the red blood cells, causing toxicity. As a consequence there is an increase in small vessels (including on the skin and mucous membranes), resulting in rashes appear red. Typical for scarlet fever rashes are formed in the form of red lines on the bends of the limbs, that is the natural bends of the body. On the face rashes are formed on:

  • cheeks,
  • the temples and forehead.

Rashes are formed in the nasolabial triangle, which is a special characteristic of the disease.

On the fifth or sixth day the body produces immunity, produces antibodies, so the number of lesions decreases. Collapses and separates the epidermis (top layer of skin), causing severe flaking.

From the oropharynx via the lymph flow strep gets into regional lymph nodes. There accumulate, they cause inflammation followed by necrosis and lymphocytic infiltration. Further, the microbes penetrate into the organs and systems of the body, which leads to necrotic processes. Complications can cause lymphadenitis or suppurative lesions of the Dura mater or the temporal sinuses.


This acute disease manifests itself quite clearly, that is, the child displays the following symptoms:

  • rashes,
  • begin headaches,
  • nausea,
  • high temperature,
  • language becomes crimson, and its papillae increase in size, what experts call the "flaming throat»,
  • formed on the tonsils purulent plaque,
  • inguinal folds, armpits and elbow bends are covered with red stripes, rash,
  • inflamed mucosa,
  • angina,
  • the skin becomes very dry and rough,
  • after the first week, when immune start peeling skin peeling off in large pieces, reminiscent of the gloves.

A feature of the disease is sudden and acute onset, when after a few hours of infection the body temperature reaches 39 degrees, the child feels malaise, severe headache, nausea, in rare cases it may hurt the stomach. During the inspection, the expert can detect hyperemia of the palate, larynx, tonsils and uvula. On the tongue there is a white-gray powder. Crimson language becomes the 3rd or 4th day of the disease.

If the scarlet fever be severe, crimson acquire and lips. During this period, symptoms of angina and delayed depart purulent plaque. The cardiovascular system begins to show disease in the form of tachycardia. The blood pressure is moderately elevated.

Intoxication caused byeritromicina manifests as fever. Rashes are formed in the first days of the disease. Along with this, there are small dots on the face, neck, shoulders, and upper torso. Very rapidly rash "spread" to the inner side of the thighs, abdomen, sides of the breast. By pressing lightly with a metal spatula, they appear more intense when well pressed, they disappear under the Golden yellow skin. They disappear for 3-7 days of illness. Do not leave pigmentation. Sore throat in scarlet fever is more severe than usual. The tonsils are increasing, loosened, and they are attended by Muco-purulent, sometimes necrotic plaque with a deep and useful pockets.

The patient is usually prescribed antibiotics. If the treatment is correct, then the scarlet fever is treated quickly enough. However, complications can arise in the form of:

  • glomerulonephritis,
  • lymph nodes,
  • pneumonia,
  • inflammation of the ear,
  • allergic myocarditis,
  • arthritis,
  • synovitis.

As mentioned above, after the first week of the rash disappear and the skin starts to peel off. Peeling on the feet and palms is a large plate, while in other parts of the body it is tinea versicolor.

Despite the fact that the disease is acute, a refresher for them, a person acquires lifelong immunity. However, due to the "very active" treatment, the body does not have time to develop immunity and may be cases of recurrent disease.

By nature people have really high sensitivity to strains that emit A, b and C toxins.

The disease most often registered in countries with cold and temperate climate. Special risk group – children under 2 years attending collective enterprises. Children brought up at home, sick in 15 times less than the first. In children aged 3 to 6 years, the number of cases decrease, but more common are cases of infection from healthy carriers of the pathogen.

The causes of the disease can be related to the fact that the child had recently been ill with flu or other respiratory diseases. The disease most often strikes during the cold seasons, i.e. spring, autumn and winter.

Form of disease

Scarlet fever is an acute infectious disease, which has 2 forms:

  • Farinella scarlet fever.
  • Extrapharyngeal scarlet fever.

Each of the above forms is divided into 2 types:

  • Typical.
  • Atypical.

Severity determine subtypes typical of scarlet fever: severe, mild and moderate.

