Yeast infection treatment at home

Lechenie molochnicy v domashnih usloviyah

Thrush or candidiasis is an infection caused by the fungus Candida Albicans. The foci may be localized in the mouth, vagina, skin, affect the stomach and bladder. Candidiasis is manifested by itching, burning and pain around the vagina. Some women also have a white cheesy discharge. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat thrush at home. Traditional medical methods are certainly more effective, but there are alternatives offering a solution to how to get rid of yeast infection at home.

Before you start yeast infection treatment at home, however, you should always consult a doctor and consult with him alternative methods! So, treat thrush!

Traditional therapeutic methods

Identify the symptoms

The risk of fungal infection increases when taking antibiotics, pregnancy, the presence of overweight or weakening of the immune system. Symptoms of infection may include:

  • itching, irritation, increased sensitivity and burning in the vagina,
  • white cheesy discharge odorless,
  • rash and blisters on the skin in the groin area.

Consult a doctor

Lechenie molochnicy v domashnih usloviyah

If you suspect candidiasis due to the presence of some of the symptoms listed above, you should consult a doctor. He can take a swab to do a CT scan or stool test in case the infection has spread to the rectal area. In the case of recurrent infection, the doctor may do tests on the immune system or the presence of other diseases. Complicated candidiasis occurs when:

  1. Following symptom is the itching, pain and swelling, leading to the formation of cracks.
  2. The infection is recurrent in nature – there is more than 4 per year.
  3. There is infection caused by fungi type Candida except Candida Albicans.
  4. You are pregnant.
  5. You – the diabetic.
  6. Are you on any medication e.g. for the treatment of HIV infection.

Use cream

Infection candidiasis is caused by fungi. Deciding what to treat the disease, note the antifungal creams sold in pharmacies, whose action is directed on struggle against these fungi.

  1. Buy a cream designed specifically for the home treatment of candidiasis. Some creams are used, for example, only fungal diseases of the feet.
  2. Over-the-counter creams are used for 1-7 days. Be sure to follow the instructions in the leaflet.
  3. Methods of use of creams can vary. Some creams are applied on the environment of the vagina, at the time, while others are meant for internal use.
  4. Creams are oil-based can lead to decreased functionality of latex condoms and spirals. In addition, they can also cause stinging and irritation.

Use vaginal suppositories

As well as creams to cure candidiasis at home able suppositories in direct contact with the fungus that causes the disease. Over-the-counter suppositories are used, similar to the skin for 1-7 days. Always follow the instructions in the leaflet.

  1. Suppositories, as a rule, are conical rollers, which are introduced directly into the vagina.
  2. Suppositories are also often based on oil and thus reduce the effectiveness of latex condoms and spirals.

Take over-the-counter drugs in pill form

When deciding how to cure yeast infection at home, you can also pay attention to drugs in pill form. However, they are not as available as creams andsuppositories and usually are not efficient enough to be able to relieve from severe or chronic infection. Before use read the entire label and follow the instructions. Treatment with drugs, pills usually lasts for 1-7 days.

  1. Tablets contain antifungal components, which are safe for internal use.
  2. Avoid excessive use of antibiotics, because the drugs in this group kill the bacteria that support the natural microflora in the vagina.

Use ointments and creams to reduce itching

Apply the ointment/cream should be only in the vulva, and not directly in the vagina.

  1. The action of this cream is aimed at reducing itching. Although it does not eliminate the infection, but can significantly reduce the irritation and the General discomfort associated with fungal infection. It may be acceptable for use in conjunction with suppositories and antifungal creams.

    Lechenie molochnicy v domashnih usloviyah

  2. Use creams that are intended for vaginal region. Other creams can disrupt the pH of the skin and worsen the infection.
  3. Before using over-the-counter cream consult your doctor.
  4. Creams can when heated on the surface of the skin to melt away, so you can use a dry cloth. Do not wipe the cream with a cotton swab, which will absorb it, resulting in the active ingredient will not bring the desired effect.

Soda VS Candida Albicans

One of the most common ways on how to cure yeast infection at home treatment is baking soda.

With the defeat of the skin surface with water and baking soda to wipe the areas affected by fungus, vaginal candidiasis involves douching with water and baking soda, which helps to get rid of cheesy selections (a simple cleaning with baking soda, in turn, relieves external discomfort – itching and burning).

Treatment at home with baking soda is suitable even for thrush in children.

A change of diet

Eliminate some foods and drinks

Candidiasis should also exclude certain foods and drinks. Following the principles of healthy eating, you can reduce the risk of fungal infection. It is recommended to avoid alcohol, foods and beverages containing sugar and artificial sweeteners, refined carbohydrates and foods with a high content of yeast.

  1. Some dairy products such as cheese and butter can contribute to the formation of fungal infection.
  2. If you have low blood sugar and you don't know what to do and what products should I exclude, contact your doctor or a nutritionist, who will help to make diet plan.

Take vitamin C

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is an important natural antioxidant that supports the immune system. Vitamin C can be taken as dietary supplements 3 times a day. The recommended daily dose is 500-1000 mg. it is also Advisable to include in the diet foods rich in this vitamin. Before taking vitamin C, talk with your doctor if you are using immunosuppressants or have a weakened immune system. Natural vitamin C has no side effects. Among his good natural sources, it should be noted:

  • sweet red and green peppers,
  • citrus fruits such as oranges, pomelo, lemon and lime,
  • spinach, broccoli and Brussels sprouts,
  • strawberries and raspberries,
  • tomatoes,
  • mango, papaya and melon.

Take vitamin E

This vitamin is a strong antioxidant, it strengthens the immune system and can be effective in fighting fungal infections caused by weakened immune system. Recommended daily dose for adults is 15 mg per day. Foods that contain vitamin E include: vegetable oils, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, and broccoli.

Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

Essential fatty acids help to reduce inflammation and itching, they are highly recommended for women, who often suffer from candidiasis. A mixture of omega-6 contained in the extract of evening primrose and omega-3 contained in fish and Flaxseed oil, is a recommended dietary Supplement. Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids include: eggs, beans, soybeans, tofu, salmon and sardines, walnuts, almonds, Chia seeds and flax seeds, canola oil, fish oil and Flaxseed oil.

Take probiotics

Lechenie molochnicy v domashnih usloviyah

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that usually are found on the inner wall of the intestine, fighting the fungus Candida Albicans and the immune system. Some studies say that yogurt with active probiotic cultures prevents fungal infection. Try to increase your intake of probiotics in the following forms:

  1. Take probiotics with a concentration of bifidobacteria from 1 to 10 billion 2 times a day.
  2. Probiotics consult withthe doctor if you are taking immunosuppressants or antibiotics.
  3. Eat 250 ml of unsweetened yogurt every day.

Eat more garlic

Garlic is known for its effect in combating bacteria and fungi, this property has it thanks to the allicin that it contains. You can eat 1 clove of raw garlic a day, or add 2-3 cloves in the food. If you decide to consume garlic as a dietary Supplement, choose one that contains 4000-5000 mg of allicin.

Garlic is not combined with certain medications. In people with weakened immune systems and those taking medications that thin the blood, it can cause bleeding. To avoid it you should also to people who have recently undergoing surgery. Before taking supplements that contain garlic, always consult your doctor.

Take a bath with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antiviral and antifungal effects. Therefore, it may be effective in the fight against yeast infection. Do not apply the oil directly to the vagina, it is suitable for bathing.

Add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil into a warm bath and soak in it for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.