Could it be pneumonia without a cough

During seasonal cold snaps, when an increasing number of infectious diseases in humans is brewing a number of issues, among them whether there is pneumonia without cough is one of the main as the symptoms of this disease in recent time have a number of modifications. Pneumonia without cough is not an isolated case, but rather the opposite: SARS common. That's why, when diagnosing diseases of patients ask the experts, can have pneumonia without cough, and which of the symptoms characteristic of this disease can still be missing, the doctors do not refute, but rather confirm this fact.

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Symptoms, which can determine pneumonia

Pulmonary disease are among the most serious and dangerous in its manifestations if the diagnosis and treatment not to do in a timely manner. A number of symptoms help at primary inspection specialists pre-diagnose the disease. This is very important because in the initial phase of the disease it is easier to heal without serious consequences in the form of complications. Typical pneumonia, namely that the form in which among other symptoms is present a dry cough is recognized at the initial examination according to the following criteria:

  1. The presence of pain in the chest.
  2. Feeling unwell, sweating, rapid fatigue from physical activity, regardless of its level.
  3. High temperature, difficult to capture ordinary antipyretic agents, fever.

If you have this symptoms in addition, the professionals are also obliged to listen to the lungs with a stethoscope.

Inflammation of the lungs without the usual symptoms

Atypical forms of inflammatory processes are increasingly common in medical practice. The disease can develop in all can, but some symptoms may be completely absent, it's often baffled experts at the initial examination. Pneumonia is one of the most serious diseases, which diagnosis at an early stage helps to avoid some complications, but atypical form is a double threat. Most often pneumonia without fever and cough is observed among individuals aged 25 to 45 years, when there was a regular addiction to alcohol, but not only: the people, accustomed to self-heal itself with antibiotics also are at risk.

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As if there was not, the pneumonia without coughing, symptoms which have differences, in the last 10-12 years has become increasingly common. This fact only intensifies the anxiety among physicians, since the disease is difficult to diagnose not just in the early stages of the disease. The main problem symptoms are not typical of these diseases, uncontrolled reception of the newest antibacterial drugs for self-medication. This fact is dangerous because the antibiotics in addition to the suppression of harmful bacteria reduce the efficiency of the immune system, which in the end result weakens the body to secondary infectious diseases.

Doctors strongly recommend not to use without the need for antibiotics and drugs that reduce the efficiency of the immune system. When symptoms which generally resemble a common cold, namely:

  1. Excessive perspiration, early fatigue.
  2. Shortness of breath after minor physical exertion.
  3. Pain in the throat and other parts of the respiratory tract.
  4. The presence of temperature.

No need to self-medicate. The most reasonable solution is testing in the clinic to diagnose and determine the causes of the presence of the above symptoms. Even if this technique does not inspire confidence, the doctors figure it out with the aid of fluoroscopy, this modern method of control of a condition of organs of the body most accurately will help to identify hidden pneumonia.

That will help to identify hidden pneumonia

Only examination of a comprehensive nature will help to make a correct diagnosis, and always remember about this experienced professionals. There are a number of characteristics that are permanent, and it is these can be expected to make a conclusion about a latent form of pneumonia.

  1. Casenote pulse.
  2. Abnormal fatigue, constant fatigue.
  3. The face is pale, but his cheeks have flushed.
  4. Unstable state: it throws hot and cold.
  5. On the inhale there is pain in the chest.
  6. Constant dry mouth.
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In the presence of such symptoms does not need to waste precious time and as soon as possible carry out the survey with testing. If when listening to the chest clearly heard the dry or wetwheezing is a sure sign of presence of inflammatory process in the lungs.

Features of treatment of latent pneumonia

The absence of cough SARS is not a positive factor, as it is one of the protective functions of the body, namely the withdrawal of accumulations from the respiratory tract natural ways. The absence of this reflex affects the bronchial tree and it is already failing at their own conclusions pathological organisms. The result of these modifications is additional time and money for treatment.

Because the cough reflex in the treatment process will need to be restored, professionals for these purposes are attracted to the substances of the auxiliary character, so ignoring to eliminate the lack of cough lead to pneumonia. Experts will define the group of drugs and other methods, including gymnastic exercises, to restore the protective function, but the selection is done carefully, so as not to aggravate the patient's condition.

In the category of drugs, which are used by specialists for the treatment of SARS includes the following tools:

  1. Drugs with antipyretic properties.
  2. Bronchodilator.
  3. Mucolytics.
  4. A number of drugs anti-bacterial nature.
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Modern medicine does not reject for the treatment of such diseases folk remedies, of which there are a number of different formulations used by experts as an auxiliary. For example, the combination of the fruits of plants and trees and other components of natural character enhance the body's resistance before the disease. The fruits of juniper, pine buds, mother and stepmother, honey and a lot of different ingredients that, individually or in combination are beneficial for treatment not only from a hidden pneumonia and other infectious diseases.