Effective treatment of thrush in men

Male thrush – (not) known disease

Many men believe that a yeast infection can suffer only women. Unfortunately, this is not quite true. The problem of yeast infection for men is as topical as it is for women, and equally this disease can have serious consequences. Because of excessively rapid growth of the fungus causing the disease in case of insufficient therapy can intervene in the internal organs, and even affect the way of thinking! In this article we will look at how this fungal infection looks, but also know what are the most suitable methods for the treatment of thrush in men read the words on the prevention and, eventually, declassify a few common myths.

Effektivnoe lechenie molochnicy u muzhchin

Fungal diseases, including thrush, is caused by a fungus, in professional circles called Candida (Candida). It is a unicellular fungus and occurs in the human body quite often. His appearance in a healthy organism is limited, so he "lives" with a man in a form known as commensalism – a relation that is useful for the coexistence of one organism and doesn't matter (not harmful) for another.

Breaking this fragile balance, however, can reach quite easily. A classic example is the use of antibiotics or Smoking. Because of these fungi pulses "out of control" and begin to multiply excessively, which can lead to many health problems. Treatment of fungi, including Candida, is complex and lengthy. In order to cure yeast infection it is not enough to eliminate the local symptoms. To treatment male yeast infection (as, indeed, female) to be effective, you must make the appropriate changes in lifestyle. Otherwise, recurring yeast infections can become, literally, your worst nightmare. The incubation period, fungal infections (including thrush) is 4-10 days.

Risk factors in the development of fungal infections

In life situations may arise that contribute to unhealthy overgrowth of the yeast fungi. Therefore, in order subsequently to wonder how to treat yeast infection man, good to know about the disease and be prepared. Be careful, especially with the following factors:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Smoking.
  • Prolonged stress.
  • Diabetes.
  • Bowel disease (as you probably know from the commercials, in the intestine there is a large part of our immune system).
  • Steroid use.
  • Another weakening of the body (AIDS, chemotherapy, etc.).
  • Excessive consumption of sugar (it promotes the growth and reproduction of the fungus).
Effektivnoe lechenie molochnicy u muzhchin

How to determine the presence of fungal infection?

The first symptoms multiplied the number of fungi, usually appear on the skin. Fungus loves heat and humidity, so it is best thrives in skin folds (groin, under the foreskin on the head, etc.). In men, the signs make themselves known a little later than women (and sometimes the activity of the fungus on the skin is not reflected at all!), so if you come back from the gynecologist with a confirmed diagnosis of thrush, urgently consider the question of how and what to treat her husband.

But back to the symptoms of candidiasis. Men often suffer from the penis. On it you experience the following symptoms:

  • A painful swelling.
  • Redness.
  • Red spots on the head.
  • White blisters or dryness.
  • Roughness or scaling of the skin.

Especially looks unsightly condition, which is popularly known as "Firebird". The penis becomes swollen and covered with white fungal secretions. This phenomenon, however, occurs after several days of redness and swelling. Timely treatment can prevent this bad condition.

Other symptoms include itching and burning of the skin, as well as a cutting pain during urination or testicular pain. In any case, if there are any suspicious changes in the genitals (or perhaps in the anus), it is advisable to visit a urologist or dermatologist. In the case of a strange rash in the groin, in turn, go to the dermatologist.

A separate Chapter is the presence of fungi in the oral cavity (the disease may occur, for example, after oral sex with an infected partner). Maybe you've heard of him in connection with young children, the disease is characterized by the typical white coating in the mouth or on the tongue, which is not erased.

Fungal infection, including thrush, often accompanied by sugar cravings. The fungus needscarbohydrates, to be able to grow and multiply so sending urgent signals to the brain. In this regard, a person affected by a fungus in the long term, can begin to uncontrollably consume sweet products.

The fungus is a frequent complication of conventional diaper rash. Beware therefore, in the first place, too tight clothes, the wrong washing powder (contact Allergy causes a rash), lack of or, conversely, excessive hygiene, irritating cosmetic products or excessive Masturbation with the use of inadequate lubrication. Even a small flaw can become a suitable "gateway" for the fungus.

