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SARS in a child 2 years than to cure

Child and SARS

Most often, viral respiratory infections affect children. This happens for various reasons. But the disease always carries with it not only the deterioration of the child, but and excitement for parents. After all, to treat your kid like yourself will not work. They should not be given drugs for adults, and especially of the disease can vary. So many parents wonder about SARS in a child 2 years than to treat it and how to do it right.

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In fact, just to cure SARS, it is important not to lead to complications and not to use drugs for adults. Then the kid will get rid of the disease and again will feel good.

The causes of SARS

In most cases of SARS are caused by viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. Source of disease is sick person who is a distributor of the virus. The most dangerous of such cases in the initial stage, because sometimes it can take place without overt symptoms. The virus is still excreted from the body and infect others.

But in the case of young children, transmission can be domestic, passing the virus through toys or utensils. The patient coughs and sneezes, spreading particles of sputum on different subjects. When you use these items a healthy child there is an infection. Therefore, during outbreaks, should pay attention to hygiene and to monitor the environment, identifying the infected.

Incubation period

On average, the incubation period is about 2-5 days. It all depends on the virus and its quantity in the body. In some cases the incubation period may be reduced to several hours. Long term sometimes children with good immune system or when you ingested too small part of the causative agent. Therefore, to identify itself, it will need a little more time for reproduction. During the incubation period, the children are sources of disease, transmitting it to others exposed to them.


Share forms depending on the causative agent. The infection can be:

  • rhinovirus,
  • coronavirus,
  • adenoviral,
  • parainfluenza.

Rhinovirus form most often one of the easiest and most simple for. When coronavirus diseases the child has to be sick a little longer, having a bole symptoms. Adenovirus infection is supplemented by the symptoms of conjunctivitis, and has parainfluenza in symptoms of cough and high temperature.

Complications of acute respiratory viral infection

Because of the peculiarities of the structure of the nose in infants, complications can arise with SARS. In some cases they flow into the more complex diseases in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. This is due to the more narrow nasal passages, more friable mucosa. Therefore, in inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity there is swelling, preventing the normal outflow of mucus and making it difficult to breathe.

You may notice that the child is hard to breastfeed and he refuses to eat and becomes restless. It affects his overall status negatively, which adds excitement to the parents.

Also the structural features of the lacrimal-nasal canal help infection get from the nose to the eyes. The insufficiency of valves and short channel lead to conjunctivitis during SARS. There may also be a complication of otitis media or sinusitis. And at very high temperatures develop febrile convulsions.

SARS in children up to 1 year and may be complicated by croup. It is an inflammation of the larynx characterized by difficulty breathing, dry barking cough. This condition is that it may increase swelling and possible suffocation. Therefore, it is required the attending physician, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of SARS in children

For all types of Ari are characterised by some symptoms that can be pronounced or very little:

  • rise in temperature,
  • loss of appetite,
  • anxiety and tearfulness,
  • rhinitis,
  • cough.

In adenoviral infectionalways with conjunctivitis, causing redness and dryness of the eyes, lacrimation. Can also increase the lymph nodes.

In some cases of SARS to the usual symptoms can join loose stools or a small rash. Diarrhea usually happens in the beginning of the disease, passing through a couple of days. The rash may appear all over the body or certain parts and to disappear quickly.

In fact, acute respiratory viral disease is not as scary as its complications. Therefore, it is necessary to notice strange symptoms and immediately consult a doctor.


Usually special diagnostic methods are not used, but the doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests. Also the child needs to listen to the lungs with a stethoscope and to conduct a General inspection.

It is not advisable to do a self test and attempt to diagnose. Always keep in mind that SARS from adults childhood illness is different. Therefore, the treatment should be somewhat different.

Antipyretic drugs

When the temperature rises to 38°C, you can do without fever-reducing medication. The body at this time fighting the virus by producing antibodies to it. But in the case of higher need the temperature to normalize. This is especially true of children in the first year of life. It is not advisable to give them a temperature, for a long time, it is dangerous for their health.

It preferred to use syrups or suppositories. Also, there are chewable tablets, but they can be given to children 2 years of age who have teeth. Such forms of medications easier to use for children. Syrups and chewable tablets usually start to influence the temperature in 20 minutes, and candles 30. But that candle is useful in cases when children do not want to eat, and the medicine should swallow.

When choosing antipyretics need to understand that the composition of the syrups can be the dyes and additives that cause allergic reactions. When buying a product you should pay attention to the child's age. The manuals always exactly indicate this is complemented by the correct dosage. It is advisable to stick to it and not to give children medication more often than every 4-5 hours after last reception.

How to understand whether to treat it at a temperature

Usually there are two types of temperature increase. One of them is pink. In this case, the skin is rosy child, he is quite active and enjoys playing games. Skin warm and slightly damp.

In this case, should not rush to antipyretic agents. The child is quite heat contributes to heat production. Therefore, we can restrict abundant drink. It is important to observe the humidity and temperature in the room.

