Cure yeast infection for women

Most of us know that the disease caused by the fungus Candida is called candidiasis or thrush, and affects the genitals or, in extreme cases, the oral cavity. But, this disease is much more insidious and can be even dangerous!

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Let's look at the types of candidiasis, clinical picture, and get answers to questions about how to treat thrush, what is the cure for candidiasis helps with this disease, what is the most effective tool gives a good result in the treatment, what kind of pill/medication/remedy is used for the treatment of thrush in women and men in a particular case.

The clinical picture of candidiasis

Candidosis mucosae oris

Depending on the clinical course represents an acute or chronic pseudomembranous candidiasis, thrush, candidiasis of the oropharynx. The infection affects the mucous membrane, the disease can be very serious.

Candidosis paronychii et unguium

Characterized by redness and swelling of the basis of the nail, loss of the cuticle and separation of the nail plate. When pressing on the nail wall often appears whitish pus. Manifestations are very painful at early stage, the disease does not affect the nail plate, but later leads to its degeneration and brownish color. The primary loss of nails rare, predisposing factors include diabetes mellitus, angiopathy, neuropathy, and immune disorders. The affected nail loses its luster, usually a yellowish tint, deform, unlike onychomycosis due to dermatophytes is also evident inflammation of the nail bed.

Candidosis intertriginosa

Affect damp places prone to diaper rash – armpits, groin, interdigital spaces of the hands and feet. Appears wet, saturated red areas, there are pustules or vesicles after rupture remains wet erosion interdigitalis candidosis erosive. Often the disease occurs in persons working with fruit and water.

Candidosis vulvae et vaginae

Causes a thick purulent discharge from the vagina and a whitish coating on inflamed mucous membrane of the vagina. The disease is a common "guide" of pregnancy, where rising levels of sex hormones increase the glycogen content in the vaginal tissue, thus providing a source of nutrition of fungi is carbon. Estrogens increase the adhesion of the fungus with vaginal epithelial cells. Antibiotics eliminate the protective mechanisms of the bacterial flora that promotes too rapid growth of fungus in the vagina or in the intestines.

Balanitis balanoposthitis et

Is often the first sign of diabetes in men. The clinical picture presented by the presence of yellowish pustules or scabs, which indicate the presence of fungal infection. The effect of sexual transmission is not fully understood. The fungus is mainly oral-genital and anogenital sexual intercourse. Sexual partners of women who have thrush, it is better to treat only in case of proven clinical results, balanta or balanoposthitis.

Candidosis mucosae et cutis chronica

Is resistant of infections of the mucous membranes, skin and nails, that affect, and suppress the immune system persons with immunodeficiency. The skin may develop erythema, hyperkeratosis localization and histology granulomatous inflammatory reaction.

Candidiasis of skin and mucous membranes

In some cases, the disease is caused by selective reaktivnost of T-lymphocytes to antigens Candida, or narushenijj in Th17 cells. People suffer from recurrent infections caused by the fungus Candida, deep and superficial. Infections caused by microbial pathogens, they often do not occur simultaneously.

Candidiasis of skin and mucous membranes is part of polyglandular autoimmune syndrome I (APS I). Effective yeast infection treatment in this case requires a common and long-term re-treatment in which is used the drug fluconazole or Itraconazole. Indispensablyre endocrinological examination. Most affected people have a family polyglandular syndrome.

Systemic candidosis

May develop in patients with severe immunodeficiency, e.g., AIDS, prolonged neutropenia, in Association with cytotoxic and immunosuppressive therapy for cancer or after organ transplantation. Most often occurs under the picture of sepsis, endocarditis, endophthalmitis, meningitis, or brain abscess, arthritis or osteomyelitis. Clinically relevant candidal pneumonia is. Renal failure develops in the context of disseminated infection.

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Hepatosplenic candidiasis

Appears micro - or macroscopic abscesses in the liver and spleen. Candida peritonitis can be a complication of peritoneal dialysis. The presence of systemic infection caused by the fungus Candida, it should be borne in mind also in those with prolonged therapy with antibiotics and products of wide spectrum of action. Systemic candidiasis can be manifested by fever and other systemic symptoms, painful erythema on the skin, lesions of the retina of the fundus and the other organ symptoms.

