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Symptoms of AIDS in women

HIV infection is one of the most dangerous in the world. It affects the immune system, gradually spreading and reproducing the virus. It can long time does not appear, but the higher the viral load, the more the body suffers. All this leads to AIDS, manifested by certain symptoms. AIDS in women developing almost the same as in men. This disease is fatal in just a few years. Usually it is 3-5 years, and the symptoms of AIDS in women during this time are on various stages of development.

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The development of HIV infection

Usually the course of disease is divided into several stages:

  • the incubation period for HIV;
  • the first signs;
  • the addition of a secondary disease;
  • AIDS.

From the first to the last stage may take different amounts of time. It all depends on the human immune system, viral load and possible treatment. Sometimes there are cases that the disease progresses very quickly, but sometimes it happens quite the opposite and the symptoms may not appear for decades.

The manifestation of initial symptoms

When infected by HIV, the virus needs some time to propagate. Therefore, it is possible to detect immediately after infection, and after a few weeks or months. On average, this period takes from 5 weeks to 3 months. After the required number of viral cells in the organism start to show the first symptoms. They are usually similar to symptoms of colds. Among them:

  • high temperature;
  • the increase in submandibular lymph nodes;
  • fatigue;
  • muscle soreness;
  • catarrhal phenomena.

Possible manifestations of runny nose, lack of appetite, headache. It is therefore not surprising that many women perceive these signs for SARS. In the future, these symptoms gradually improve but may remain enlarged lymph nodes.

In some cases, symptoms may not occur, therefore this stage is called asymptomatic. Why this happens, the doctors can't give an exact answer. After the first manifestations of the infection symptoms go away but the virus continues to live in the body and multiply. Sometimes this stage takes several years and the immunodeficiency progresses without symptomatic manifestations.

Features symptoms in women

In addition to the main primary manifestations, the girls there are some special. They are expressed in sweating at night, fever with no other symptoms. Also, in addition to increasing the submandibular lymph nodes in the armpits, in the groin area and at the nape.

Some women suffer from a lack of appetite until anorexia, may appear vomiting or nausea. If the symptoms are the respiratory system, a cough. It will be too intense and can cause asthma attacks.

The nervous system is expressed in General weakness, drowsiness, vomiting. Some may have frequent headaches and muscle tension neck. There may be signs of a disease in the urogenital system. In this case, the enlarged lymph nodes in the inguinal region, menses become painful, and between them may experience obscure selection. Observed pelvic pain, redness of the genitals or the appearance of them ulcers and abscesses.

All of these symptoms are not HIV specific. So there are not all women. But in the case when they are repeated, it is necessary to pass the examination.

The first signs of AIDS

After the end of the primary symptoms of HIV, women may experience low-grade fever. It lasts a long time, but it can not be overlooked. But what is AIDS and what are his symptoms?

Usually one of the first symptoms are long-healed scratches and cuts. They bleed for a long time, can fester and are not amenable to the usual treatment. In the future AIDS may manifest these disorders that are secondary and weaken the body:

  • pulmonary;
  • intestinal;
  • skin lesion;
  • the defeat of the national Assembly.

These forms of illnesses significantly undermine health and flow difficult. Usually the patient does not live more than 2-3 years and ends this stage is fatal.

Pulmonary form

The woman may develop pneumonia. It will leak is very severe, not curable and very hard to influencerespiratory system. She has severe cough, visit the asthma attacks, the lungs can not give the body enough oxygen, which affects all organs and systems. So there are frequent dizziness, nausea of intoxication. Pneumonia doesn't want to be treated, gradually capturing light and burdening the state.

Intestinal form

The patient has a gastrointestinal disorder. They expressed vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain. Because of this it may be severe dehydration. A woman can not eat normally, therefore, begins to rapidly lose weight, which leads to severe anorexia. The body from lack of vitamins and minerals, which he received with food, it gets worse. Suffer nails, hair, skin. Internal organs not receiving the required amount of glucose and a woman feels lethargic and very weak.

Skin lesion

On the skin can cause sores and irritation. They can develop on their own or for small cuts and scrapes that do not want to heal. They are constantly progressing. Also they can move on to mucous membranes, bleeding. Gradually these ulcers and wounds are infected and starting to penetrate deeper, eroding the skin. So often hurt muscle tissue.

Lose NS

The nervous system responds with memory loss, apathetic state. The patient can begin the atrophy of the brain, progniusis a manifestation of meningitis or encephalitis. Frequent epileptic seizures and even all sorts of brain tumors. Dementia is developing very quickly and soon women are not able to think, and degraded health condition adds no relief to her family.

Special symptoms in women

Hitting AIDS and genitourinary system. Therefore, there are cases of developing severe forms of yeast infection not only the vagina but also in your mouth. Also present are all sexual infections, becoming brighter and with a lot of symptoms. Therefore, even dormant and harmless infections become these monsters that can make the patient's life unbearable.

If the woman in the body is cytomegalovirus, it begins to manifest itself by the growth of papillomas in a variety of places. Starts to pour herpes effects on skin and mucous membranes. You may receive the cervical cancer and other cancer of the reproductive system. This has a negative impact on the body, which the immune system is not able to cope even with the most simple disease.

What to do if you suspect

If a woman noticed a set of problems in one of the systems of the body and they are more pronounced, definitely need to get tested for HIV. This can help to identify the cause of diseases. If not, then the woman will be able to treat the disease appeared, paying enough attention to her.

If a positive result is to visit a doctor. It is impossible to postpone the visit or ashamed of their problems. After all, people with SCID do not live long, while constantly suffer from different diseases. They undermine already weak immune system and people die in 3-4 years. They can't enjoy life because all the time in the fight against the disease.

Today there are special medications that can control HIV cells. Though these drugs cannot completely destroy all the inactive cells, but they give the opportunity to contain the disease and not to bring it up to AIDS.

Medications the doctor selects individually. Periodically the patient will undergo an analysis which will help to determine viral load. This is essential for tracking the effect of the drug. When you need to replace it with another, more effective. Thanks to antiretroviral therapy, patients manage as long as possible to contain the virus, prolonging the life. The physician definitely will track and help fight off opportunistic diseases.