If you have a pale fever, the child will have pale skin, his limbs will be cold, and he was sluggish and tired. In this case, the heat transfer during heat production is inadequate, as a violation of the peripheral circulation. Therefore, the temperature should knock necessarily. You can wrap the baby and put on his socks.

Give antipyretic drugs for children with heart disease, given the current febrile convulsions in history. And in the case of illness of a child up to 3 months to give him such drugs without a doctor's prescription is not advisable.

The fight against common cold

Stuffy nose prevents the child to breathe normally and eat. Therefore, symptomatic treatment should stop and the common cold. For this purpose, special nose drops 3 to 4 times a day. Children under one year need to drip them before eating. This will help to release the sinuses and give him quietly to enjoy the food.

But to apply everything drops impossible. For children choose only baby and permitted for their age. Long term use of them undesirable because they can cause a partial atrophy of the mucosa, which will reduce its function.

You can help mucosa with hydration. This will help her less to swell, to get rid of the virus and will not be a dry crust from a cold in the nose. For this purpose inhalation. But for a child it is better to buy a special inhaler and do not use for inhalation a pot of boiling water. First of all, safety is important.

Children to conduct such inhalation is not desirable. You need to inspect emerging from his nose snot. If it is thick and green, and nose are bleeding cracks, inhalation is prohibited. They were not to do with pain in the ears, it will lead to complication of otitis media. Constantly current and snot and a wet nose does not require inhalation.

What not to do with SARS

Some adults at an elevated temperature, wipe the leather surface with a solution of alcohol or vinegar. But to do so is strictly prohibited. The solution can be absorbed into the skin and the vapors to penetrate during breathing. This will lead to the poisoning of the body, worsening the illness. If you want to reduce the temperature of pratoranieri, let it be plain water.

You don't give children medicines for adults even in the form of half tablet or one drop in the nose. These drugs are designed specifically for the adult body and even half of the recommended dosage can hurt the baby. Treatment of SARS in children, drugs for adults can not. Rather it be 3 drops in the nose or the whole tablet, but that drugs for children.

When the temperature is not to soar legs to children. In such a small age at the first and second year of life, it is better to avoid such procedures.Even warm dry mustard in socks is not desirable. Children skin is very delicate and irritant in the form of mustard may lead to unpleasant consequences, especially for children under one year.

It is impossible to heat the area of the bronchi and to impose on them the warm compresses are so like to advise my grandmother. It helps to strengthen the blood circulation and to "lower" the disease below. In the future it can cause complications such as bronchitis. It is better to use paraffin ointment, but only with a doctor's prescription.

To use honey in the treatment of children is not worth it. They may be allergic to that only worsen the condition.

Help in the treatment of

For de intoxication by the waste products of viruses, you need adequate amounts of drinking. It helps with increase in temperature. If SARS are joined by a symptom in the form of vomiting or diarrhea, then replenishing the fluid must be constant. Not necessarily to drink large amounts of fluid. Enough to give 1 to 3 teaspoons of water every few minutes. This method will help to avoid dehydration and complications.

The liquid can be given plain water or decoction of chamomile. 1 liter of water to 3 teaspoons of chamomile flowers. Apply sweetened with honey or sugar water can not.

Be sure to maintain the indoor temperature not higher than 20C and humidity. Depends on the state of the mucous membranes. The higher the temperature and the drier the air, the faster the mucous will lose moisture. The viruses will start to multiply much faster.

Do not forget about the constant airing of the room and wet cleaning. This will reduce the number of viruses, and the fresh air is always helpful. If possible, you should take your baby outside. It is not necessary to go somewhere, it is enough to wrap it and put it on the balcony. But to make this walk better after improvement.

What to do when you have diarrhea and vomiting

In some cases, to disease associated disorder stool or vomiting. In this case it is advisable to unsolder the child, preventing dehydration. Also use sorbents to eliminate intoxication. They will help flush some of the toxic substances.

Be sure to monitor the child's condition and apply the dehydration means. Pay special attention to children under one year. They are small and their body does not contain large amounts of fluid, it is quickly lost. And it's scary complications.

Diarrhea special diet is prescribed. With adults it's much clearer and simpler, so the diet should consult a doctor. Usually children are permitted dairy products, boiled vegetables and soups out of them, rice and oatmeal.

Infants should not be torn away from the feeding breast milk. It is a source of nutrients and provides protection against infections. Because it is able to enhance the immune system and helps during illness.

Preventive measures

Upon detection of a sick family member, is to protect him from communicating with the child. Ideally, to settle to recover in another room. Necessarily three times a day to ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. When communicating with the patient to wear a mask, and after talking to wash your hands because viruses can be transferred to the child.

Not worth a visit with children in public places during outbreaks of SARS. Better to walk with them outdoors in the Park or in the yard where you don't need to communicate with other people.

Knowing how to treat children, do not neglect prevention. Therefore, it is possible to gradually harden and try to boost immunity. For this purpose special preparations. Immunomodulators prescribed by a doctor, based on the characteristics of the child and his age. The same applies to antiviral drugs, which can also be taken for prevention.