HPV papillomavirus type 18

VPCH papillomavirus 18 tipa

HPV is quite common and can cause lesions of the skin, urogenital area and others. There are about hundreds of types of this virus and each of them is the cause of various diseases. But pay special attention to HPV type 18, 16, 56, 45 and several types. These viruses have a high oncogenic risk, that makes you treat them with fear. HPV 16 and type 18 are the most dangerous and when they occur the physician. Papillomavirus type 18 total 16 constitute almost half of the identified species.

When refusal of treatment, they may cause malignant diseases and disrupt a normal life. Papillomas appear on the cervix, the genitals in women and in men can cause cancer of the anus and penis. But the presence in the body of these viruses does not mean that such diseases will be. Some live with them all my life and never suffer from them.

The source of HPV and its localization

The source of the virus is a sick person or a virus carrier. The presence of the virus can be detected:

  • on the skin,
  • on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system,
  • in urine,
  • in saliva,
  • in semen.

Get the virus through scratches, abrasions on the skin and mucous membranes. Localization of HPV is

  • nepenthales,
  • genital,
  • on the organs of the urogenital system.

In AgentLog included localization of HPV in the oral cavity, throat, sinuses and even the vocal cords. Is genital in women on the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, also it is on the perineum, cervix, and in anticipation of the vagina. Much less frequently it can be in the vagina. Men find symptoms on the penis, scrotum, perineum. Can often be found on the coronal sulcus, frenulum and on the trunk of the penis.

Way of infection

VPCH papillomavirus 18 tipa

As the HPV 16 18 be detected in many body parts and fluids, the paths of infection quite a lot. The most common is sexual infection. It happens when touching infected during the clinical manifestations of HPV.

As the virus is in saliva, it can be passed through kissing. Frequent infection through casual when using hygienic or through the hands. If you use the same machine for shaving with an infected, there is a great risk of catching HPV.

When the future mother finds a virus, it can catch the child passing in childbirth through the birth canal. Some doctors talking about the possibility of infection while visiting with contaminated baths or saunas.

The danger of the virus

Studies have shown that the cervix is affected the third part of the female population. The male of the infected population is affected by reproductive tract approximately the same amount. If there is a sexually transmitted infection, the virus affects the development of genital warts. It has a pointed shape and its appearance means infected by a virus. The use of a condom does not always save from HPV type 18 or 16. Its use only reduces the probability.

This virus contributes to dysplasia of the genital organs, cancer of the cervix, of the penis. It is also possible to throat cancer. With age, dysplasia appear more often.

From HPV is a long incubation period, subclinical form, which significantly complicate its diagnosis and treatment. DNA replication of HPV, but always in the deeper layers of skin or mucous cover. Because of this, treat the surface layer makes no sense. It would be a waste of time and money, because infected cells of the deep layers of the skin are a constant source of proliferation of the epithelium.

Causes and symptoms of HPV

DNA virus can be quite active. But under the influence of some factors she wakes up and begins to affect the body. This is possible with:

  • too frequentsmoking,
  • hormonal disturbance,
  • STIs (in particular genital herpes).

A few months the virus can rest in the human body. Its long incubation period allows you not to notice it. But then there are warts or condylomas. During the initial stage they are neat rounded and benign. They are light yellow or dark in pigmentation. Having papillomas on the skin or mucous surfaces of the genital organs. 18 type similar to 16 and their symptoms are practically identical. They can cause bovinity papulez. These pathogens are found on the genitals, becoming reasons for the development of cancer.

The probability of a speed of propagation of the virus depends entirely on immunity. The presence of diabetes and immunosuppression give the virus the ability to quickly and nogitsune to develop. What on the body can detect multiple HPV that can merge.

Infection from mother to child

In addition to the possibility of infection of an adult, perhaps getting the HPV virus to the baby during labor process. In this case, the virus will be undetectable for many years after birth. It manifests itself in the larynx and causes of juvenile papillomatosis of the trachea, throat, bronchi. In some cases of proven occurrence of these diseases in a child even for caesarean section. Therefore, you should carefully monitor their health during pregnancy and to treat the revealed diseases.

Napolova virus transmission to children is possible with shared bath when using the bathing supplies and towels.


