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Opisthorchiasis — the Main methods of treatment opistorhoza folk remedies

Opisthorchiasis is a disease caused by parasitic flat worms, infection which occurs by eating raw, undercooked or salted freshwater fish. Once in the human body, the larvae of bioelement of metagonimus parasitize the gall bladder, the ducts of the liver and pancreas, causing opisthorchiasis, affecting these organs. The first symptoms appear about 20 days after infection.

The symptoms of opisthorchiasis

Adults in the initial stage of opisthorchiasis occurs oligosymptomatic. The first signs are urticaria and other allergic manifestations, fever, headaches and dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, insomnia, weakness, irritability, and then there are pains in muscles and joints, soreness and enlargement of the liver.

Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage is complicated by the fact that the first symptoms of opisthorchiasis are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. A sure sign that you need as soon as possible to consult a doctor on suspicion of the disease is the appearance of the listed ailments soon after eating a little raw or treated fish.

If you do not start the treatment of opisthorchiasis in time, the disease can result in suppurative cholangitis, bile peritonitis, acute pancreatitis, cirrhosis and even cancer. Subject to the timely detection of the disease, the prognosis of full recovery are favorable: your doctor will prescribe traditional method of treatment, pick up any medication that will indicate the way the medication and its dosage.

In order to achieve fast and lasting success in combating the disease, coupled with doctor prescribed medications is not superfluous will be to pick their own treatment opistorhoza folk remedies. Lying in the hospital do not have to cure opisthorchiasis possible and at home, combining folk remedies and a special diet with the prescribed treatment of a doctor.

Auxiliary treatment with traditional medicine

Stable and quick results are achieved when drug attack on opisthorchiasis are accompanied by treatment of folk remedies. Than and how to treat this kind of helminthiasis in the home knows folk medicine has long been a folk remedy helped even in the most severe cases.

Traditional recipes using garlic

At home treatment effective is the use of garlic – ingredients for recipes can find them in any home.

Recipe 1

2-3 cloves of fresh garlic to boil 200 milliliters of milk, to drink before Breakfast for 3 days. Then prepare the broth: 1 liter of water one teaspoon of dried wormwood and yarrow sticks and 3 cloves to boil and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain. Herbal decoction on an empty stomach to drink 1 glass hour before a meal. The course of the three days of treatment with garlic in milk three days of drinking the herbal broth is repeated after 2 weeks.

Recipe 2

In the treatment of opisthorchiasis well help swabs soaked in garlic water. For their manufacturing it is necessary to take two medium heads of garlic, chop and pour boiling water. After 20 minutes of infusion to moisten the obtained liquid cotton swab, put it in the anus for 20 minutes, then remove and discard. Of necessity, this procedure can be repeated after 10-14 days.

Recipe 3

For those who want to know more the hard way how to get rid of opisthorchiasis in the home – prescription of tincture on alcohol: 200 ml of rubbing alcohol and fresh beet juice, 1 bottle of can (140 g), a head of garlic. Crush the garlic, mix ingredients, leave for three days. Take a tea spoonful of food within two weeks.

Medicinal plants in the fight against opisthorchiasis

For making medicines, herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, many plants grow on country and personal plots.

Recipe 1

For kvass of celandine herbs you need to take a fresh adult plants, wash and finely chop. You will need a piece of silicon. Silicon and chopped celandine carefully wrapped in a piece of cheesecloth and place in a glass jar. Add 1 Cup of sugar, add (for fermentation) 1 tablespoon of thick cream and fill to the brim with whey from making cheese. The Bank put on 2 weeks in a dark warm place. When the kvass is ready to drink 100 ml three times a day until it is done.

Recipe 2

Dried St. John's wort, red clover, tansy, tarragon, thyme, agrimony and raw pumpkin seeds, taken in equal proportions, pour boiling water – 4 tablespoons of the collection in 1 litre of water. Let stand three hours. Strain and drink half a Cup a day until complete disappearance of symptoms.This infusion is recommended to use preventively for lovers of sun-dried river fish and fish weak Ambassador.

Recipe 3

Take equal quantities of bark of sagebrush, buckthorn, tansy and clover: collection insist 30 minutes at the rate of 1 teaspoon collection per Cup of boiling water. Infusion drink 2 times a day, morning and evening 30 minutes after meals. The course should be held two times in 12 days with a break of 2 weeks.

Recipe 4

Take equal quantity of cumin seed and Urtica dioica, crushed into powder, use 1 teaspoon per day with water.

Recipe 5

Take equal amounts of coriander seeds and raw pumpkin seeds to grind into powder, take 1 teaspoon per day with water.

Recipe 6

Take 10 parts of flax seed and 1 part clove, grind it into powder with a coffee grinder, take 25 grams powder in pure form or together with food. The course of treatment – one month 3 days means 3 days of break.

Treatment bark

Used with great success the young bark of the ash, aspen and willow.

The recipe is from the bark of the ash: 10 grams of the bark of the ash, pour 350 ml of boiling water and cook on slow heat for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and wrap the pot with broth with a towel, to insist 30 minutes, drain. Take the remedy 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon for half an hour before meals. The bark of the ash is poisonous, do not exceed the recommended dose as excess dose may cause poor health.

Recipe from aspen bark: the bark is crushed, pour 2 tablespoons of shredded bark 200 ml of boiling water and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, strain the broth, take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 4 times a day for three weeks.

Recipe from willow bark: willow bark dry or buy in the pharmacy. To prepare the silicon water, the piece of silicon to put in a container of water and leave for several days, then carefully drain the present water in a clean container so that the pieces of silicon were in the next infusion. Silicon water, boil and cool. 1 teaspoon of crushed dried bark pour 400 ml of boiling silicon water and insist 4 hours in a covered vessel, occasionally shaking it. Strain and use the infusion on 100 ml 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

The use of birch tar

Birch tar is one of the most effective folk remedies. During treatment, they are urged to drink mineral water. He used drops in liquids or on solid fruits and vegetables. Three methods of treatment of opisthorchiasis birch tar:

  • grate an Apple or carrot before bed 1 teaspoon of puree add 1 drop of tar, eat and drink water, tar, you can just drop on cut the Apple and eat it,
  • the tar is diluted in a little water and accepted from the 1st to the 10th day according to the following scheme: 1st day, 1 drop, 2nd day 2 drops, 3 day 3 drops and so on up to 10, from 11-day drops to reduce by one – 11-day 9 drops, 10-day 8 drops until, until you reach one, the course of treatment – 20 days,
  • the tar is diluted with milk at each meal is enough to take 50 milliliters of milk, and the tar made the 9 days according to the scheme: 1st day 2 drops, the 2nd 4 drops, 3 – 6 drops, 4 th- 8 drops, 5 – 10 drops, and then the sixth day – the amount of tar reduces every day for two drops. The fly in the milk should drink 1 hour before meals.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of opisthorchiasis, as quickly as possible to go to the doctor and to exclude or confirm the diagnosis in order to start treatment, then cured on time opisthorchiasis will not lead to malfunction of internal organs.