Treatment papillomavirinae infection in women

HPV virus infection in women. Silent enemy…

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HPV – three letters that cannot complicate life. Hidden beneath the acronym "human papilloma virus", which usually affects not only women but also men.

There are more than 100 different types of HPV. Some of them are more or less "acceptable" as a result of their effects on the body there are "only" warts on the hands and feet, and often disappear on their own, without treatment. Threat are more than 30 papiloma virus, also known as genital HPV since they affect the genital area. Some of these viruses cause changes in the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix and, if the disease is not treated in time, sometimes the HPV cells can turn into cancer. Other types of virus characteristic of those that cause genital warts and other noncancerous changes in the cervix.

Infection with this virus is recognized as one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. HPV is responsible for the creation of a number of skin lesions, mainly in the genital area. These lesions of the skin, technically referred to as venereal warts or warts.

What is HPV, how is the treatment papillomavirus infection, obstetrics & gynecology human papillomavirus infection – what are the statistics of the disease?

Gynecology – HPV infection. Statistics, etiology

Lechenie papilomavirusnaya infekciya u zhenshin

Modern research shows that about 75 to 80% of sexually active young people at least once in your life met with the infection caused by HPV. This infection a person can get infected only by sexual contact, whether vaginal, anal or oral. Often suffer from this disease and homosexuals.

Infection occurs during close contact of mucous membranes, transmission of the virus is facilitated by the small damage (cracks, scratches). As in the case of any other viral diseases, although it is possible to treat the symptoms, but to cure human papillomavirus infection completely impossible. After a man has once contracted the virus, that remains in the body for a lifetime, and signs and symptoms typically, after the treatment of human papillomavirus infection, are greatly weakened. How often will manifest symptoms of the disease, is the issue of immunity.

This disease is one of DNA viruses. It is a virus that affects both women and men. There are more than 100 types of HPV that can affect different parts of the body. About 30 of them affect the genital area and is known as genital human papillomavirus. They, in turn, are divided into oncogenic (cancer-causing) and carcinogenic (benign).

Neochanna HPV often causes the formation of warts, ie are the most common culprits of skin lesions. The fact that for the occurrence of warts is responsible for the presence of human papilloma virus, was discovered only in 1949.

Oncogenic types of HPV cause abnormal changes in the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix.

These changes can, over time, spontaneously disappear, but, unfortunately, often lead to the formation of precancerous lesions or even cervical cancer. If a pregnant woman has genital warts, this is no reason to abandon natural childbirth. Warts are not a reason for cesarean section.

History study of HPV

The relationship between sexual activity and cervical cancer was discovered in the 19th century. This is the conclusion the researchers came from the fact of absence of cervical cancer in nuns, andin 1907, began the study of papilloma. Since then, research has come a long way and in today's time HPV is more clearly defined. The first large-scale study that examines the relationship between the presence of HPV DNA and cancerous lesions of the cervix, was held in 1987. In 1999 it was finally confirmed a "significant presence" of HPV in relation to cervical cancer.

Who is at risk?

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Genital HPV can affect, both women and men. The transmission of the virus occurs during any sexual activities involving genital contact. For transmission there is no need in the sexual act itself.

Everyone is at risk sexually active individuals of either sex. Because the infection is often not associated with specific symptoms, the virus can be transmitted, without "informing" the person. HPV is very contagious, so just one contact for transmission of the disease.

Most women about the fact of infection can be recognized only on the results of the PAP test, also known as a PAP smear or Cytology. This test usually is part of the gynecological exam and helps detect abnormal cells in cervical epithelium. With this test the attending physician determines whether it is possible at a certain frequency of abnormal cells associated with HPV, to apply a treatment HPV infection requires diagnosis at an early stage. Cervical cancer is one of cancers that can be successfully prevented.

Types of HPV

HPV has more than 100 kinds, as mentioned above. Virus HPV low-risk types cause warts that affect male and female sex organs. There is a low risk of contamination of the mucous membranes, rarely is the formation of a tumor.

Papillomavirus high-risk types cause precancerous lesions and cervical cancer, penis and anogenital region.

There are 15 oncogenic types of HPV, which have a direct impact on the development of cancer. The most common oncogenic types of HPV are HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51 and 52, of which HPV types 16 and 18 responsible for 70% of cervical cancer cases in the world.

Long-term maintenance of these viruses in the body increases the risk of carcinoma. Woman throughout life, can get this infection, but can also take place several persistent infections oncogenic types of HPV. However, this does not guarantee immunity to other types of infection.

Symptoms of human papillomavirus

In many cases, infection is asymptomatic, and the human body for the past 2 years due to his own defense is able to get rid of the virus. For the first time the transmission of sexually transmitted HPV have been described only in 1954. During intercourse there is the appearance of small wounds, cracks that have subsequently become infected with HPV, which passes through the epithelium and infects the basal cells.

Lechenie papilomavirusnaya infekciya u zhenshin

The incubation period for the formation of warts within 3 weeks to 8 months. They are probably the most common symptom of this sexually transmitted disease. Genital warts represent borodavchasta of education, which initially occur in small quantities or are so small that often for a long time are unnoticed.