  • A light form typical of scarlet fever usually lasts up to 5 days. The temperature rises to a maximum of 38.5 degrees, swallowing the child is in pain, number of lesions – average.
  • Expressed profuse rash and fever to 39 degrees, medium a typical scarlet fever is showing signs of severe angina. Intoxication is the cause of high temperature and weakness. High temperature in turn may cause vomiting. Lasts no more than 8 days.
  • A severe subtype of typical scarlet fever is divided into toxic, septic and toxic-septic. Will discuss each of them separately:
    • The toxic form is manifested as a result of high intoxication. Is the place to be infectious-toxic shock. In very severe cases the temperature rises to 41 degrees. Appear impaired mental status, the child may hallucinate and lose consciousness. Tachycardia and repeated vomiting are possible complications.
    • A typical septic scarlet fever occurs together with necrotic angina, which affects located near the tonsil tissue, throat, mouth, palate, lymph nodes.
    • The disease in its third form the signs of scarlet fever the first two forms.
  • The atypical form may occur with minimal symptoms, when the disease lasts for more than 2 days. The name of the form: worn. It is manifested by reddened tonsils and throat. No rashes, but there are pain during swallowing movements. A rudimentary form of atypical scarlet fever occurs with single lesions and lasts for a maximum of 2-3 days.
  • Extrapharyngeal form has the feature leaks together with lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes). Also affects the lymph nodes and tissues of the oropharynx. Despite this, the disease affects the tonsils.

Diagnosis of scarlet fever

As a rule, diagnosis is quick and easy. Specialist can detect scarlatina by distinct signs. Looking into the child's mouth, he sees the crimson language. However, on the first day, when rashes appear, the specialist may decide that it is angina. However, in the days that followed, when formed red rash on the neck, the specialist identifies the child's scarlet fever.

The disease has very specific symptoms that allows diagnosis after inspection and survey. The presence of bacteria is detected through a blood test. When scarlet fever experts reveal leukocytosis, leukocyte formula shift to the left. In order to make a diagnosis quickly used the study of rka – reaction of coagglutination.

In extremely rare cases, when complications associated with the cardiovascular system, should consult a cardiologist. Also needed EKG ultrasoundhearts. Should undergo medical examination by the ENT, if with scarlet fever revealed otitis media. In such a case, the specialist will prescribe the otoscopy.

Another possible complication is inflammation of the kidneys. In such cases, you should consult the nephrologist, who will prescribe ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

How to treat scarlet fever

After the necessary procedures, in the case of scarlet fever, the specialist assigns erythropoi treatment.

Usually the child is not forced to undergo hospital treatment. He stays at home and takes the prescribed drugs. Diet during treatment involves the use of semi-liquid foods and foods rich in vitamins. Semi-liquid food is used mainly in the period of the disease, when symptoms of angina are strongly expressed.

Severe forms of the disease require hospital treatment.

In both cases, is assigned bed rest, which lasts from a week to 10 days.

Specialist usually assigns a 10-day course of penicillin treatment. Along with this, are assigned to Cefazolin, and macrolides. The last two reserve drugs. If the patient is contraindicated to the above drugs, experts prescribe penicillin or synthetic origin drugs lincosamide. In the complex treatment is very effective is the use of antibiotics and anti-toxic drugs.

Also sanitizes foci of infection. For this prescribed solution furatsilina or herbal teas for rinsing the mouth and throat.

If the symptoms of severe intoxication, the expert assigns the solutions of glucose, you can also apply a solution gemodeza.

Various complications associated with disorders in other organs (e.g. cardiovascular system, kidneys, etc.) provide appropriate treatment. So, the nephrologist prescribes drugs for healing the kidneys.

Advances in modern medicine contribute sufficiently rapid cure of the patient from scarlet fever at the initial stage of the disease. Statistically, relapses occur in 3% of cases. Toxic-septic form of the disease can cause complications, although this is extremely rare. In most cases, the disease occurs without complications.

Disease prevention

To avoid scarlet fever, it is time to identify patients and carriers. Patients and carriers of the bacteria usually isolated, they were treated at home or in the hospital. As soon as the first symptoms are felt, immediately consult a specialist. This is especially true when scarlet fever identified in kindergartens, schools and other institutions. After the detection of scarlet fever, the patient being treated, and only 10 days can be discharged. If he was discharged from the hospital, then another 12 days he's being treated at home. After completing the course of treatment conducted a second analysis with a negative result, the patient returns to the team only after 22 days after detection of the disease.