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SARS in pregnancy 2nd trimester treatment effects

Acute respiratory infections are quite common. They can be mild or can cause complications. For the average person to recover independently is not difficult. But SARS in the third trimester of pregnancy or at any time require a totally different approach. This is because certain medications negatively affect the course of pregnancy and on the fetus. Therefore, having caught a viral infection should consult a doctor. He will prescribe the right treatment which will not harm the expectant mother and her baby.

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Symptoms and complications of SARS

There are several symptoms that help to identify the disease SARS. Among them:

  • rise in temperature,
  • General weakness of the body,
  • nasal congestion, rhinitis,
  • dryness of mucous membranes,
  • headache,
  • cough.

These symptoms may be present selectively, or all at once. What is the acute respiratory the virus gets into the body, and these will be the symptoms. The temperature is not in all cases, but it does not facilitate the disease. In this case, there is more runny nose and nasal congestion, dryness and feeling of sand in eyes, headache.

Orvi pri beremennosti 2 trimestr lechenie posledstviya

As unpleasant sore throat, which is accompanied by its swelling, irritation and redness. In this case, it is impossible to swallow food and even water that appears irritating cough.

If the immune system is weak or a woman alone trying to treat yourself, then there are unpleasant consequences in the form of complications. It can be:

  • bronchitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • inflammation of the ear.

Not to bring infection to this, need to consult a physician.

The danger of SARS in pregnancy

Though it seems that the disease is simple, but for pregnant women it is dangerous. Its degree will depend on the duration of pregnancy. The most dangerous is SARS in pregnancy 1 trimester. The fruit is not yet fully formed, causing abnormalities in its development. In addition, he has good defense and can occur spontaneous miscarriage.

The second and the third trimester is not as dangerous, and the baby is better protected. But when complications arise can lead to dangerous situations. They most often affect placental exchange.

Orvi pri beremennosti 2 trimestr lechenie posledstviya

Encountered virus infection until mid-2nd trimester causes an abnormal formation of internal organs and the Central nervous system of the fetus. Also, the child may be infected in utero. Appears infectious-inflammatory process drawing encephalitis, meningitis and even pneumonia. Placental exchange is getting worse that affects the nutrition of the fetus. It starts to lag in physical development and gets less oxygen.

Infection at the end of the 3rd trimester almost before childbirth, may cause the newborn to hypoxia. In this case, the child is listless, pale skin, disturbances of the respiratory system. The baby was not injured and recovered, he was placed in intensive care.

As it is impossible to be treated with SARS

If SARS in pregnant women, the conventional treatment is not suitable. But it is important to remember about safety. Therefore, strictly prohibited:

  1. Soar feet.
  2. Do hot baths.
  3. To appoint a antibiotics and antiviral drugs.
  4. Steam bath and sauna.
  5. To drink aspirin and preparations containing it.
  6. To wipe alcohol at temperatures.
  7. Warm feet, dry mustard and woolen socks.

It is also important to understand how to treat a cold. For this approach, not all vasoconstrictors. Some components of the threat. It is not advisable to use mustard and banks.

Correct treatment

Treatment of SARS is prescribed by a doctor, but you can use some actions. If the infection has caused the temperature, you can try to knock her preparations with paracetamol. Ideally do not use antipyretic, and to bring down the temperature of the materials at hand. For this fit wiping with water, drink plenty of liquids. Pills best taken whenthe temperature rose above 38C. To this value to allow time for the immune system to produce interferon. But to expose the body temperature more than 2 days is not advisable. This has a negative impact on the child.

When cold it is better to use the people's money. In this capacity, suitable washing of the nose with salted water. Also a good inhalation on the basis of the soda solution, chamomile, calendula. With eucalyptus oil you have to be careful. It can negatively impact pregnancy, at least for the treatment of an ordinary person is good.Sore throat well help sprays and rinses. Assign medication can only be a doctor, knowing the safest for a pregnant woman. Rinse you can do yourself. They significantly reduce pain when swallowing, to help reduce inflammation and swelling. For this purpose prepare a solution. It requires the following ingredients:

  • 1 Cup warm water,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
  • 2 drops of iodine.

Solution mix well and gargle every 3 hours. Instead of water you can use a decoction of chamomile. 200 ml of water 1 teaspoon of plants.

