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Herpes virus 1 and 2 symptoms

Herpes is a fairly common disease, which affects most people, 10% of the population not infected with this disease. However, it works only 17-20%, but others have no symptoms of the disease and may not show themselves for a lifetime. Viruses of the Herpesvirales squad, which belong to the family Herpesviridae that cause herpes. The disease is serious for the skin, nervous tissue, and mucosa. You can distinguish between herpes 1 and 2 types. They are similar, but the structure of the outer membrane are different. Herpes type 1 is labialis herpes, genital includes herpes type 2. Herpes simplex virus 1 and type 2, are similar, namely, they have similarities at the genetic level. They are similar to 50 %, but rather their DNA. The point is that the herpes virus type 1 as well as the second may be a latent process. What's the meaning of that? People can be infected and not even knowing it. And just at the moment when the body is most weak, such as during illness, herpes manifests itself.

Virus gerpesa 1 i 2 tipa simptomy

How it looks

Surely everyone has seen, or other people unsympathetic small pimples, which look like pustules, most often they are located on the lip. And later covered with a crust, so it looks like herpes. Before the vesicles appear, the person feels the burning, irritation, itching. It's not uncommon for the virus always appears in the same place. This suggests that the infection is linked to certain nerves. After about 2 weeks, all signs disappear.

The symptoms of genital herpes of the first type often does not manifest itself, or very little, people may not even notice them. Or come up with not frequent, and you can see one or two bubbles, which will not occur painful.

The stages of emergence:

Stage 1 – the irritability of the site. Itching is felt not only on the surface, but it seems that he is inside.

Stage 2 – the site of the lesion swells up a bit and bubbles appear.

Stage 3 – the bubbles burst and from these fluid flows.

Stage 4 – the appearance of ulcers and their healing.

In some cases observed immediately re-complication, which is often even more acute.

How is the infection

The most dangerous it is for women aged 20 to 35 years. Infected person herpes type 1 through kissing or contact with saliva with the virus to another person. And genital herpes, the disease is located on the second place among the diseases that are transmitted sexually. Enters the virus even after looking quite normal skin or oral cavity, where no signs of herpes, but if the virus is in the body of a man, and he is active, then the risk of transmission of herpes is high. Also can be transmitted through shared utensils.

Virus gerpesa 1 i 2 tipa simptomy

With regard to primary infection, it often occurs in childhood approximately at the age from six months to 2 years. In the first six months the child is protected from the virus by maternal antibodies. When a person is infected, the virus either does not manifest itself, or it can be seen in the form of stomatitis, as well as labeling herpes rash on mouth and lips. Then, when all the symptoms disappear, herpes never leaves the body, and is in a "dormant" form. Using the nerve endings as a guide, the virus sneaks in the nerve plexus, where it remains. Herpes is not growing, sometimes it gets to the saliva, or appears on the skin, in some cases the mucous. To herpes can cause frostbite, reduced immunity, nerves, menstruation, sunburn, excessively strict diet, overwork, trauma and infection.

For most people it is not dangerous, as bears only slight discomfort, and is a cosmetic disadvantage of jumping on the lips and nose. But people who suffer serious diseases a little worse, as it may further infect the internal organs.

The classification of types of herpes

According to the generally accepted classification of herpes is divided into recurrent genital herpes and primary.

When the virus becomes harmless

After 10 hours in the middle of an infected cell, the virus manifests itself, and the maximum this number is after 15 hours. Cell that produces approximately 10-100 infectedparticles and 1 ml of the contents of sores is from 1000 to 10 million virus particles. Particles can be destroyed at 50-52 degrees for half an hour, with a 37.5 degree they need 20 hours can survive long in tissues.

Virus gerpesa 1 i 2 tipa simptomy

On the surfaces of metal the virus is active for 2 hours, on such materials as plastic and wood he lives no more than 3 hours on a damp medical gauze, at room temperature it dies after 6 hours. In the nerve cells of ganglia regional sensitive nerves, it remains for life, which is a unique phenomenon.

Of the disease and complications caused by the herpes

  1. There were cases when recurrences and symptoms of oral herpes caused discomfort in humans, in particular, had trouble staying in society that can lead to problems of a psychological nature, and even serious disorders. If a person has genital herpes, a problem may arise on the grounds of deterioration of sexual life. But this problem, like many other psychological disorders can be solved, just with time, a person gets used to living with herpes.
  2. As mentioned earlier, many people who suffer from serious diseases, herpes can take an acute form. For example, people suffering from cancer, or HIV infection. They have frequent relapses, disease complications, and other diseases caused on the basis of transfer of infection.
  3. Neonatal herpes is fortunately rarely encountered, but in some cases fatal illness, it is the baby who was given the virus during childbirth. Especially dangerous is the disease, if the mother was infected late in pregnancy during the second or third trimester, there is a great chance that the virus will be transferred to the child. As in the mother's body, not yet time to stand out special antibodies that are passed from woman to woman. And in the case when the damaged placenta, the baby may be infected in the womb, this kind of herpes is considered to be innate. Girls who were ill before pregnancy, in their case, the probability of infecting the baby is very small.
  4. If a person has the virus type 1 in the body, and it is constantly popping up on the face, a considerable likelihood that he will subsequently suffer from genital herpes.
  5. If there is herpes in the mouth area, it can lead to diseases such as stomatitis and gingivitis.