A comprehensive treatment of candidiasis

Methods on how to treat thrush (candidiasis) is subject to localization, extent of the disease, clinical course of infection and the human health. The best cure for yeast infection for women and men represented a broad spectrum antifungal drugs, which ensure efficiency of 80-90%. Antifungal medication of the yeast are divided into local and General. They operate at the level of enzymatic system of cytochrome P450, inhibiting fungal cell. Thus, lead to stop cell division because prevent the biosynthesis of steroids in the plasma membrane. The effect is from fungistatic to fungicidal.

Asalouye antifungals imidazoles are the most commonly used remedies for the treatment of thrush. This group includes the following drugs: Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Econazole and Fenticonazole.

Ketoconazole is used to treat infections of the skin, hair and mucous membranes caused by the fungus Candida, is accepted in both oral and local drug. The mechanism of action of this drug consists in the inhibition of 14-alpha-demethylase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of lakosina in the ergosterol. A deficiency of ergosterol decreases membrane fluidity of cells and reduces the functionality of the related enzymes.

Triazole antifungal drugs have a similar mechanism of action as imidazoles. The most important representatives are: fluconazole, Itraconazole, Voriconazole and Posaconazole.

Of polyene antifungals are used Amphotericin, Nystatin and Natamycin. The best remedy for thrush that you can use locally – is a Natamycin and Nystatin, which, however, have a slightly lower efficiency (75-80%). A tool such as Amphotericin, used to treat systemic candidiasis in the form of infusion. In the case of Amphotericin, draws attention to its nephrotoxicity, which is significantly reduced when using the drug in liposomal form.

Echinocandins inhibit the synthesis of beta - D-glucan, which is the main component of the cell wall of the fungus. The most important representatives presents with drugs such as Caspofungin, micafungin and Anidulafungin.

General principles of complex treatment

It is important to keep in mind the factors that contribute to the formation and development of candidiasis and try to limit their influence. Necessity is a person's education and relevant medical advice: changes in lifestyle, compliance with basic hygiene and preventive measures. Part of treatment of candidiasis is a detailed history and physical examination of the person, early diagnosis and targeted treatment of any comorbidities. Today limited to excessive doses of antibiotics, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, in accordance with the clinical condition of the person.

The procedure for the treatment of acute infections differs from the treatment of recurrent infections caused by the fungus Candida.

The aim of treatment of acute sporadic infection is to eradicate Candida. Treatment of acute vaginitis starts from a local vaginal antifungal therapy within 3-7 days. Topically applied, such a remedy for yeast infection for women and men anti fungal cream or ointment. The drugs of first choice are azole, a second line presented the drug Nystatin or boric acid (contraindicated in pregnancy).

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For General treatment most often selected triazole derivatives: fluconazole and Itraconazole. Acute vulvovaginitis caused by Candida, is treated with Fluconazole in a single dose of 150 mg or Itraconazole(single 400 mg or 200 mg for 3 days).

In patients with recurrent vulvovaginal Candida (PWR) that affects 5-8% of women of reproductive age, therapeutic recommendations vary. Often it is recommended that maintenance therapy with Fluconazole 100-200 mg per week for 6-12 months. In addition, the usevaginal Clotrimazole 1 once per week over a long period.

RKV is the result of interaction of many factors and is a complex disease. In the case of diagnosis in women RKV it is recommended that concomitant antifungal treatment of her sexual partner. Reliable of highly potent vaginal preparation is a recombinant lecithin knitting mannose, which enhance vaginal defense mechanisms.

Candida Albicans together with the lactobacilli that produce hydrogen peroxide is considered a stable ecosystem. Treatment with antibiotics suppresses lactobacilli, but not the fungus, which could lead to fungal vaginitis.

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Candidiasis of skin and mucous membranes must be a shared, long-term and repeated treatment with the use of Fluconazole or Itraconazole.


A comprehensive treatment of candidiasis is based not only on high efficiency and variety of ways the application of local antifungal agents, but also includes the General principles of comprehensive treatment and interdisciplinary cooperation of doctors. Efforts to limit the influence of factors that increase the frequency of colonization of the fungus in the mucous membranes, and factors which increase the susceptibility of the person to colonization of the skin and mucous membranes of the fungi, are essential to successful comprehensive treatment. Learning about the influence of certain medications, lifestyle, nutrition, treatment, inappropriate clothing, hygiene and the importance of sexual behaviour in relation to risk of developing recurrent candidiasis is part of effective prevention of a fungal infection.