In its growth and development genital warts to increase in volume and can no longer go unnoticed. This type of genital warts is caused by presence of HPV 6 and 11 are more pointed form, convex, a characteristic whitish color. In men they occur on the penis, scrotum and around the anus. Women – affected areas of the vagina, cervix and vulva.

The second form is represented by flat warts – low, in the form of spots having a granular surface and red color. This type of warts can create so-called "mosaic" and is often pigmented. Pathogens are HPV 16 or 18. In the area of the external genitalia and the penis they are often called bowenoid papulosa. Warts are painless and often so small that for a long time unnoticed, as they are not visible to the naked eye.

Diagnosis and treatment of HPV

HPV is the causative agent of various cutaneous wart on the body of an infected person. HPV is one of a large group of diseases that are transmitted sexually. Its incubation period is wide and, as mentioned above, is from 3 weeks to 8 months, during which the disease may be asymptomatic.

HPV infection depends a lot on the immune system of an infected person. Many people have suffered a venereal disease without knowing it.

Diagnosis of HPV

Diagnosis greatly facilitates the presence of warts. Every woman should at least once a year to undergo regular gynecological examination where the doctor takes a cervical smear and conducts a cytological examination.

In accordance with the results of the research to determine whether epithelial cellsphysiological, but have a tendency to the formation of precancerous lesions. The doctor can detect HPV through selection of target brushstroke, which then sends to a specialized laboratory for DNA analysis of the disease undertaken by the polymerase chain reaction. Currently this method is most reliable for the diagnosis of HPV.

Candles and antibiotics – treatment of HPV

HPV is a disease that can be treated, but not cured completely. Genital warts, which is one of the main symptoms of HPV infection can recur. In 20-30% of cases they disappear spontaneously. However, in advance to determine which lesions will spontaneously disappear, and which will be propagated, it is impossible. Thus, the treatment can be divided into local, which makes the man himself (e.g., candles), and for therapy administered by a doctor (the same plugs, but prescription, some antibiotics, etc.).

The most often used chemical treatment, which ranges from 10 to 25% of therapeutic decisions. It only applies the presence of warts within a few days. This treatment is repeated until then, until it comes to the complete disappearance of warts.

In addition to solutions there are candles and creams having the same action, that is also widely used for the treatment and removal of warts. In addition, the widely used freezing, laser or classical surgery, or the introduction of interferon by injection.

Some methods (like candles and creams) also apply if a woman is pregnant, and she was diagnosed with HPV. Like most sexually transmitted diseases, HPV infection is considered simultaneous treatment of both sexual partners. To prevent infection, can be vaccinated. Currently available on the market two drugs that are used to prevent exposure to the virus and mitigating the consequences in case if the person is already infected.

The human papilloma virus contains DNA and is genetically stable. Thus, vaccination against HPV infection ensures long-term protection. Vaccination is the most effective for girls who have not been in contact with the virus. In the future, mandatory vaccination of 12-year-old girls. Women can be vaccinated at the age of 26. The effectiveness of vaccination in older women is currently the subject of research, but we can assume that in the near future this border will move.

The vaccine is not free today. In the process of treatment, it is necessary to introduce three vaccines. Vaccinated for the first time, then after two months and the third vaccine is administered after 6 months. Vaccination prevents infection in vaccinated women 100%. This vaccine also helps the body to develop immunity to HPV infection.

If you are not able to pay for the vaccination, you have no other choice but to defend himself. This means that you should not lead a promiscuous sexual life (excessive alternating partners), as well as the necessity of regular carrying out a pelvic examination. Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant disease in women and the third leading cause of death for women.

The most common questions about HPV

What is the human papillomavirus?

HPV is a virus that affects women and men equally. Some types of diseases cause the appearance of warts on the hands and feet. Most types of illness are not accompanied by any signs or symptoms and disappear without treatment.

About 30 types of the disease affect the genital area. Some of them cause changes in the epithelium of the cervix. If untreated, these abnormal cells sometimes turn into cancer. Other types of disease can cause genital warts and benign (abnormal, but not oncogenic) changes in the cervix. Many types of illness can be the cause of abnormal results of the PAP smear.

What are the statistics of the disease?

HPV is much more common than it might seem at first glance. The world health organization (who) in 2001, registered all over the world about 630 million people (9% -13%) who are infected with this virus.

Who are in danger of getting genital HPV?

People with any sexual activities involving genital contact can get genital HPV infection. To the virus without sexual intercourse. Because many people who have this virus do not experience any signs or symptoms, they can transmit the disease unknowingly.

HPV is a very contagious disease. Shows that many people get HPV within the first 2-3 years of his active sex life. The who claims that 2/3 of all people who had sexual contact with an infected partner, within three months after this contact there is the virus infection.

Does every infected person develop cervical cancer or genital warts?

No. Many infected people the body's defenses enough to eliminate the virus. Some people, however, some types of disease can lead to the development of genital warts andbenign changes in the cervix. In the absence of treatment could be precancerous and cancer. The development of cervical cancer typically takes many years, although in rare cases the tumor may develop during the year. Therefore, early diagnosis is extremely important. Talk to your doctor about a PAP smear, which can help detect suspicious cell changes in the cervix.


When the diagnosis of HPV, in each case, the treatment – HPV infection can lead to serious complications.