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Herpes on the face treatment

Are you concerned about herpes?

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Herpetic rashes (including a rash on the face) are the most common skin disease caused by viruses. Herpes on the skin as well as genital, were known since the Greek civilization and virtually all over the world. It affects the skin and nervous tissue. In the United States, problems such as the herpes on the cheek, lips, and even cold sores on eyebrow familiar, about 80 million people... So it is not surprising that an increasing number of people asks a question how to cure herpes on the face (and how to treat herpes on the face), how fast can you cure herpes on the face what is herpes on the face symptoms and signs, etc.

Herpes on the face causes

Up to 2-years of age approximately 5% of children are protected from the herpes virus with antibodies from the mother. From the third year to 14 years, an increasing level of morbidity, so that in adults infected with the disease are about 50-70% of people.

Transmission of this infection is herpes simplex 1 labialis is possible through direct contact with sick or droplets (by sneezing, talking, etc.). This type of herpes virus most often is manifested by lesions on the lips or in their vicinity, but can also occur around the nasal inputs on the cheeks, eyelids, chin, neck, i.e., type 1 affects mostly the upper body.

20-50% of the adult population is striking herpes simplex genitalis – 2 type. This type of herpes occurs, in particular, on the lower half of the body, especially on the external genitals and buttocks. The disease is transmitted sexually and, therefore, included in the number of sexually transmitted diseases (infected whom, by the way, you can easily and quickly).

How does the infection manifest?

The first contact with the herpes virus occurs mostly asymptomatic. After healing manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes, the virus retreats to nerve roots of the corresponding body region, and being there at rest, survives. Migrated primary infection activates the in the human body the formation of protective antibodies that subsequently protect most people from further manifestations of the infection. They usually herpes does not appear on the lifetime. Someone, however, suffers from the disease again, and even there are people who the disease affects very often. From the inactive state in the nerve ganglia of the virus due to various provocative factors of awakening, and is transported back into the skin and mucous membranes, causing new manifestations of infection. Known for provocative highlights include:

  • febrile illness,
  • excessive sunbathing,
  • some foods and drinks,
  • stress,
  • lack of sleep and rest,
  • fatigue,
  • hormonal changes (in women, for example, during menstruation).
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Thus, the disease can affect up to 20% of the population. Always these States are associated with a decrease in the resistance of the body.

Each herpes infection occurs in four stages:

Stage 1 – the so-called prodromal phase

Manifested by the following symptoms:

  • itch,
  • burning,
  • pricking,
  • the tension and soreness of the skin.

As a rule, these manifestations represent warning signs about the approaching infection.

Phase 2 – phase blisters

Reddened skin gets enough sleep a group of small, rapidly growing and merging to form transparent blisters. Their content is evidence of the presence of bacterial infection, and herpes moves to the next stage.

Phase 3 – phase sputum and crusts

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The bubbles gradually burst. Formed painful and oozing sores that are covered by dry crusts of tissue fluid, often bloody.

Stage 4 – phase healing

The scabs gradually flake, and 7-14 days to fully heal without scarring. For several days at the site of healed herpes lesions can persist slightly pinkish spots.

What is the maximum discomfort is able to deliver manherpes?

The most unpleasant for people with herpes, usually the stage of blisters and, subsequently, sputum. Ulcers difficult to heal cracks often bleed and hurt. They, as a rule, it is impossible to speak, let alone smile or a kiss. Genital ulcers are also extremely painful, there is burning, sometimes it can appear and pain during urination and back pain.

Herpes on the face treatment. Is there an effective treatment for herpes on the face?

The question how to cure the disease, is ambiguous. The drug, which could quickly heal cold sores and prevent new ones from occurring, unfortunately, still does not exist.

Most people with herpes do not have herpes sores a lot of difficulties, they have enough local treatment. In some very complicated cases of herpetic infection, e.g., children, patients with severe diseases, accompanied by a General decline in immunity, in place of comprehensive treatment with modern antiviral drugs. These procedures should always be put in the hands of a doctor!

But, back to the local treatment. At the prodromal stage it is advisable to use modern antiviral ointments and creams, which in this phase is applied 5 times daily on the affected area. They are able to prevent the dispersion of lesions or at least reduce the duration of treatment of the disease.

But what if cold sores appear at night, when the warning signs of a person just going to sleep? It is usual and frequent question people. If you have blisters – I never pierce! In this case, there is always the risk of infection. After applying medication on the blisters always wash your hands with warm water and soap. You need to keep the affected area clean with a disinfectant, and to dry the blisters alcohol solutions. The infected person should use their own Cutlery and glasses for drinking, own towel, no kissing at that time is a necessary condition. For the treatment peels are appropriate ointment that contains antibiotics which help to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

Can natural methods and dietary measures assist in the treatment of cold sores, or prevent the development of disease?

In relation to natural methods we should mention the healing properties of garlic or red wine. She has published more than 800 scientific studies indicating the positive effects of garlic on human health. It reduces the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood, has a positive effect on the immune system. This occurs in particular due to the content of allicin, a substance in respect of which showed antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Garlic should not be used before surgery (because this product extends the period of bleeding), and people who are allergic to garlic, the consumption of garlic in lactation go mixed opinions. Sometimes garlic can cause digestive problems to a certain extent, this undesirable effect can eliminate garlic pills. In the often quoted book by Christine Northrup's "Women's bodies, women's wisdom" the author in the Chapter about genital herpes offers an alternative to modern antiviral drugs, which is this scheme: garlic daily every 4-6 hours, 1000 mg of vitamin C and bioflavonoids, 500 mg of L-lysine. Of course, this is a common recommendation, but it is worth it to try.

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About the diet rich in lysine and low in arginine, also published a lot of information. This is related to the fact that cells infected with the virus contain proteins rich in arginine and low in lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and isoleucine. Foods with a favorable ratio of lysine/arginine include, for example, various types of cheese, milk and dairy products, margarine, mango, papaya, apricots, apples, pears, figs, avocados, seafood, potatoes, tomatoes, meat, beans, peaches, peas , plums, cauliflower, onions. On the contrary, it is unsuitable chocolate, gelatin, various types of nuts, almonds, peanut butter, rice.

Wine, especially red, has been used for medicinal purposes already in the ancient civilizations of Persia, Babylon, Egypt, and later the people of Ancient Greece and Rome. It is known for its excellent antiseptic properties. The wine contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids. We are talking about these compounds, such as quercetin, resveratrol, epicatechin.

Vitamin C, a known antioxidant, also has a positive effect on the protective properties of the organism.