Features of treatment at different trimesters

The first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy one of the most important. At this time, laid the bodies and the child begins to grow. So better not to risk it, to go through the necessary research and to visit a doctor. If viral microorganism will affect the fetus, causing its malformation, the woman's body will simply reject it due to non-viability

The treatment in this case is special because not allowed most of the drugs for SARS. Excluded use of aspirin, Ambroxol, naphazoline and other drugs. Doctors will recommend the use of inhalations and tea with honey. You can also wash the nose with saline solution to gargle. At this time mandatory bed rest.

II trimester

SARS in pregnancy 2nd trimester the treatment is also prescribed by a doctor. At this time the danger is less, but increases the possible fetal hypoxia. 14 weeks may suffer endocrine system of the fetus, and 17 bone. 20 a week is dangerous for girls. SARS will have a negative impact on the formation of eggs.

Treatment does not differ from the treatment in the 1st trimester. And in the absence of complications is minimized taking drugs. It is also important not to carry the disease on their feet.

III trimester

SARS in pregnancy 3rd trimester threat at the end of term. Child born can pick up from mother viral infection and ache. It is also dangerous to be sick in the 3rd trimester due to the weakening of the body. The woman needed all the power for the generative process, and the body will spend on the virus. It does not facilitate childbirth.

Treatment is complicated by the inability to take regular medications during viral infection. But can be treated with herbs. Not all of them are allowed, but some help during pregnancy.

  1. Chamomile.
  2. Lime blossom.
  3. Mother and stepmother.
  4. Licorice.
  5. Plantain.
  6. Calendula.
  7. Thermopsis.

In some cases, you can bring the temperature down with paracetamol, but only after a doctor's prescription.


One of the most harmless during disease will be vitamins. They help to support the body, protect him and with their help, it is faster regeneration of mucous membranes. All this reduces the manifestation of the disease and helps to cope with it.

In pharmacies there is a huge amount of vitamin complexes. They are especially needed for those pregnant women, who during the disease cannot eat, had a lack of vitamins and minerals. But to swallow vitamins by the handful not. It loads the kidneys and liver that the body of the pregnant woman is not advisable.

To choose this period is better polyvitaminic complexes. They are relatively more vitamins than usual. If you decide to purchase difficult, the doctor will recommend the most appropriate option. Because such complexes are not only vitamins but also essential minerals that may be lacking in the body.

Simple tips for pregnant women

In addition to medication and folk remedies it is important to follow a few tips. This helps to reduce the negative impact of SARS on the body and faster to cure it.

  1. Requires regular wet cleaning.
  2. Ventilate the room several times a day.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Not SuperCool feet.
  5. Not to forget the full 8-hour sleep.
  6. Eat right.

For pregnant is important not only for the physical comfort, but a necessary and emotional peace. No need to do that job if she is not feeling very good. Better to spend time in bed, sipping fragrant tea. To calm down will help aromatherapy.

Nutrition during SARS

Pregnant needs during illness of a full and balanced diet. It is good to include in the diet dairy products, soups, vegetables and fruits. Especially those that are rich in vitamin C. This is kiwi, citrus, cabbage, bell pepper, black currants, parsley.

In the beginning of the disease usually has no appetite, so food should be easy and do not strain the body. Usually it is recommended at this time to drink warm tea and eat broth, mashed vegetables. They are digested quickly, not taking the extra fork from the body.


Adhering to the preventive methods that will avoid disease. They are prettysimple and does not require a lot of effort.

  1. It is important to follow the diet.
  2. Not to be cold and to dress appropriately for the weather.
  3. To avoid crowded places.
  4. You can use oxolinic ointment as protection, brushing your nose before going outside.
  5. To watch cleanliness in the house, to do wet cleaning.
  6. To ventilate the room.

If someone got sick from living with a pregnant, it is advisable to isolate him in another room, a woman wearing a mask. Communication to minimize and try without much need to go into the sickroom. To give him a separate bowl, and hygiene products.

Orvi pri beremennosti 2 trimestr lechenie posledstviya

These simple rules help during pregnancy to avoid viruses and protect your child. But tighten at the beginning of the disease the doctor's visit is impossible. Nobody knows how you will proceed SARS and join him complications. Therefore it is better to be safe than to negative consequences in the form of malformations or miscarriage.