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How many years can you live with AIDS

Life with AIDS – characteristics of the disease

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The first case was registered 25 years ago and since then the disease took a huge amount of lives (about 25 million!). AIDS is globally regarded as one of the major causes of mortality, it is often interpreted as the biggest threat today. So, naturally, the question is, how many are living with AIDS and HIV infection, as before, is very relevant.

This disease is caused by penetration of the virus HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which manifests a number of symptoms and infectious diseases. It damage of the human immune system that is unable to respond to the most frequent diseases.

The HIV virus infects T-cells, which are the structure of the immune system that recognize foreign particles in the body. They are formed in the thymus and belong to specific cellular immunity. Upon contact with extraneous substances cause a strong immune response and immediately remember the antigen. When re-invading T cells of others connections recognize and cause the appropriate immune response.

HIV virus, unlike other viruses, changes the structure of the affected cells, using your own code for the genetic material of an infected cell. He becomes its integral part. For some time the virus is latent (i.e. dormant), and then forcing T-cells to produce more virus particles that enter the blood. So the infected person becomes infectious and develops AIDS.

The effectiveness of the immune system after HIV infection is gradually reduced, and the person becomes more vulnerable to various infections and cancer.

People infected with HIV do not always have AIDS. It is reported that approximately 20% of infected appear only minor symptoms and the same percentage of infections may remain asymptomatic.

At the present time referred to the AIDS pandemic. In 2007, the disease killed 2.1 million people worldwide, most of these deaths are registered in Africa South of the Sahara. Although developed countries are conducting research to find methods of treatment and prevention of AIDS, which cost huge sums of money, there is still no drug or vaccine against this deadly disease, and its frequency is still very high. The disease affects every year many percentage of the world population, regardless of social status and position in society…

Today with treatment, however, only possible to slow down the disease and improve the quality of life of people affected by HIV. Antiretroviral drugs, however, are very expensive, and in many countries not available (the most affected by AIDS people in developing countries).

Risk factors of AIDS

Despite the fact that the HIV virus is very sensitive and can be easily neutralized by common disinfectants and physical influences, there are 3 ways of transmission.

HIV is found in body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. For transmission, in a healthy organism must penetrate a minimum amount of liquid, which is referred to as an infectious dose.

The risk of transmission is present in such circumstances:

  1. Unprotected intercourse. This path is one of the most common. A much higher risk of HIV transmission from male to female, because semen contains a far greater number of infectious particles than in vaginal secretions, in addition, women are more susceptible to infection. Previously AIDS was referred to as a disease of homosexuals, because HIV transmission during anal intercourse, the act is very simple. Today we know that is risky and normal sexual intercourse, and even oral sex. In addition, the presence of other STIs can increase the risk of transmitting the HIV virus because of the violation of epithelial barrier or the occurrence of ulcers on the genitals.
  2. Blood. HIV transmission through blood transfusion is currently almost impossible, since 1987 every blood donor is specifically controlled. Most often, however, transmission is by sharing of needles among persons with HIV infection, especially among drug users. You must also exercise caution when sharing razors, toothbrushes and other toiletries. All the surgical instruments, respectively, needles for tattoos, etc., should be properly disinfected, otherwise, there is a risk of transmissioninfections.

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  3. From mother to child. A woman infected with the HIV virus can easily transmit it to the child, either during childbirth or through breastfeeding. All pregnant women are screened for this virus because if the woman is positive, the risk of transmission can be reduced by 2/3. After birth, these women are advised not to breast-feed.

AIDS prevention

Effective prevention is a protected intercourse with a condom.

Coitus interruptus or the use of hormonal contraceptives is not sufficient protection.

Anyone who is in contact with an HIV-positive person, you must use your own toiletries, women with AIDS should not breast-feed their children.

Myths about AIDS

Despite the fact that we are talking about "modern" diseases, the population of the entire country is subject to a number of different myths.

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Most of them relates to the transmission of the disease, making the life of AIDS patients is often much more complex. Many people tend to think that you can get, for example, when shaking hands, the arms, during the General use of the pool, use one of the toilet being in the crowd with HIV-positive people, when you kiss…

In African countries, in contrast, can meet with the superstition that sexual intercourse with a virgin can cure AIDS, which is perhaps one of the reasons why on this continent the disease is so widespread.

Exactly the same is not true the assertion that tattoos and piercings are completely safe and that the disease is spreading only among homosexuals and drug addicts.

Signs and symptoms of AIDS

Immediately after infection the HIV virus usually stays dormant and thus not showing any symptoms, but this does not mean that at this stage it is not contagious.

Some time later, often after several years, the virus becomes active. Begins to multiply and infect T-lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells), reducing, thus, the body's defenses. The first symptoms typically include enlarged lymph nodes in several parts of the body (neck, armpits, groin...), fever, inflammation and rash. Can also be nausea, vomiting, headache and muscle pain, upset stomach.

In the second phase of the disease most of these symptoms disappear, begins the so-called asymptomatic phase.

Usually, about 10 years after the HIV virus enters the third phase (in children, the disease progression is faster than in adults). During this period, the immune system becomes severely damaged and can be easily exposed to various infections and cancers.

The fourth step is the full development of AIDS.

Attack by any virus, bacterium, microorganism, or parasite can lead to death. Approximately 35% of patients suffering from Kaposi's sarcoma which is a cancer manifested by spots on the skin. The risk of developing lymphoma (cancer of lymph nodes) is increased about 100 times than in healthy people. In the majority of patients in the course of the diseases are neurological problems and typical AIDS of alternating periods of improvement and deterioration of health.

How many years can you live with AIDS and HIV infection?

The average life expectancy of people infected with the HIV virus without initiation of therapy is estimated at 9-11 years. After the diagnosis of AIDS in areas without good medical care, life expectancy ranges from 6 to 19 months. It is proved that the method of treatment using anti-retroviral therapy can extend the life of HIV-infected people up to 20 years. It is believed that in subsequent decades, this period should gradually increase because of the research in this area.

treatment of AIDS

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Despite the fact that it is an incurable disease, it must be identified at an early stage. This will allow to start timely treatment aimed at relief of symptoms and the continuation of a full life.

Modern treatment for HIV infection consists of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which has been applied since 1996 and is considered to be very effective.