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Transcript analysis on torch infection in pregnancy

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There are quite a lot of various infections that can have detrimental effects on the human body. This study indicates that the majority of viruses transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy. Therefore, when planning pregnancy should conduct a survey, which is based on the definition of viruses included in the TORCH. Consider all the features of the issue associated with the transmission of the virus from mother to child.

What a group of TORCH infections?

Of the huge number of infections that can is in the mother's body, secrete to a specific group. It can cause serious deviations from the norms of development of the fetus. To determine this group was coined the acronym TORCH. It is based on letters the most dangerous infections. When considering the question, what is a TORCH, it is necessary to allocate the following infections:

  1. T – toxoplasmosis. Often infection such infection is derived from cats or other Pets. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, by drinking contaminating water or by eating undercooked meat there is a chance of infection before the virus. That is why when considering what torch, you should consider this virus that can cause serious consequences.
  2. O – letter in the acronym, which took various diseases. This category will include syphilis, hepatitis b, chlamydia and many other viruses. You should consider the point that many diseases can occur in a woman's body is almost asymptomatic. That is why the analysis of TORCH infection is carried out as a preventive measure. Examples would include chlamydial infection, which leads to premature birth.
  3. R – rubella. The infection is quite often from an infected person to a healthy one. The pathogen is spread by airborne droplets. If a pregnant woman has a rubella virus, that is, the likelihood of substantial harm to the fetus. This moment determines what every woman during pregnancy should undergo tests for immunity to rubella virus. Transcript of TORCH infection determines the allocation of rubella in a separate group.
  4. With cytomegalovirus infection. Often she moved almost imperceptibly for the patient. However, in the case of pregnancy, this infection is given special attention. According to studies, in most cases, abortion becomes the reason for that is the causative agent of this group. If the time the virus was not seen in time, that is, the probability of development of severe malformations of the brain, liver, lungs and eyes of the child. That is why the analysis should be on the torch when planning pregnancy and during the examination. The causative agent of this group can be transmitted through blood, sexual contact, breastfeeding.
  5. H – herpes 1 and 2 types. Despite the spread of such infection, it causes a lot of problems during pregnancy. The pathogen is transmitted sexually. It should be noted that after the introduction of the virus in the body it stays in the body for whole life. Known only to the rare cases when treatment allows you to completely remove from the body the virus. That is why it is important enough time to carry out examination and treatment.

When considering the question of torch infection what is, be aware of the above information. Other infections that are not included in the present group, may also affect the mother and child, but to a lesser degree.

How dangerous infections in the target group for the child and mother?

As previously noted, many infections may not manifest itself for several years, while in the inactive phase. The blood test allows to determine if the body is an infection, and then prescribe the right treatment. It is worth considering the point that primary infection during pregnancy is very dangerous to the fetus. Infection during pregnancy determines that the fetus has no protective mechanism, and the virus may lead to development of significant pathology. We should note the following points:

  1. If the infection occurs in the first trimester, there is a risk of serious pathological changes in the fetus, leading to abortion.
  2. When infected in the last trimester the newborn child can be significant health problems. An example can be called immaturitybody, weight child at birth, and so on.

    Rasshifrovka analiz na torch infekcii pri beremennosti

Also, doctors pay attention to the fact that women may develop chronic and acute forms of infection. In the acute form the probability of infection of the fetus increases significantly. If screening for torch infections was determined by the presence of chronic, then prescribes the treatment, which will not allow the disease to move from the inactive phase in acute.

When are the tests?

It is also important to take into account the moment when it should pass inspection. Analyses of torch infection should be taken for 2-3 months before planning pregnancy. It is also recommended to run a check every 2 months during pregnancy as the infection can pass by airborne droplets or by casual contact. Another rule can be called the need of examination at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, indicating the absence of rubella virus. Analysis on the torch allows you to assign the right treatment, to monitor pregnancy throughout the three trimestrul.

Laboratory studies

Rasshifrovka analiz na torch infekcii pri beremennosti

An important point when considering the question of torch infection interpretation of results should take into account the point that in most cases symptoms are not observed. In other cases, the problem is insignificant: no rash, feeling of discomfort, insignificant increase in temperature.

