Drugs, papilloma viral infection treatment

Preparaty protiv papilomo virusnoj infekcii lechenie

Papilloma virus that attacks the human body, is one of the most common infections in the world. Timely diagnosis and correctly chosen remedy for warts, is able to prevent the development and spread of the disease. The active stage of infection is characterized by an unpleasant external manifestations in the form of benign growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

Causes of papillomas

Tumors can be malignant and pose a serious threat to human life, so it's important not to ignore the symptoms of the disease. At risk include people with weakened immune systems. The ability of papillomavirus long time to be dormant, complicates timely detection of the disease.

Symptoms of conditions that often occur only in the presence of contributing factors:

  • strong stress,
  • antibacterial therapy,
  • the presence of harmful habits (Smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse),
  • casual sex,
  • the presence in the body of men or women HIV,
  • surgical procedures,
  • pregnancy, lactation, or menopause in women.

Papillomas are different in shape and color, affecting the upper layers of the epithelium, which ensure the regeneration of skin cells. Areas of localization of pathogenic lesions is the skin of the upper and lower extremities, face, eyelids, neck, chest and mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. Growths also occur on the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Under attack may be bladder, trachea, esophagus, stomach, intestines and cervix.

Diagnosis of diseases

Preparaty protiv papilomo virusnoj infekcii lechenie

Your doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination including external examination, and conducting laboratory and instrumental tests. Diagnosis of human papillomavirus infection based on the results of PCR tests. This technique allows to establish the time of infection, severity of disease, to detect chronic disease.

To eliminate the cancer and help the biopsy of the tumor. In the case of the adoption specialist of the decision to remove the growths surgically, is available to perform further histological examination. Cut the papilloma tissue are used for more accurate research. The choice of therapy is highly individual and may involve a complex medical treatment or surgery.

Antiviral agent against warts

Treatment of human papillomavirus infection based on the definition of the external manifestations, individual features of patient, to identify contraindications. Only a qualified specialist dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist can prescribe effective medical therapy.

The most popular pharmacological formulations to eliminate external manifestations of the virus are:

  • means of external application (ointments, gels, solutions),
  • drops, suppositories, injection preparations,
  • tablets,
  • lyapisny pencil.

An effective way of getting rid of warts come modern aerosols containing propane and dimethyl ether. The use of the funds requires special care. Criodestruction the influence of the applicators on the papilloma resolve growths in just a few treatments.

It should be noted that completely destroy the papillomavirus in humans is not possible. Antivirals will only help to suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, increasing the protective properties of the immune system.

Symptoms with the risk of developing cancer often manifested in the female half of the population. In men, the diagnosis of HPV primarily establishes a laboratory method without visible lesions. Potent agents of warts is not recommended without a doctor's prescription. It should be remembered that self-medication can harm and aggravate the situation.

Medicines external application

Preparaty protiv papilomo virusnoj infekcii lechenie

The appearance of papillomas on the skin indicates activation of the virus in the human body. Means outdoor use require specialcaution during application. It is important to avoid chemical solutions for healthy skin to avoid burns and allergic reactions. Damage healthy skin will only complicate the situation, creating the likelihood of secondary infections.

For the treatment of symptoms of papillomavirus successfully applied: "Cheap", "Superkitten", salicylic acid, "Panavir", "Podophyllin", "Solkoderm". These drugs are used to provide local impact and treatment of the tumors. The frequency, duration, and characteristics of use are specified in the instructions of drugs. To make changes, or correct indications for use drugs can be a doctor.

Solution "Ferezol" contains phenol and tricresol. After a few applications of the drug is able to eliminate small filamentous papillae. Salicylic acid is also cauterize the growths and has an antiseptic effect. It is not recommended to combine the use of ointments before or after application of the solutions containing phenol. It is important to follow doctor's appointments, pre-checking the possibility of combining funds.

Clinical trials confirm the effectiveness of the cosmetic liquid "Supercrystal". You will need to complete the application of the composition directly on the surface of the wart. The destruction of the manifestation is accompanied by desquamation and cell death of tumors. Over time, the affected areas are completely cleared. It is not recommended to use the product, avoiding exposure in areas with particularly sensitive skin.

Treatment of HPV pills

The cure for papillomavirus should first block the development of infection. Form of pharmacological drugs in tablet allows you to affect the virus at a deeper level. "Isoprinosine", "Acyclovir" are highly efficient in the treatment of HPV.

The "Isoprinosine" against HPV is to induce protective properties, thanks to the restoration of immunodeficiency. The drug is able to restore the function of lymphocytes. The drug can serve as the basis of monotherapy.

Timely and proper taking the pills will have effective result. Drugs are widely used after surgical removal of the formations, to prevent recurrence of infection. These medications are accepted not only to adults but also children. The dosage and course of treatment will be determined by a physician taking into account individual peculiarities of the organism.

To eliminate large pockets of lesions will help injection. The principle of action of such drugs lies in the destructive effect of the injected compounds on DNA papillomavirus. HPV cannot develop a resistance to medicines that can affect on the infection at the cellular level. Complex cases of the disease in HPV 16, 18 type is assigned to the anticancer therapy.

Immunostimulatory drugs

Improves the immune properties of the organism is able to exert a powerful influence on the effectiveness of treatment. Funds on the basis of purified interferon, synthesized artificially from the cells of blood provide:

  • gain immunity to the effects of infections,
  • the inhibition of protein synthesis,
  • prevent the breeding of HPV,
  • antiviral effect, the destruction of the virus.

Homeopathic remedies are also immunomodulatory drugs that are effectively used in the course of complex treatment. Tinctures and extracts based on natural components stimulate the immune system, increasing the protective functions of the body.

Taking medications made from medicinal plants such as aralia, Echinacea, leuzea, ginseng root, Rhodiola rose, will have a restorative and tonic effect on the body as a whole.

Lyapisny pencil

One of the widely known pharmacological agents used for the removal of papillomas and warts, acts lyapisny pencil. In a preparation containing silver nitrate. A substance having a cauterizing and necrotizing effects with bactericidal effect.

The tool should be carefully applied to isolated growths, avoiding hits on healthy skin. When treating large areas of skin lesions with multiple tumors, the drug can cause burns, scarring. The main contraindication to the use of acts of individual intolerance to the silver.

Preventive measures

The main preventive measure against various forms of HPV is to strengthen the immune system. People are more susceptible to the pathological effects of the virus at a low level of body resistance. Delayed treatment and a weakened immune system can lead to the transformation of benign tumors to Oncology.

Infectious pathogenesis previously, illness and severe stress can cause active reproduction of the virus. The progression of the disease is fraught with serious consequences. Papillae increase in size and cover large areas of skin and mucous membranes.

It is very important to prevent pathological processes against the background of the disease HPV. The main preventive measures are:

  • taking vitamin complexes, healthy and wholesome food,
  • gradual hardening, walks in the fresh air,
  • sports, exercise, moderate exercise,
  • struggle with bad habits,quitting Smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages,
  • the use of reliable contraception, no promiscuity.

    Preparaty protiv papilomo virusnoj infekcii lechenie

It is not recommended to personally remove papillomas, or to self-medicate. A healthy immune system and proper lifestyle will be the key to good health and protection against viral infections.