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Is there really HIV

In fact, about HIV and AIDS we do not know anything!

Although research and advocacy in HIV and AIDS occupy a significant place in the history of medicine, in recent years, multiplied shocking comments from experts stating that HIV and the existence of such terrible diseases as AIDS (the virus that causes immunodeficiency, which people perceived as a plague of the twentieth century) is, in fact, deception by authorities, the pharmaceutical lobby and the medical-industrial complex. Facts or not, whether there is AIDS or there are reasons to doubt that, let's look further.

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In 1998, during the International Congress on AIDS in Geneva before the world health organization (who) starving a few Spanish citizens who had discovered the infection with human immunodeficiency virus, which is known under the name HIV. Their goal was to get scientific proof of the existence of disease. Since the approval received from the US government about the discovery of the virus, it's been a long time, but, in fact, the evidence is still missing.

Doubts about the opening or... AIDS doesn't exist?

In 1984, the US government presented the world a new disease, AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, which allegedly is caused by the HIV virus. Up to the date of this notice, however, was not the only publication that would have this theory confirmed and proved. A month later, the discoverer of HIV Dr Robert Gallo – published articles that were supposed to offer a more complete picture of the virus. His theory was later refuted by the German virologist Stefan Lanka, according to which Gallo had failed to show the nature of the virus in accordance with scientific standards of Virology. On the opening day of the virus were acquired patent covering the rights for the use of the test device. Lanka rejected this act as cell culture, referred to as the basis for the patent application, was not destroyed by HIV. This fact also indicates Professor Peter Duesberg from the University of California at Berkeley. According to him, the US government introduced the virus to destroy human cells, but the patent application was not provided evidence that HIV destroys the cells. When it came to first change the definition of AIDS and increases in clinical documentation, critical theory, HIV and AIDS began to engage in many important scientists. Peter Duesberg questioned the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS, Stefan Lanka and the German sociologist Karl Krafeld evidence that HIV does not exist.

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Should be considered with the latest discoveries, by saying that AIDS does not exist?
Dr. Boyd E. graves in tracing the origin of HIV and AIDS expressed the view that the virus is not transmitted from chimpanzees to humans, as scientists initially thought, but was deliberately created at the request of the US government, as an artificial product, in the framework of the Federal program U. S. Special Virus. It ran from 1962 to 1978 and was focused on the monitoring of the development of a special virus and obtaining viral particles which would have a negative impact on human immunity. Document about this virus introduced in 1971, the head of the U.S. Special Virus Dr. Gallo, in addition, is identical with his work was the discovery of HIV in 1984.

Refuting the work of Gallo, admitted graves in his writings that the vaccine manufacturer, Merck added acquired the virus to an experimental hepatitis b vaccine, which the concern was filed in the late '70s and early' 80s years of American homosexuals, as well as in the vaccine against smallpox, is intended for black people in Africa that supposedly is today. Graves presented this case to the Supreme court after a lower court rejected his arguments as unconvincing and irrelevant. Many scientists, after they decided to admit his suspicions regarding the fact that no HIV was banned from carrying critical articles about HIV and AIDS, was also suspended their research grants. Not surprising, therefore, that science based on the theory of the virus that causes AIDS, is accompanied by many uncertainties and doubts.

Harmless retroviruses

So how are all there, inrealities? Peter Duesberg during long-term studies have concluded that HIV, like other retroviruses are harmless, and cannot cause the disease AIDS. According to him, an HIV-positive person really was checked for the presence of antibodies to the virus. Thus, if they are, then this means that a person has immunity against HIV, and infectious disease he may not break out, in addition, most retroviruses do not kill cells that regulate the immune system, they are very similar, and located in the body of every healthy person. Duesberg also refuted the claim that HIV is a slow virus, the presence of which takes 10-20 years to development, directly AIDS. If something like this were possible, the virus would have to have properties such as mutation, migration, and reactivation. Duesberg said that slow virus does not exist." It is not also a supporter of the view that we are talking about a new virus that is causing this new epidemic, because the incidence has increased significantly since 1980 in addition, there is evidence that, when among the population spreading the new virus, and its incidence is increasing exponentially, which is not the case of HIV infection, as the number of Americans infected with even after a long period of time is on the same level as in 1980.