What you need to know patients

People who have herpes contagious and can hurt not only others, but himself, for example, it can transfer the virus from the skin to the eyes or genitals. So you need to try as much as possible to touch the affected area hands and especially dirty. Each time by touching the place you need to thoroughly wash hands. The patient should be separate utensils, towels, and other means through which when in contact can pass the disease to another person. It is impossible to try to squeeze the bubbles or pop them, as this may lead to an increase in the affected area of infection. Not to tear crust. It is very important to be patient and wait for the self-healing infection. At this time, you should try to unsubscribe from kissing or other oral contact. Who use contact lenses, they should not be moistened with saliva. Antiviral ointment is better to apply special cotton swab, disk, but not with your finger. And generally try as little as possible to touch him.

With genital herpes should avoid sexual contact, and regularly disinfect the toilet seat. As mentioned earlier on the surface of the plastic, the virus can live for 3 hours. This means that a healthy person can become infected if not enough time has passed after contact.


If you know you have a tendency to herpes, and in any other case, should be the prevention of disease. Basically herpes signals weak immunity. So you need to prevent all the factors that may affect it, and constantly try to strengthen it.

  1. To take vitamin complexes.
  2. When outbreaks of SARS and influenza should try to avoid crowded places where they can become infected.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Try not to be nervous.
  5. To lead a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Eat well.
  7. If you feel itching at the site where herpes usually POPs up. It is necessary in this place to sunscreen. If you just suppress the infection, she may stop. But here the main thing not to overdo it, not to abuse the tool, as it is likely to get chemical burns.

How to avoid herpes

As mentioned previously, many are sick with this disease, and to protect themselves is very difficult, but at least you can try. And the main point is good hygiene.

Virus gerpesa 1 i 2 tipa simptomy
  1. Girls can't use a lipstick, gloss and lip pencil with the other person.
  2. To avoid common dishes.
  3. Not with a friend to share a cigarette.
  4. In public showers and in toilets, it is advisable not to touch the surface, especially if you did not pre-disinfection.
  5. Often need to washhands with soap and water, necessarily, each time coming from the street and when they are able.
  6. When you have sex with an untested partner to use a condom.
  7. If your partner was sick with genital herpes, it would be better to go to the hospital and treated. In General, the treatment will be aimed at increasing the immune system.

Herpes during pregnancy

About the disease, it is necessary to inform the doctor that he was aware of this particular organism. And in case of need was able to pick up the most suitable drug. Often, the doctor will prescribe a special ointment, promotes rapid healing of the sores, or prevention.

A specialist can prescribe special medications that will need to take twice a day, morning and evening.


As for the treatment of herpes 1, sufficiently lubricated with a special ointment affected skin area. Is vitamins and products with a high content of healthy microelements. In more severe cases, apply the pills.

However, if herpes does not pass after 2 weeks, you should consult a dermatologist so he can recommend more effective treatment for herpes type 1. It can also be a signal more serious diseases, such as HIV infections or tumors. And in any case, if the body has any violations, the herpes first reports about it.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no drug that could suppress herpes completely. And even in the "dormant" state it remains in the body. But there are those that reduce the development of the disease.

An error of judgment

Herpes is not transmitted through the air. This is one of incorrect misconceptions, in fact he's very dangerous, and the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, you should avoid close contact with infected people.

Herpes is always only one of the symptoms of the common cold. Actually it is not so, herpes is a separate infection that can manifest itself.

Rash on lips indicate that the person recovers. Frequently encountered, but erroneous judgment. Rash on the lips, says only that the flu weakened the immune system of a person.

If left wound, the person is completely healthy. Unfortunately, it is a myth, the virus remains with the person for life.

You can get infected only when a person has a rash on his lips. Indeed, in this period the disease is most dangerous. But you can become infected and apparently healthy person through saliva and microcracks.

Herpes on the lips can lead to genital. Another false judgment, often through oral-sexual contact. Herpes on lips causes genital.

A condom protects against herpes. Of course this method of contraception reduces the risk of virus infection, but not fully 100% guarantee. The virus can be transmitted through the open areas of the body, or if the product is not of sufficient quality. However, it is still better than to use a condom, or to use other methods of contraception. Albeit small, but there is a chance to avoid the disease.

To cauterize the rash with iodine, brilliant green and alcohol. You cannot use the above medicines for treatment of the disease, they did not improve the condition, and I can even worsen the situation. For example, to burn the skin. It is better to apply an antiseptic to was not yet of pus. But in General, for the treatment has special ointments. Which should be used.

Herpes only aesthetically unpleasant. In most cases it is, but not always. Actually herpes can infect the internal organs and is very unpleasant and dangerous disease. Therefore, you should follow the state of your immune system.