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The likelihood of HIV infection after a single unprotected contact

Many people believe the myth that the odds of acquiring HIV after a single unprotected contact is minimal. For this reason, they are carefree, sexually, way of life, and when one-time relations ignoring contraceptives.

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The risk of infection during a single contact

In fact it is not. It was during a single contact, HIV is transmitted much more frequently than via other routes of infection.

Every day the number of HIV-infected people increases. Unverified infected person has sexual contact occurred, is the bearer of immunodeficiency and is one of the main reasons of virus infection. Such contact can result in dire consequences not only for health, but for life.

According to the statistics of polling, the majority of patients is not something that I do not remember the names of the partner, but even have a name. This factor indicates that most people do not believe in the probability of infection during unprotected contact, which has occurred only once, and do not want to realize the danger that threatens not only their health, but some of the others.

Experts and scientists in the field of medicine, studying the immune deficiency, concluded that the chances of Contracting HIV, as well as not to be infected, about the same. Of course, the risk to acquire an infection is higher.

Perhaps it is worth considering whether unprotected intercourse, which increases the chances of Contracting HIV, and this was naturally followed by AIDS.

Immunodeficiency virus and sex of the person

When are HIV infections happening, not unimportant role is played by the gender of the person.

Between scientists and today there are constant disputes about the fact whether the same risk of HIV infection for both female and male, during a single sexual act.

Some experts are of the opinion that, Yes.

But others have quite a different point of view. They believe that for women unprotected act more dangerous. One of the main reasons is even the slightest damage in the vagina and uterus. For example, if erosion.

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Open wound promotes the penetration of infection immediately into the blood stream. After that spread the infection throughout the body already can not be avoided.

Many people mistakenly assume that during the menstrual cycle when unprotected contact, risk of infection is virtually impossible.

Women are more at risk of infection any disease that is transmitted sexually. All this happens because of ulcers and erosions, which are located on the outer and inner areas of the genitals. This factor increases the likelihood of Contracting HIV, the consequence of which is AIDS.

You also cannot forget that women have the immune system during any infectious diseases that you can get infected only by sexual contact, greatly reduces its activity. This situation further increases the chance of acquiring the human immunodeficiency virus.

Although the percentage of HIV infection in men is slightly lower – it does not mean that the safety of unprotected intercourse, guaranteed. Each male needs to remember this and to always take measures of protection.

Note that in the semen of infected men, the presence immune deficiency in much higher numbers than in secret, which allocates the vagina. This is another reason why the beautiful half of humanity more susceptible to the initiation of this disease as AIDS.

For men no less dangerous a single unprotected contact with an infected partner during the presence of such factors:

  • during the menstrual cycle,
  • in the presence of erosion or any other damage,
  • if there are still any disease, infection which occurs through the genitals.

In men pressing question is – what is the probability of HIV infection, AIDS, if contraception is to use the interrupted sexual intercourse.

This method of protection cannot be considered effective. Not depending on who is the carrier of the virus – a man or a woman secreted the semen and the secret in the act, represent a vulnerability for the partner.

The probability of infection in an unconventional way sex

Less common question and how can you get HIV if you deviate from the traditional sexual intercourse, or is it possible during other types of sexual contact to become infected?

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Scientists say that once anal contact without the use of contraception, the likelihood of becoming HIV-positive is much more than traditional sex. HIV transmission lie in the mucosa of the anus and the passage that is covered with lots of cracks and sores. Is not security and the first experience of this kind of sex.

The reason in this case lies not only in the first penetration, but also such contributing factors: improper diet, constipation, hemorrhoids, proctitis, or other similar problems.

When the sperm is deposited on the damaged surface, its penetration into the bloodstream is much faster and the cells immunodeficiency immediately begin active proliferation.

For this reason, the percentage of infection among homosexuals to HIV and AIDS is much more than in other cases.

At first glance it seems that the safe is oral sex. But it's not. Although minimal, but the risk of Contracting the immunodeficiency virus is.

In this case, the risk of infection is increased for the receiving partner. The reasons for this are damage in the oral cavity:

  • broken mucosa, the result of the slightest injury:
  • after the loss or removal of the tooth in the presence of open space to hit infections,
  • in diseases of the gums.

To have information about the acquisition of the HIV during a single sexual intercourse is not enough. Observing all the necessary precautions, you can not only risk your health but also to protect themselves fully. But in any case should not give in to passionate impulses and to ignore contraception.

If you always remember that contraceptives, condoms protect against acquisition of HIV infection by almost one hundred percent, then during a single contact to get almost no chance.

What to do after suspected exposure?

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After a single sexual intercourse with an unreliable partner, to reduce the likelihood of acquiring immunodeficiency virus, should turn to professionals to target specific drugs designed to reduce the risks of infection.

In most cases, after the course of treatment, all ends happily. Only need to apply no later than on the third day. The duration of the prevention about a month. Then do a re-examination. If the infection is still present – appointed special medicines to prevent the rapid spread of the virus in the body.

But not worth much to hope that medical intervention will be able to fully protect from HIV.

Never forget to take security measures. The best option is to engage in sexual lifestyle with only one reliable partner.