Also important is the fact that AIDS developed only to researchers when working with patients who have undergone chemotherapy used drugs or have taken AZT, a toxic product, when used for the treatment of AIDS. This disease, in addition, according to the statistics behaves in the US and Europe differently than in developing countries. At that time, in the United States the incidence of about 90% men and 10% of women in Africa, allegedly, the ratio is 50-50. In the United States at risk of the disease are drug users and homosexuals, in Africa the incidence of AIDS accidental, according to Duesberg, the trigger is long-term malnutrition, poor sanitary conditions and many infections. It is striking that the definition of a disease is defined differently for developing and developed countries, for the diagnosis of AIDS in Africa is sufficient if the patient is suffering from a combination of specific diseases and symptoms.

For the diagnosis of AIDS in Africa is enough when the patient is sick with tuberculosis, and was suffering from malnutrition, even without the presence of the HIV virus!

Poison by prescription

The first definition of AIDS was created in 1982 in the United States the Center for control and prevention of diseases on the basis of clearly defined clinical conditions. We are talking primarily about a lung infection caused by the fungus Pneumocystis and Kaposi Kaposi skin diseases, diseases occurring irrespective of AIDS. Thus, AIDS could be diagnosed in a person only when a fungal or skin infection was not caused by another cause of immunodeficiency. When the German sociologist Karl Krafeld in 1995, asked the representatives of the German government to document at least one case of a patient with AIDS that meets the established definition, he had not received any response.

In 1986, the who changed the definition in such a way that the absence of other causes of immune deficiency just replaced side effects that need to be approved as an antiviral therapy (AZT). For the first time in the history of medicine, the use of drugs has been used as a diagnostic mechanism, and the effects of AZT were used as evidence of HIV infection, which in accordance with the approval of Krefeld allowed to artificially create an incredible amount of new cases. New antiviral therapy not only unfounded, but harmful, as it causes the complete destruction of the immune system. However, in the mid 80-ies became the drug AZT, though dangerous, but also provide patients.

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In this regard, John Lauritsen, the author of numerous publications on AIDS, in 1987, asked the FDA, the Institute approval of new drugs in the United States, a report on clinical trials of AZT. Most of the text was completely unreadable, were missing pages, some words and paragraphs were whitewashed. A clinical trial of AZT, according to Lauritsen, was characterized by negligence, lack of supervision recording form was poorly constructed and misleading. In addition, after reviewing the insufficient evidence of the effectiveness of the drug analyst, the FDA concluded that long-term AZT treatment is worse than the disease, and patients taking this medication, less able to resist infections.

Non-existent cases

All cases of AIDS records who. In order to attain a grade of a "real" number of already reported cases are multiplied by a coefficient, which is constantly increasing. At that time, in 1996 the total number of African cases was multiplied by 12 in a few years, the rate making 38, while the condition of the patients increased by 4 million the Latest statistics show that the number of people infected with HIV in 2010 reached a record 34 million, the Number of patients since the early 80-ies were formed together, i.e. koumoulirovati. This type of registration isunusual, according to experts, because it provides the results. Cumulative data will grow, despite the fact that each year adds only a few new cases. The German magazine "Das Deutsche Ärzteblatt", commenting on the issue, wrote: "the Only point of this presentation is that a large number of diseases will bring a lot of public money. The one who shouts the loudest, one who reassures and frightens the population, will receive the highest support."