VPCH papillomavirus 18 tipa

For the diagnosis using special tests. The most used remains PCR analysis. With its help it turns out not only to identify the presence of HPV in the body, but also to determine its type. But to accurately determine the viral load, it is desirable to use a qualitative PCR test. Due to this fact, clearly see the picture and determine its value. If this analysis be used during treatment, it becomes possible to determine its quality and efficacy.

To detect the virus visually. It is enough to inspect the place of its occurrence and to take swabs for analysis to polymerase chain reaction. Must take tests on Cytology. If necessary, for confirmation analysis do a colposcopy or a biopsy of the cervix. This helps to exclude hidden pathology, and to conduct histological study.

Treatment of HPV

At the moment, there are no medications that can completely destroy papillomavirus. Because of this, the treatment will be comprehensive. It involves the removal of papillomas of the local ways and medication. Remove adolescents to prevent their development again. Thanks to this method the viral load is significantly reduced, which reduces the possibility of infecting friends and relatives.

Definitely during treatment, try to support and strengthen the immune system. This will help to fight the virus and less to distribute it throughout the body. The doctor will prescribe treatment with immunomodulators and stimulant for the production of interferon.

Each patient receives individual treatment. It depends on the course of disease, viral load, immune system, susceptibility to drugs. But often in the body combines several infections that can complicate treatment. It is therefore recommended to carry out immunological examination. This will be able to find all the infection and gradually to cope with them, and with HPV.

If the patient during the study was discovered genital herpes, thrush or chlamydia, it will lead to complications. That is why the doctor develops an individual treatment system.

Removal of papillomas

The main method of treatment through the elimination of warts. Do it in different ways. Basically it all depends on the size and location of the growth.


Papillomas are removed with liquid nitrogen. It will freeze it and after a short period of time will fall off. After the skin is left a little cut. The average for this process and complete healing takes about 1-2 weeks.

Laser coagulation

You can remove papillomas beam of laser rays. Beneath the growth just evaporated, leaving a little dried crust. This method is good because healing occurs quickly, and to remove possible growths of any size.


The destruction occurs from the high temperature. Before removing, make anesthesia. Although this method is inexpensive, but it can remain scars.

Chemical method

There are drugs that can remove skin growths. To remove them you need some time to put application solutions. After this is the scab, which disappears in a few days.

Radio-wave method

For him the use of a special apparatus, which during the removal of papillomas prevents complications and does not leave scars. Also eliminated the bleeding.

How to avoid infection

Most people encounters a virus variants after a couple of years after onset of sexual activity. Why every woman must visit a doctor for a checkup. It helps to detect the HPV virus in time to start to treat it andto do Cytology.

Another way to avoid infection is vaccination. It is done for prevention and protection from:

  • cervical cancer and genital,
  • genital warts,
  • papillomatosis throat.

Vaccination before the onset of sexual activity. This minimizes the risk of infection, allowing a better influence vaccine. The average age for vaccination from 9 to 17 years. If desired, the vaccine can be used by a woman until the age of 28 years.

Vaccination scheme

The vaccine is administered three times in the shoulder man. All immunization for 6 months. After the first re-vaccination it is performed after 2 and 6 months. Possible accelerated version. In this case, after the first vaccination later happen after 1 and 3 months.

In violation of the interval of vaccination, but when made in the course of the year all the necessary injections, vaccination is considered successful. The immune system produces nearly 100% vaccinated.

The reaction to the vaccination and contraindications

As this vaccine mooreoklahoma, the reaction to it can occur in 0.1% of the vaccinated. They expressed minor increasing the temperature to 37 C. in 5% may be a local reaction of redness and some swelling. It passes within a couple of days, leaving behind no trace, and the body receives the necessary protection. Re-vaccination to do in the future is not necessary.

VPCH papillomavirus 18 tipa

Is vaccination contraindication. At this time it is advisable to postpone it. There are permanent and temporary cases of contraindications. To permanent treat people with allergic reaction to vaccine components. Temporary pronounced acute and chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out vaccination after recovery.

Through vaccination is obtained to protect a large number of people. But we should remember that species of the virus a lot and need to constantly observe all safety precautions. Just so happens to stay healthy and enjoy life.