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Vaccination against pneumococcal infection children

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There are a lot of various infections that are in development can cause symptoms different kinds of symptoms. Special attention should be given to pneumococcal infection which can cause a range of diseases. An example of such a disease is called acute otitis media, pneumonia, pleurisy, arthritis is a manifestation of their symptoms is a direct threat to the life of a child. Therefore, vaccination against pneumococcal infection is done at an early age in order to exclude probability of occurrence of the disease and its complications. The pathogen can enter the body child in various ways, but only after the transfer of otitis media, influenza or measles, the common cold is likely to activate it. The treatment of many diseases is delayed, manifest various kinds of complications. It is recommended not to stop but to exclude the probability of hitting and reproduction of the pathogen in the organism, for which it is the vaccination against pneumococcal infection at an early age.

Options for vaccination

Note that the vaccine began to produce only in the second half of the 20th century. When you create a vaccine against pneumococcus, there were quite a lot of difficulties, as there are many different types of agent – more than 90 varieties. The story of the vaccine against pneumococcal disease has the following features:

  1. The first version was submitted on 14-valent composition. It appeared in 1977. It only takes a few years, in 1981, was invented by a 23-valent vaccine, which became widely used in the vaccination of children. A feature of these vaccinations is the fact that they can be applied with only 2 years.
  2. Children under 2 years are most vulnerable to various infections. This moment determined that pharmaceutical companies began to develop new type of vaccines.

At the moment, is the use of vaccination called "Pneumo-23", 13 valent vaccine "prevenar 13" and many others. The vaccine for pneumococcus that can be introduced with different ages. Consider all the features of its application.

The timing of vaccination

You should pay attention to the fact that vaccination against pneumococcal infection of children has become one of the compulsory only from 1 January 2014, as it was included in the "national vaccination calendar of the Russian Federation". While parents are offered vaccination against pneumococcal disease exclusively of foreign production:

  1. Prevenar – drug, which is produced in the USA.
  2. Pneumo-23 is a product of the pharmaceutical companies from France.

Both vaccines can be given to a child for the reason that do not cause side effects. Both are considered effective means of reporting against infection. However, there are some differences:

  1. Prevenar choose more often for the reason that it can be administered to children from 3 month period. It is possible to vaccinate even with 2 months of age. Such a decision is taken by the pediatrician in case a child is at risk of infection before the type of bacteria. The present study shows that in the age to 24 months of life the child is most vulnerable to this infection.

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  2. Consider the drug Prevenar can be combined with other injections that can make your child. Exception can be called a BCG

Also installed some recommendations for timing of vaccination. They are as follows:

  1. The first vaccination for pneumococcus using the drug Prevenar may pass at the age of 3 months.
  2. Subsequent vaccinations are at the age of 4.5 months and six months.
  3. Revaccination is carried out in 1.5 years.

The use of the drug Prevenar and the recommended timing, the fact that at the age of 2 years the child develops immunity.

When considering whether vaccination against pneumococcal infection note that there is a possibility of infecting the child with this bacterium even after the formation of the immune system. However, the course of the disease will be easy, a possibility of complications. If there is no immunity, the disease can cause disability and even death. The injection leads to the appearance of side effects, and therefore refuse vaccination for a child against pneumococcal infections parents needed.

What could be the reaction to the vaccine?

As previously noted, vaccination before the drugs leads to the appearance of side effects. All the consequences typical of any vaccination procedure. In some cases in the first 2-3 days can be observed on the followingsymptoms:

  1. In the place where the puncture was done, the skin will thicken, redness. In some cases manifest pain, because of which children start to cry.
  2. Rarely insignificant increases body temperature.
  3. Chill.
  4. Drowsiness, lethargy, irritability. In this case, you should simply devote more time to their children.
  5. The child may refuse to eat during the day.
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Usually, the above effects occur quite rarely and are in the first few days. The conducted research determined that the local reaction consisting of redness of the skin and its seal, only occurs in 5% of cases, fever in 1% of all administered vaccinations. The symptoms disappear by themselves within days.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the need to ensure proper care of the skin area, through which passed the vaccination. Recommendations can be called:

  1. Watering place through which been vaccinated against pneumococcal disease.
  2. Use various ointments, iodine, Zelenka and compresses prohibited even if the seal or redness of the injection place.

Special attention should be paid to the rare cases where a new vaccination was the reason for the temperature rising to 38 degrees Celsius and above. In this case, you should do fever compresses, and give medicines to reduce the temperature of the body is allowed to children.

You should consider the point that there are contraindications against vaccination. If they were not taken into account, considering the symptoms persist for several days, and General condition of the child is substantially compounded. In this case it is necessary to contact your pediatrician.

What are the contraindications?

The vaccination is done quite often, as pneumococcal infection poses a great threat to the health and life of the child, and entered the drug has virtually no contraindications and side effects. Only in rare cases, after examination of the child pediatrician may delay the process of vaccination. When considering what are the contraindications, note the following points:

  1. Intolerance to the administered drug, that an allergic reaction. When this occurs, a small percentage of such situations. As a rule, only after the first phase of vaccination because of the bright manifestations of allergic reaction pediatrician cancels the subsequent administration of the vaccine.
  2. Acute for certain diseases are also forbidden to vaccination. An example can be called a cold.
  3. If the baby has a congenital chronic disease, at the time of their exacerbation vaccination is not recommended.
  4. When fever without identified causes. An example is the situation in which the measured temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. Quite often even a small temperature increase indicates that there was an infection or exacerbated chronic disease.

If the child has no allergic reactions to the drug in vaccination, it is temporarily set aside. The pediatrician needs when the appointment of vaccination to check the status of children, as vaccine manufacturers do not recommend entering them in the manifestation of other diseases, for example, the common cold.

What can be complications?

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Despite the fact that complications with the introduction of vaccines against pneumococcus are extremely rare, yet small probability. You should pay attention to the fact that doctors vaccines are responsible for the condition of the children should conduct the examination to determine their health status. Complications can be of the following type:

  1. Angioedema as a result of severe allergic reactions to the drug.
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  3. If infection occurs before vaccination, then there is a sharp deterioration in the condition of the child.
  4. Strong temperature increase and immunity to antipyretic drugs.

The above complications the most severe of all, which can occur when the disease. To make vaccination is possible after the problems that cause complications, were excluded.

In conclusion, we note that with the right approach to the procedure of vaccination to reduce the risk of complications can be almost zero. Diseases that develop on the background of infection before the bacteria can harm the health of the child even with timely treatment. Formed immunity will continue to protect children from serious diseases, to facilitate the treatment process. Poet of vaccination at an early age according to the pediatrician's recommendations.

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