A new global epidemic, according to many scientists, has become a tool of distraction from the real problems of the democratic world, control of the increase in world population, as well as the acquisition of control sexual deviant and drug abuse, which by the end of 70s in the USA and defied social control. Sex and blood epidemic perfectly met these requirements, in addition, promised huge economic benefits. Companies AIDS thus reaped unprecedented success by manipulating the number of infected and warned mankind from a threat that has never been scientifically proven.

Campaign AIDS at the time, swallowed huge sums of money, and Finance on problems with other serious diseases.

Yes or no? Who is right?

As mentioned above, in recent years the attention of many people turned to the message that AIDS (immune deficiency) does not cause HIV! It's a pretty bright and innovative information!

Perhaps we are talking about a kind of joke?
If so, the elimination of "inconvenient" people would be possible without a direct physical impact. There would be no need for biological weapons, which could be an undesirable person to infect. In fact, it is enough through a complex bureaucracy to announce the presence in his body of the HIV virus and that he was dying from the disease.

Imagine a situation. You are the man, who was diagnosed with HIV infection. Your body and psyche go into shock. You are in mortal danger, from which not yet see the exit. You go home and want to learn to live with that feeling. Trying to integrate into normal life. But your mind feels like you're in mortal danger. Biologically your body is in a state of progress. You never fully feel the relaxation, true relaxation, not just sleep from exhaustion. After a few days it may be in order. Suddenly (Oh, the horror!) you have a cough. Suddenly return the feelings that you experienced at the time of diagnosis of HIV infection. We have only the cough, but are you sure that this is a manifestation of the weakening of the immune system in HIV. Cough after a few days subsides, and there comes a bad flu. Your mind humbled with the thought of death. You consent to receiving toxic drugs that promise to give you some additional time in life.

No matter present in your body, the virus is HIV or not, the following happens. Your psyche is being destroyed at an unimaginable scale. The body is exposed to highly toxic drugs, and the body can no longer handle it. Man dies…

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Recycling is successful. If these arguments seem far-fetched, try to look for answers to the following questions!

  1. What is the sensitivity and specificity of the HIV tests?
  2. Who and under what clinical trials made the decision on the use of AZT as a treatment for HIV-infected people?
  3. In addition, I wonder why the who (world health organization) is the definition of AIDS for Africa, USA and Europe? All these definitions are different that is totally non-standard in science. Newton's laws are the same everywhere, whether in Africa or in Europe. Any other scientific definition is also applied in the same way. Why AIDS is different?
  4. Why statistics of HIV positive people in Africa is cumulative? That is, if the who indicates 0,62 million registered HIV cases in Africa since November 1997, these figures include those people who are already dead. In addition, this number is multiplied by a factor, which from year to year grows to subsequently record that as of November 1997, in Africa, there were 10.4 million registered cases of HIV infection. Isn't the manipulation of statistics? Worry people unnecessarily.
  5. Is there another retrovirus, except HIV?
  6. What is the difference between HIV1 and VICH2?
  7. Everywhere claim that condoms are impermeable to HIV. This begs the question, when and who conducted the tests, condoms, and some experimental studies, it was concluded that condoms are impermeable to HIV?
  8. Robert Gallo was presented only by the fact that Montagnier sent him to study. Montagnier himself admits that, in 1983, Gallo sent the substance for examination. This substance, of course, was not isolated the virus. Gallo admitted that this substance is opening.

Virus isolation and photographed in the electron microscope is essential for the proof of the existence of the new virus. In the case of HIV, nobody ever did. For example, the existence of adenoviruses mayshown these photos, but HIV is still not proven.

The other side of the coin: doctors warn: people in developed countries have stopped being afraid of AIDS
In that time, both on the African and Asian continent, there seems to be almost unmanageable, the AIDS epidemic, the inhabitants of developed countries have allowed themselves to lull the fears of a virus that frightened the people for many decades. Therefore, doctors warn of second wave of expansion... of this incurable disease.