There are several recommendations on how to prepare for the delivery of the analysis on the torch:

  1. In order to see the results weren't skewed, there should be tests on an empty stomach. Some substances that can enter the body with food, have a serious impact. It should therefore be excluded from the diet spicy food, not Smoking and drinking beverages containing alcohol.
  2. 3 weeks to research, you cannot use antivirals and Antibacterials as well as antibiotics. In most cases their reception is held in the case of increasing the temperature of the body.

After receiving the results of the studies carried out transcript analysis by the attending physician. If the identified deviation or the presence of virus in the body is assigned to a specific treatment. Note that some viruses cannot be removed completely from the body.

Symptoms of infection in the target group

In many cases, a pregnant woman has mild symptoms, including fever, catarrhal phenomena, rash, significant and drastic changes of results of conducted analyses. If the infection is passed to the fetus, she may experience the following symptoms:

  1. The child has disturbances in communication, training: speech problems with simple arithmetic. There is also the likelihood of developing movement disorders, inhibition of development of skills of self-care, disturbances of social skills.
  2. Also there is a possibility of disorders associated with social behavior and learning.
  3. The development of microcephaly – a disorder that is associated with a significant reduction in brain size and skull. This change becomes the cause of mental inferiority, as well as the development of many other problems.
  4. Hydrocephalus – a problem that is associated with the expansion of the ventricles of the brain.
  5. Partial or total deafness. Hearing loss often occurs at the infection of the fetus with the virus of this group.
  6. A variety of heart problems.
  7. Skin lesion. They occur within several days after birth, manifested by redness, rashes and other abnormalities.
  8. Partial or complete loss of vision.
  9. Musculoskeletal problems of various types.

In addition to these symptoms there are other possible deviations from the norm. Incoming virus can change significantly through the process of fetal development. It is therefore necessary to exclude the likelihood that the pregnancy will be held with the virus in the mother's body.

Diagnosis of TORCH infections

It should be noted that the decoding results obtained after the conducted research needs doctor. It is recommended to carry out diagnostics of TORCH in the early stages of pregnancy. Some diseases can lead to serious consequences for mother and child. That is why the doctor can prescribe abortion as the unborn child may have serious health problems.

When considering the diagnosis of TORCH infection should take into account the following points:

  1. Diagnosis, which is based on obtaining titers of IgG antibodies does not apply in this case. This is due to the fact that these antibodies only indicate the presence of any infection, even one that was treated previously.
  2. Modern diagnostics is based on obtaining titers of IgM. Such antibodies are characterized by the fact that they appear in the acute period of course of health. That is why almost all of the research when planning a pregnancy associated with the study of the caseloadantibodies'. The acute form is also characterized by a rapid growth of titles in the next two weeks.

Do I need to take a considered examination? Definitely Yes, as there is the possibility of infection of the fetus and development of various pathologies. At risk are women who had not previously suffered from herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis. This is due to the fact that when migrating the reporting of diseases are antibodies that are protective mechanism of the body. Skin rashes, pain, fever, change in the size of lymph nodes, changes in blood and urine may indicate the appearance of the virus and development of disease. During pregnancy, the immunity is weakened, making the body susceptible to various infections. That is why assigned to different complexes to enhance the immune system.


As a rule, avoid the penetration of the virus into the body much easier than to treat. That is why you should consider some of the recommendations, compliance with which allows to reduce the probability of infection. Major preventive measures include:

  1. You should avoid contact with infected people. Usually, the infection is manifested by cough, sneezing, rash and other symptoms.

    Rasshifrovka analiz na torch infekcii pri beremennosti

  2. It is impossible to prevent a significant weakening of immunity. You need to make the correct diet which should be full of fruits, vegetables that contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Genital herpes is transmitted sexually. That's why should avoid sexual contact with infected individuals. Also note the time that the partner may not be aware of the presence of the virus in his body. Therefore, screening of both partners when planning a pregnancy – the safest way of conceiving a child.
  4. Note also the point that you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene. You need to use antibacterial agents that can improve the efficiency of removal of infections. Some viruses can withstand high temperature for several minutes.
  5. You should also pay attention to the condition of Pets. They are often carriers of infection. So you need to avoid contact with animals that are not undergoing vaccination, and their waste products.

Compliance with the above recommendations will eliminate the possibility of getting the virus in the body.

In conclusion, let us note that this problem occurs quite often. Therefore, the modern methods of treatment that allow you to quickly identify the pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment. Woman during pregnancy should observe ourselves, and in the event of even minor abnormalities should consult a doctor. Even if the changes are the norm, it is best to react to deviations.