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Klebsiella pneumoniae — the Bacterium Klebsiella pneumonia, symptoms and treatment

In human body millions of bacteria and microorganisms. 90% of them — in the gut. This article separately discusses the functioning of such bacteria as klebsiella pneumoniae. Its presence in the intestine of any adult or child is considered absolutely normal factor. This microorganism even involved in the process of digestion and maintain healthy intestinal flora. What happens when its population goes beyond the norm, and what consequences it can bring to human health will be discussed below.

Rod-shaped bacteria of the klebsiella class still live in a suitable acid-alkaline environment in large colonies. Conducting research on isolation of these bacteria in sterile conditions, the researchers were able to identify 80 individual strains of Klebsiella. This is a very high figure for this kind of microorganism, indicating a highly opportunistic functions of this bacterium, its ability to change and adapt to the circumstances. Stationary and steam rooms, they are harmful for people only in the case if the body of the homosapiens were already susceptible to other viral infections and its protective function is reduced, immune system is completely impaired.

What does klebsiella

Actively multiply in the human intestine due to impaired immunity or chronic disease, klebsiella pneumoniae starts to provoke various inflammatory processes of internal organs and mucous membranes. It can affect any part of the body and become causal for the development of diseases such as:

  • pneumonia, rhinoscleroma. The bacterium affects the bronchial tubes, mucous membrane and respiratory tract,
  • gastritis, enteritis. The bacterium affects the intestinal tract,
  • cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis. Bacteria affects the organs of the urinary and reproductive systems,
  • sepsis. The bacterium affects the vascular link the various organs and systems.

The Klebsiella disease is deadly. This bacteria can cause sepsis of the cerebral cortex, start irreversible processes. But seventy percent of the detection of klebsiella pneumoniae to observe its effect on the upper respiratory tract hence allocate a separate type of pneumonia called Klebsiella disease.

Klebsiella infection

Like other types of this form of inflammation, Klebsiella pneumonia corrodes the lungs. In the initial stage the symptoms of this infection are similar to symptoms of the common cold: fatigue, fever, swelling of mucous membranes, runny nose. The patient noted throat irritation and dry cough.

However, despite primary treatment, the disease does not recede within three or four days, and progressing. Symptoms of change: the weakness becomes permanent, the swelling is chronic. Sick people with difficulty climbing out of bed. He can't mention the high temperature, but the strength leave his body. Depression through feelings of depression, despondency and prospect of death.

After a few more days temperature change – degrees increases to 39. the patient sweats profusely and suffering from chills. There is a headache, migraine. The lungs begin intermittently experience a sharp tingling. They become stronger at the time of sneezing and coughing sick. Standard antiviral treatment does not help. Dry cough passes into the wet form, there is phlegm. In expectorant clots can be seen particles of blood that has a sharp odor. Symptoms of General intoxication. The patient feels poisoned, prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, aversion to food.
Of course, while in this stage, the patient must have long visits with a doctor, get tested and take the prescribed course of treatment. If qualified medical assistance in this state is still not provided, the patient's lung tissue starts to die.

How to identify the Klebsiella in the early stages of the disease

In order to clearly identify the culprit of infection, to detect klebsiella pneumoniae and start action for its isolation and treatment of the patient, you must pass tests of feces, urine, nasal mucus, bile and phlegm. Professionals your samples will hold the following diagnosis:

  1. Bacterioscopy (smears stained by the method of Grams), this will enable you to see the quantity and quality of bacteria because they will get a specific color that will identify them among others.
  2. Bacteriological method. The most popular study – sowing material in the nutrient medium and monitoring what is happening there reactions.
  3. Serological analysis, which uses the patient's blood and which results are reconciled in a few weeks.
  4. You may need additional testing such as co-program either instrumental method of diagnosis.

Steps torecovery

Treatment of diseases caused by the bacterium klebsiella pneumoniae depends on the type of the damaged system of the organism and the stage of the disease. Appointed by the doctor individually. The specialist also may prescribe hospital treatment. Necessarily appoint the course of bacteriophages or prebiotics, because the goal of treatment is not only elimination of symptoms, the expulsion of a population of bacteria from the body, but also bringing health to balance, the return of microflora of intestines and stomach, cleansing of the internal organs from the effects of weak and unstable functioning of the body.

The General rule for the treatment of all diseases caused by klebsiella pneumoniae, is the observance of strict diet:

  • strict limitation of eating fried, salty and fatty,
  • a complete ban on pickles, smoked products and marinades,
  • for fifteen or twenty minutes before each meal, you should drink a decoction of rose hips or "I" – light cholagogue. Not drink food,
  • replacing the usual bread and bakery products yeast-free,
  • compliance with the norms of the protein: the diet of the patient should be enriched with fish and seafood,
  • also, to strengthen the immune system need daily to consume dairy products, cheese,
  • not to enter into a strict restrictions on food intake, eating small meals, but often.

Unconventional assistance

Treatment of Klebsiella traditional methods is quite justifiable if the disease took an acute form and do not have time to go into the hard phase.
First, such people's helpers is a simple mixture of cranberry and Apple. It's acidic and tart dish, enriched With vitamin C and has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. He has to take it three times a day half an hour before main meals, for ten to fourteen days.
Also pathogenic microorganisms harmful to the intestine is a decoction of chamomile and plantain. Chamomile has astringent and disinfectant, restorative effect, and psyllium is an excellent antiseptic, it thoroughly cleans all the space inside of the stomach and intestines. Drink this decoction on an empty stomach should few weeks.

Extremely effective is the course of blue iodine. The secret of cooking is simple. Two tablespoons of potato starch it is necessary to pour a glass of water, thoroughly mixed and the resulting mixture brew boiling water over two to one. In the gray pudding add a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of citric acid and a few drops of iodine. The jelly will get a beautiful blue color. He has a pronounced taste and smell, so well accepted by the organism. Drink blue iodine, pre-cool, on an empty stomach one glass a day. After taking the blue iodine is necessary even within hours to abstain from food. Store this jelly in the refrigerator no more than two days. Drink course: five days, five days a pause, three approaches.

How to reach the disease

The bacterium Klebsiella in the gut in adults, the symptoms of which are similar to cold characteristics may appear in the body only in case if the immune system is significantly weakened. Therefore, for the prevention of diseases provoked klebsiella pneumoniae it is necessary to keep your body in good shape and on a quarterly basis to undergo the procedure for the protection of the immunity. Among these, we invite you to consider the following options:

  • eat more vegetables and fruits, drink fresh juices,
  • to harden the body,
  • sport,
  • to take courses of vitamins every first month of a new season,
  • every day to eat nutritional supplements necessary for you (it may be the b vitamins or L-carnitine, Riboflavin or beta-carotene),
  • to pass a fifteen-day course to support the body through the blue iodine (a"cocktail" of starch, glucose, citric acid and the usual iodine – magical and very cheap tools for immunity)

You should also observe some simple hygiene: wash hands, coming from the street, thoroughly clean the purchased fruits and vegetables. The bacterium klebsiella pneumoniae can be a long time to live in the soil or pond, it is not difficult to enter the body and "make friends" with their own kind.

Follow simple security methods against bacteria and infections and take care of your health.