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Worms ascarids in children — a Quick treatment of roundworm in children

The peak catch pinworms occurs at a younger age. At this time, the child usually pulls everything in his mouth and has a habit of licking dirty fingers. Upon learning that the baby has roundworm parents panic, the question of where they could appear. The disease is not dangerous if not to start treatment. According to statistics, more than 80% of the children were sick once in your life helminthiasis.

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What is a nematode?

The parasites are round white with a pinkish tinge, often settle in the intestines but can migrate via the liver, blood, brain and other organs. Documented cases of discovery in the eyes, the ear passages of people. Their sizes are impressive, the female can reach up to half a meter in length and males 20-25 cm Performance of sexual Mature specimens up to 200 thousand eggs per day. The average life expectancy of microbes from 10 months to a year. After a year they die, that does not mean complete deliverance. Their eggs can live in soil, water, products.

As worms enters the body?

Leaving the human body of the affected eggs, the feces enter the soil, where there are favorable conditions. In an environment where they are in their infancy to 12 years. The egg is covered with five layers of the shell, it protects the embryo from adverse factors of flora, UV, frost. Spread of pathogens normal flies, eating excrement. After they catch fish and animals.

The main sources of infection serve:

  • the use of raw water or water from dirty ponds and lakes,
  • raw, which has not passed thermal processing food,
  • unwashed vegetables and fruits,Roundworm of the child appear as a result of lack of proper personal hygiene. Therefore, it is important to follow, washed the kid after a walk or playing with a pet.
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How is the development of parasites:

Getting into the child's body the eggs hatch into larvae. They relieve the protective sheath. While the germ is in the soil, it is protected by five layers of the shell. He is not afraid of the cold, ultraviolet rays. The germ is capable of up to 10 years in this state in the ground. Penetrating into the portal vein migrate throughout the body, lungs, liver, heart, stomach. This is called the migration phase. Once the invasion is about 4 days, and then larvae rise from the liver to the lungs. The child re-swallowing them with saliva. The remaining 10 or 15 days, the microbes develop into sexual Mature individuals. This period can last up to three months. Then comes the intestinal stage. The female lays more than 250 thousand eggs per day, eggs come out with feces. Can live up to year, then dies.

Signs of ascariasis

Initially, roundworm in children do not cause any symptoms. A week later, starting to spawn, emit harmful substances, appears:

  • dry cough,
  • fever,
  • skin rash,
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If Your child has any of these symptoms, it may be a sign of the presence of nematodes

After a month of infection increases in the volume of spleen and liver, on palpation, tenderness is observed. Abdominal pain and indigestion. The kid loses weight, refuses to eat or eats poorly. Disturbed sleep, weakness and fatigue. When emptying the bowel worms are visible in fecal mass. It is important to know that high intake of eggs the body is in rapid intoxication, the body temperature rises to 38 degrees, the kids get headaches and migraines, increase the internal organs.
At the last stage bioelement cause pallor, fever, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea replaced the constipation.


In order to find worms class ascarids in young children should be coprological analysis or a General analysis of blood. Possible collection of sputum to detect the presence of worms. X-ray examination shows the accumulation of parasites in the gut or their traces in the lungs. Therapy prescribed by your doctor.

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You should not start the disease and time to start to heal. Because otherwise, nematodes lead to complications. Local, their accumulation leads to damageinternal organs, for example, accumulating in the intestinal tract they gnaw through the wall, leading to peritonitis. Migration of larval forms of mechanical damage, walking through the vessels microbe damages the lungs, liver, intestines. Additionally, the pathogen feeds on the nutrients and trace elements, literally sucking them out of the body. Eating, and throws the consequences of life, poisoning humans. Decomposition products have strong toxic and allergic reactions. Prolonged treatment leads to asthmatic asphyxiation, blindness, obstructive bronchitis. Pneumonia, appendicitis, kidney inflammation, deafness, mental retardation and physical, this is not a complete list of severe diseases. The child's body becomes susceptible to infections, it is harder to fight weakens the immune system. Therefore, you must withdraw as quickly as possible helminth infection.


For treatment, the doctor adjusts the phase of the patient's disease, condition, age, body weight and the presence of contraindications to the medication. Prescribed anthelmintic means, they aim to destroy and blocking pinworms, subsequent elimination. In severe infection is additionally prescribed immunostimulatory, tonic medicines, vitamins, preparations containing iron. It should be noted, if during therapy, medications weak action, it will lead to the lifting of invasion up in the mouth and nasal passages and cause suffocation.

If there is a degree of migration to treat roundworms need medication broad-spectrum anti-nematode activity. Commonly used Levamisole or another name Dekaris, Vermoxum, Vermin, Tiabendazol. For dosage a weight is assigned infected and the number of colonies of worms. Mintezol anti parasitic remedy given 25 milligrams with the expectation of 1 kg in 3 doses, after eating, within 5 days. In the chronic phase Megamin or Dekaris. The first is calculated 10 milligrams on 1 kg in 3 divided doses on 1 day. The second one 2.5 mg divided into three times. Ascariasis in infants treated with Albendazole. If a baby has a mass lesion worms, Wormix cannot be used. It contributes to increased activities of harmful agents, causing them to fall into the airway. Antibiotics and antiparasitic agents and destroys beneficial flora. For her recovery and to avoid dysbiosis and prescribed medications for the microflora of the stomach. Analyses are rented every week, and examination a month later. The risk of re infection in this period is large, a weakened immune system picks up the eggs of helminths and re-infection can not be avoided.

Folk remedies

From the article we learned the symptoms and treatment of medicines. Below we will examine the effectiveness of traditional medicine. Consider how to withdraw roundworms garlic. Vegetable clear from the skins and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook for about 30 minutes. Cool the solution, strain through cheesecloth and enter through the enema inside. This is done in the evening. Remember that alcohol tincture of the plant is forbidden to give. Alcohol carries a negative impact on the fragile body.

The expulsion of nematodes onions. Onion has antiseptic and bacterial properties. Skip one large onion through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mush with the honey, in the ratio one to one. Take orally one teaspoonful three times a day, as long as the worms do not leave the child.

Walnuts better help at an early stage of the disease. Only need green walnuts. Pour boiling water and add a tiny bit of salt. Let stand half an hour. Strain and drink. In aggregate, it is necessary to include medications with a laxative effect. A large number of pinworms in the derivation from the lumen of the stomach sometimes lead to accumulation them in the balls, forming constipation.

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Pumpkin seeds help in the fight against disease. They should just eat unlimited raw. Before taking you should consult with a specialist. You can't use the juice of celandine, although it is effective medicine, but it is difficult to calculate the dose. Moreover, it will destroy worms in the stomach, causing the blockade of Taurus. Remove them from liver, lung, heart will difficult. New bioelement will spawn again.

Preventive measures

It is always better to prevent disease than to treat its consequences.

  • always wash your hands after visiting the street, the toilet and after contact with Pets,
  • strictly follow the kid, if he washes fruits and vegetables before eating,
  • do not drink unboiled water,
  • time to eliminate the flies in the house, they are messengers of an infection,
  • to protect the child's communication with family members who have a diagnosis of a pathological condition,
  • Chad not to give drugs with the aim of prevention of helminthiasis,
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Compliance with these rules will protect the parents from infecting their children with Ascaris.