In 1979, when American scientist Robert Gallo was presented at the conference in France, his discovery of the new virus, he had no idea that he was able to identify the culprit, which in subsequent years will kill young people and even children.

The new virus belonged to, almost unknown at that time, the group of retroviruses, which many did not know. They were investigated in the first place, on suspicion of facilitating the emergence of cancer.

Approximately three years later, Gallo suggested that the virus that apparently causes AIDS. The disease was already known, but experts did not know its cause.

The disease has become a serious problem among gay men, injecting drug users, and hemophiliacs.

The French team of doctors headed by scientist Luc Montagnier, meanwhile, investigated not only new viruses, and samples from the lymph nodes of patients suffering from them swelling. At that time he appeared only in young gay men.

Experts wondered if the swelling could be an early symptom of AIDS. Above the sample, which had the label "lymph node-BRU" (the name of the patient), then there have been many experiments.

During their research, the doctors came to the surprise, the disappointment that is filled with expectation and tension. The virus, which then appeared, was named LAV.

In 1983 Robert Gallo in Washington and Luc Montagnier in Paris almost simultaneously announced that they have identified the virus which causes the mysterious disease AIDS.

Who was the first?

The dispute between the authors, each of which is a virus called differently, decided only in court. The debate has even been joined by the Prime Minister of France Jacques Chirac and U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

In 1994, the world health organization (who) introduced a single mark for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Differentiate types of HIV-1 (considered hazardous), and HIV-2.

Scientists Gallo and Montagnier, despite controversy, still cooperate in the investigation of treatment options. Even in unison that the vaccine against the disease may be created in a few years.

Until now, the only remedy is prevention, and continuously improved the combination of medicines that may "mute" the virus in the body and delay the onset of AIDS.

Media hysteria?

First reaction on opening the mysterious causative agent of the disease that cannot be cured, among professionals emerged, mainly, caution, at that time, as among ignorant people with fear.

16 June 1983 doctors groopman Jerome, and Michael S. Gottlieb began his article about AIDS in the journal "Nature" by comparing the reactions of the American media to the explosion of the AIDS epidemic, with an apocalyptic vision of the poet Yeats the coming of the Antichrist: "All the greater is VIR and wider circle that inexorably pulls the world to destruction." However, the statistics that are themselves scientists quoted in the article indicate that the reaction of the media was quite clear.

In America at that time came to an exponential increase in the number of AIDS cases, in which daily there were 3-4 cases. However, while many experts derided the media inducing panic. The common approach of scientists…

The relative calm, however, is of such a serious situation. It was really necessary to trigger an alert through the media.

None of the doctors, even the biggest pessimist, at that time did not imagine the true scale of the impending tragedy. However, an article in "Nature" found that people who are already infected, may be much more than expected.

Only 5% of those infected are drug addicts. Reduced the number of people that allow examination on a voluntary basis.

HIV and the XXI century

In the 90-ies of XX century, has informed the company began to worry. New trends also contributed to films about AIDS, the fight began celebrities, the most famous case of which was the singer Freddie mercury.

Today, at the beginning of the new Millennium, when a drug that can cure the disease completely, does not exist, the prevalence of the disease progresses in 2 totally different directions. The first of these is the uncontrolled flow in Africa and Asia.

The second wave runs in developed countries. Here, however, in recent years, fear of contamination starts to wane. Condoms are not to the same extent as 10 years ago. At the same time, since the early 90-ies in the United States is growing every year arrives 40000 infected. The epidemic is, again, concentrated among youth.

Second wave

How could it happen that the population of developed countries has ceased to be afraid of a disease that has already claimed 25 million lives? There are a couple of reasons. Developed new modern drugs which, although have side effects, andthe disease may acquire resistance to them, but people living with HIV survive on this medication for a long time.

Doctors warn that HIV infection is still considered a disease that is more related to the homosexual members of society or drug addicts, but it's not. Currently, in Europe 30% of infected people are heterosexuals who do not use drugs.