Treatment of thrush in men (and women)

The treatment of the disease should always be prescribed by a doctor based on microbiological or other special examinations. It is necessary to exclude other serious diseases that can manifest similarly. In the case of thrush like any other fungal infection, of course, true rule, that than before you entered treatment, the faster and more efficient it will be. A long delay in the application of home treatment or attempts at self-medication on the advice of "experienced" friends (girlfriends) in this case, of course, impractical.

Effektivnoe lechenie molochnicy u muzhchin

You should take into account that fungus is not a local problem, in the course of this disease involved the entire body. It would seem, cured the thrush after a few weeks again will make itself felt, if not effectively eliminate the cause – generally she is represented by the weakening of the immune system. The cornerstone of treatment, of course, are antifungals. They can be introduced in the form of ointments (typically, over-the-counter) or accepted peroralno form (by prescription). However, even nonprescription drugs should preferably be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

In the course of treatment and for some time after it is also advisable to follow a diet low in sugar. Treatment, therefore, is performed in two directions: medications destroy the fungus, and limiting sugar to prevent its re-occurrence.

Forbidden (preferably, completely) the products include:

  • Sugar (any).
  • White flour.
  • Yeast and yeast products.
  • Foods made from cow's milk (except fermented products).
  • Alcohol.
  • Too sweet fruits (bananas, pears, melons, etc.).

On the contrary, recommended:

  • Produce.
  • Leguminous crop.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Products from goat's milk.
  • Fish.
  • Various seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, etc.).

To follow this diet, because the normal treatment of fungal infection does not exceed fourteen days. In the case of more serious problems and the extent of the disease will need to follow this diet for some time after treatment to prevent recurrence of the disease.

If the partners are sexually active should be simultaneous treatment of both, even in the absence of one of them characteristic symptoms. Binding is a protected sexual intercourse or temporary abstinence. Unprotected intercourse can lead to mutual transmission of pathogens, treatment may be extended, or even not to show efficiency.

For thrush in the mouth use gentian violet purchased at a pharmacy. RUB the affected areas after each meal, and in that case, if the condition does not improve within 3-4 days, contact your doctor. Dietary measures are common. Can also help to rinse with the use of tea tree oil or aloe Vera.

Supportive therapy involves the local application on the affected areas tea tree oil (if you are taking oral medications) are recommended 4-5 times a day to drink mate tea, which has a light antibiotic effect. Who likes, can eat every day a small amount of garlic, which acts in a similar way (but watch out for stomach problems. – in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract garlic is not recommended).

Good effect also show baths with the addition of black tea.

In addition, it is important to support the immune system, ideally with the help of lactic acid bacteria and vitamin preparations sold in pharmacies. But the most important is a healthy lifestyle (physical exercise, moderate food and plenty of fresh air). Without this you will not help even the most expensive vitamin preparations!

Risks infection if untreated

Among the people believed that yeast infection is relatively harmless, but the reverse is true. Fungal infections, by far, should not be underestimated. Its first symptoms (manifesting on the skin) or acute manifestation, ultimately, develop into a chronic condition. This disease can create such problems that people, under normal conditions, wouldn't think of. It affects the internal organs, causing depression and severe headaches, hair loss, brittle nails, tooth decay, chronic eczema, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, constipation and, ultimately, leads to a decrease in libido and sexual desire.

Effektivnoe lechenie molochnicy u muzhchin

Manycreates problems not fungus, directly, but the toxic emissions that damage the surrounding cells. Subsequently, the body tries to get rid of damaged tissues, which leads to some of the above problems.

Myths about yeast infection

Myth # 1. Fungal infection, including thrush, is always accompanied by a whitish discharge

Typical whitish discharge characteristic mainly for fungi, which settled the woman's vagina. But, they don't always have to be present. While men, typically have a similar selection, only sometimes.

Myth # 2. Infection means infidelity partner

Not obligatory. Vaginal yeast infections affect even girls and boys, who have never had sexual intercourse. Much more likely is the fact that the blame for a weakened immune system and poor hygiene.

Myth # 3. The fungus interferes with careful hygiene

This is only partly true. Insufficient hygiene of the body, especially the genitals, is indeed a risk factor for excessive growth of the fungus. But excessive hygiene is equally harmful, particularly in the case of the use of harsh detergent.

Myth # 4. Oral sex is not conducive to transmission

This statement is certainly not true. The fungus can "settle" in the mouth, causing oral thrush or nasty cracks in the corners of the mouth. A much better prevention of the disease is a classic sexual act with a condom.