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Yeast infection treatment in women breastfeeding

What causes thrush during pregnancy

The fungus that causes yeast infection lives in every woman, being a usual "resident" of the body. But certain factors, it begins to multiply rapidly, turning into a real problem. One of these factors is pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy, hormonal changes, immune system is a little weak and during birth the body is experiencing stress. After starting breast-feeding, night no rash, that only weakens the body. All this contributes to the reproduction of the fungus Candida. But starting early treatment of yeast infection during pregnancy, you can quickly remove it.

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The symptoms of yeast infection

The appearance of thrush appear vaginal problems and wonder the mammary glands of lactating women. Symptoms manifest almost immediately. Among them:

  • itching and burning sensation in the vagina,
  • white cheesy discharge,
  • nipple itching and peeling skin,
  • discharge from the nipple.

In this case the nipple becomes red, painful to the woman to feed the child. They can swell and sometimes crack. Searing pain she feels not only on the nipple, but within the breast. Sometimes you can confuse this symptom with lactose. In this case, trying to develop the mammary gland, but only bring pain and burning. If thrush in nursing moms is not treated, it leaves the fed abandoning HS.

It is important to consult a doctor and undergo treatment. After all, if the mother would not treat a candidiasis, manifested even in the breast, it will become a threat for the baby. The fungus will cause him considerable discomfort, and in addition the mother will need to treat and the baby.

Yeast infection treatment

Assign self-treatment of yeast infection during lactation is not recommended. This is especially true of oral medications, because some of them have a negative effect on the quality and usefulness of milk. Prescribe treatment can only be a doctor, given the characteristics of women and of the disease itself.

The woman can prescribe pills, suppositories or ointments. In case of pills are not suitable for all. Doctors try to minimize the medication, and rely more on vaginal suppositories and ointments. There are vaginal tablets. They cannot be used inside. They are intended for vaginal administration. Before the introduction of its dip for a few seconds in warm water and injected into the vagina.

Lechenie molochnicy u zhenshin pri grudnom vskarmlivanii

Medications contain antifungal components, among which the most popular are: clotrimazole, miconazole, econazole, ketoconazole.

They are able to reduce the growth of the fungus and return your vaginal environment back to normal. With the defeat of by a fungus the nipples, use a cream or gel with same ingredients.

Yeast infection treatment at GW on average lasts at least seven days. If a woman in a few days, felt better and stopped treatment, after some time fungus will return. Course is necessary to pass through, because interrupting his disease will return. This will develop resistance to the drug.

Help in the treatment of

The appearance of thrush when breast-feeding is always worried. But apart from the proper treatment you can use multiple assistants. They will facilitate the state, will help to relieve the itching and redness.

One of the most famous assistants is a solution of soda. When assigned to treatment with certain medications it is not necessary to douche with this solution. But it can be used for wiping the external genitalia and nipples for a treat. The solution helps to relieve itching. 1 liter of water add a tablespoon of baking soda.

Not less convenient decoction of chamomile. 500 ml of water should be 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers. After cooking it, strain and use to wash the genitals, nipples, and even for irrigation. The decoction relieves itching, helps to reduce redness and inflammation.

For sedentary baths to prepare some warm water with added tea tree oil. This oil is known for its antifungal properties, so it will help to alleviate the condition. 5 gallons of water 4-5 drops of oil. Pour water into small bowl and sit in it for around 15-20 minutes. Before using the oil be sure to check for an allergic reaction.

How to avoid candidiasis nipple

To monitor the hygiene of the breast in lactation period is very important. This will help to avoid problems with them and the child will be able to eat, not contracted from the mother. Rules for careseveral.

  1. Before and after feeding rinse nipples.
  2. To maintain hygiene underwear.
  3. If you need to use nipple covers.
  4. To follow the diet.
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Do not need thoroughly with soap to wash the nipples and also carefully wipe them. This will lead to dryness, flaking and even cracking. Enough to do it easily and do not RUB them. Clean linen not less important. Because sometimes happens that milk from the breast begins to leak out, soiling the clothes. If you leave to change, it is fraught with negative consequences. Proper nutrition helps the production of milk in sufficient quantity, because it is necessary for nutrition of the baby.

Necessary actions to protect with a yeast infection

Yeast infection treatment during lactation in addition to the medications accept some variants of protection. They help you to feel more comfortable and to protect against repeating candidiasis.

One of the most important action is the treatment of the sexual partner. If postpartum sex life going, you need to be treated from fungal along with her husband. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medicine man in the form of tablets or cream.

Do not forget about the hygiene of underwear. Some suggest to use pads daily, others call proterivanje underwear and timely changes in the secretions. Each woman chooses a more convenient way depending on the situation.

From the diet should exclude flour products and sweets. That sugar is a breeding ground for fungus, and by reducing the amount that reduced the candidiasis. Better to eat dairy products.

It is not recommended to use antibiotics. They only worsen the situation, negatively affecting the state of the microflora and destroying it. So you need to consult with your doctor and he will prescribe suitable treatment method.

If the treatment is not helping

It happens that the woman started the treatment and after a week the symptoms absolutely do not pass. The allocation is not decreased, and itching and burning remain in some cases.

  1. Perhaps I had a relapse due to taking antibiotics. Also this happens in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  2. If a woman does not adhere to all of the prescriptions and doctor's appointments, missed medications, and did not observe the proper reception.
  3. In some cases this may not be a yeast infection, and other disease of the genital organs, it is not associated with the fungus.
  4. Sometimes thrush causes a different strains of Candida. He treated other drugs.
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To heal and to be healthy, to enjoy communication with your baby every woman wants. It is only necessary in time to see a doctor and the right to follow his assignments.