Complications of scarlet fever: types and consequences

If scarlet fever occurs in mild form, then the prognosis is good, treatment is quick and the risk of complications of scarlet fever is absent. As such they require only a short course of antibiotics and multivitamin preparations and the disease passes very quickly.

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When scarlet fever develops in moderate and severe forms, the risk of complications is very high. First of all, at the onset of diseases need to consider streptococcal pathogenicity: allergic, infectious, toxic.

Consequences while scarlet fever can be early or late.

Early consequences of scarlet fever are among the various infectious diseases. Scarlet fever may be worse if you have accumulated a sufficiently large amount of pus around the tonsils, the appearance of otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis. In addition, if the disease occurs in severe form, may be formed of the secondary local lesions in different organs: the stomach, kidneys, liver.

After recovery in a week you need to do a child examination and to ensure that no complications and.

Why, after scarlet fever may be new health problems?

The answer is simple: toxic function of bacteria in scarlet fever starts to break the functionality of the organs. The most affected are kidney and liver (because these bodies are the most washed by the blood). On day 10-14, the possible emergence of such complications as "toxic heart" the problem is a short, but very seriously affect human health. After this effects in children begins to increase heart urahata pulse, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. These children are chest pains, anxiety and discomfort, slowness of movement, shortness of breath and unexplained fatigue.

An allergic reaction can cause a violent, but short-lived complications on kidneys and blood vessels. If damage to blood vessels can cause bleeding in the organs. Especially great is the danger of a brain hemorrhage.

Late complications originate usually from an allergic factor. It is because of allergies occur deterioration of streptococcal infections. These bacteria cause acute sensitivity. In the end the body begins to itself be harsh and destroy its own tissues and cells.

In times of acute infections, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, not to surrender to viruses and bacteria. This is good to take multivitamin preparations and use Oksolinovoj ointment.

What complications can cause scarlet fever?

The most common allergic complications of scarlet fever are:

Articular rheumatism

This problem usually appears 14 days after a streptococcal sore throat. These complications can occur both in boys and in girls.

The symptoms of articular rheumatism:

  • aching pain in joints (knees, elbows),
  • sometimes affects the joints of the hands,
  • the pain can move from one to another,
  • the skin is red and hot to the touch.

As the treatment assigned to intravenous antibiotics (penicillin). In addition to intravenous treatment also fit well and preformed antibiotic "broad-spectrum": Oxacillin, Cephalosporin, Erythromycin, and other drugs. This disease can be treated well without consequences.

The defeat of the heart valves

This disease is severe and it is irreversible. This pathology can be eliminated only by surgery. Valves that have been subjected to rheumatism become flattened and undergo the gap. In such valves there is a violation of the circulation of blood in the heart, and then it leads to heart failure. This disease is one of the causes of heart problems boys. Children who suffered a sore throat, you need a good examination by a physician.

Symptoms of rheumatism of the heart valves:

  • violation of the heart rate,
  • headaches and dizziness,
  • stagnation of blood in the lungs,
  • a sense of squeezing chest, the baby starts to choke,
  • the feeling of fear and anxiety.

The appearance of this problem in children need serious and immediate treatment in the form of antibiotics, blood-substituting drugs, and vasodilation. If you do not take timely measures for treatment of the heart, can occur heart failure.


After scarlet fever as consequences may occur bacterial glomerulonephritis. If you have children afterrecovery the temperature rises again above the norm, back pain, appears pasty, and reduced urination is a clear symptoms of glomerulonephritis. According to statistics, after scarlet fever these effects are reversible and kidney can completely restore its functionality. If not properly treated this can lead to kidney failure.

Treatment of staphylococcal glomerulonephritis is a diet, taking antihistamines, multivitamin complexes, antibiotics.

Need serious approach to the treatment of glomerulonephritis, as it tends to become chronic. In this disease it is very important to follow a diet in which there should be no fatty, spicy, fried food and fizzy drinks.

Chorea Sydenham

A dangerous disease of the brain. The period of occurrence is usually 14 days after recovery.

Symptoms Of Chorea Sydenham:

  • Insomnia.
  • Distraction. Such children have a rather bad memory and they forget everything.
  • Mood swings.
  • The feeling of fear and anxiety.

One of the main symptoms is getting the movement of the limbs that the child is not in control of. Such spasmodic movements are of large amplitude, chaotic. If there comes a more severe degree of the disease, is impaired speech and gait. The consequences can be both good and bad. With a good forecast, the brain restores and everything becomes as before. The negative effects of these children are that this pathology remains with them for life.

To protect their children from harm it is essential that treatment of scarlet fever was correct. All the effects come from improperly prescribed therapy. It is therefore very important that parents are on time, saw and treated the disease. Have infants very often, scarlet fever can put in error, because the kids there is a small allergic reaction due to different drugs, like scarlet fever. Special prevention of this disease is not needed. Just need time to be treated with antibiotics, and in some cases gamma globulin. Gamma globulin is used only in cases where a healthy child has a weak immune system, and it is in contact with the sick person.