Tetanus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Every day people in danger and it is not always immediately run to the doctor. For example, having a scratch or a cut, many of us just don't pay attention to them. And a very good reason. Dirt trapped in the affected area, is a major cause of serious diseases. Each of us should know the signs and symptoms of tetanus, in time to seek qualified help.

A severe disease that affects the organs of motion and nerve structures, is considered to be infection, secreting exotoxins. The article gives full characteristics of tetanus. After studying carefully, you will be able to identify the disease and in time to see a doctor. In addition from this article you will learn about the causes and mechanisms of occurrence, methods of treatment of the disease.

What is tetanus?

It refers to an acute infectious disease which affects the nerve fibers and organs of movement. The first manifestation is characterized by muscle tension of the muscles and convulsions. In addition, he is considered a frequent cause of death among patients.

Infectious agent

The source of the illness is considered to be gram-positive Bacillus that lives in oxygen-free environment. She looks like a stick with round sides and its flagella. They are necessary for the introduction of the disease into the body and promoting the blood vessels.


These sticks are located in the intestine of man or animal. In contact with oxygen, the Bacillus multiplies and produces spores. They secrete a substance called tetanus exotoxin. This element consists of two components: tetanospasmin and tetanolysin.

Tetanolysin propagated and implemented in the healthy cells from the first days of contact with the human body. He depressing effect on erythrocytes.

Tetanospasmin manifested only during the collapse. It negatively affects transmembrane protein. The result of the actions become frequent muscle contraction.

Together, these substances form a strong poison.

The exotoxin is absorbed only by the mucous membrane of the intestine and did not negatively affect adjacent organs and tissues. Consequently it is considered safe when ingested.

As the disease develops?

The infection gets into the human body by means of wounds or scratches, i.e. in the field of violation of the integrity of the skin. With a vast wound in the place of localization are born and multiply elements, which secrete exotoxin.

Moving through the vessels and fibres, tetanospasmin enters spinal cord or medulla and fixed in neural cells. As a result of accumulation of the substance is the paralysis of the neural cells. This results in uncontrolled flow of motor impulses to the muscles, which leads to the occurrence of a DC voltage.

When injected into the body of oxygen affected cells multiply and form spores. They do not break down when heated, exposed to sunlight and alkaline environment.

Historical information

Since ancient times, physicians recognized the connection between the man received the wound and the appearance of tetanus infection. For the first time a study of this topic was conducted by Hippocrates: to him as a result of tetanus infection son died. Later, this question was studied by Galen, Celsus, Ereteam, Avicenna, and others.

From a scientific point of view, the tetanus was studied in detail at the end of the 19th century.

Cause of disease:

  • the presence of pores in reservoirs, lakes and ponds,
  • the finding of infected cells on household items and household dust,
  • damage to the skin and subsequent contamination of the wound,
  • contact with a sick person,
  • lack of hygiene,
  • injuries and wounds after surgery.
Signs of tetanus appear in direct contact with the source of the disease.

A tetanus infection can each person or animal.

Classification of symptoms and signs arising from the development of tetanus

The symptoms are divided into groups based on the study of the place of ingress of bacteria in the body:

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  • Traumatic.
  • Infectious or destructive: characterized by fever, shortness of breath, weakness.
  • Cryptogenic: resulting from the presence of a special type of tetanus. He shows no symptoms in its early stages, and has no input gates.
  • The incubation period of the disease lasts several days or months. In the early stages of the emergence of infections in humans can occur:

    • frequent seizures,
    • tension or tremors in muscles,
    • the presence of headaches,
    • increasing the level of sweating and irritability.

    In addition, early stage is based the presence of pain, a feeling of heaviness or aching pain. Often they occur in areas of former wounds and abrasions.

    The last stage of the disease are characterized by the following symptoms:

    • spasmodic contraction or tension of the masticatory muscles,
    • problems with the movements of the mouth,
    • trouble swallowing,
    • rigidity of occipital,
    • excessive tension of the facial muscles,
    • the narrowing of the eye slits,
    • the appearance of wrinkles on the face,
    • the feeling of tight skin on the lips.
    The appearance of the above-described symptoms separately and comprehensively considered specific for tetanus, and become the first cause of seeking medical attention.

    Severe stage of disease manifestation characterized by the following symptoms:

    • the occurrence of painful cramps in the limbs,
    • the constant tension of the abdominal muscles,
    • shortness of breath,
    • the occurrence of pain during the Commission of the respiratory movements.

    At this, the man quickens the pulse, shortness of breath, sweating and fatigue.

    The last stage is characterized by muscle tone that leads to opisthotonus: a man takes an unnatural position, the back bent and the body becomes an arc. As a result, there are frequent cramps in the muscles of the limbs.

    If this affects the functionality of the main brain centers, which leads to muscle paralysis. With hypertonicity blocks the function of the upper respiratory tract: cramps block the path of oxygen, and there is no possibility to make breathing action. This condition leads to pneumonia, asphyxia.

    When disease symptoms gradually reduce the negative impact on the body. After a couple of days or months they disappear.

    The stage of the disease and the incubation period

    Doctors there are the following degrees of severity:

    • Light stage: the incubation period is less than 20 days. At this stage of the convulsions and tremor in muscles are observed. The body temperature is not elevated.
    • Moderate stage: the incubation period last for a month. The symptoms occur rapidly: an increase of body temperature, a manifestation of the seizures or tremors in the limbs.
    • Heavy: incubation lasts for 7 or 14 days. Frequent seizures, tremors in the extremities, the occurrence of pain. In addition, the patient is accompanied by high blood pressure and sweating, the appearance of the fever.
    • Severe acute phase: the incubation period last for 3 days. Contractions occur at intervals of 5 minutes. Characterized by the appearance of tachycardia, hyperpyrexia, cyanosis and asphyxia.
    Dangerous form of the disease is the leading tetanus Brunner. It is characterized by the defeat of the facial muscles, neck and oral cavity. Soon it leads to difficulty breathing and swallowing. Considered a common cause of death of the patient.


    To detect the presence of infectious bacteria analyses of water or soil in the habitats of people who used autopsies and the collection of material. In addition, studied the medical instruments used during the treatment of the patient with suspected tetanus.

    The causative agent is identified on the point of entry. This is a special scraping in the place of possible infection. Also collect sputum for analysis from the cavity of the nose, mouth, vagina.

    The resulting biomaterial is scrutinized with the help of special equipment. Analysis directed to the detection of tetanus exotoxin. It is found on soil biological samples on the muscles.


    All kinds of treatment methods are carried out in a hospital setting with the participation of anesthesiologist-resuscitator.

    Before the patient is injected with tetanus toxoid or specific immunoglobulin.

    Before implementation of drugs on the skin test for sensitivity.

    Hygiene measures

    The patient is provided the rest and the exclusion of annoying factors. Feeding is performed by gavage or parenterally.

    For the prevention of bedsores of the patient is periodically inverted from the side to the other. He change bed linen and perform hygienic procedures.

    Place of infection mandatory cut away anti-tetanus serum.

    This procedure is carried out, provided that the wound is not open and long.

    To ensure the supply of oxygen the wound is opened and treated with a special medical solutions. Foreign objects and parts of the skin, impurities are removed, cavity woundshandles. This method is performed under local anesthesia.

    Reducing the impact of symptoms is the medical treatment: muscle relaxants, neuroleptics, narcotic sedatives.

    If the patient is unable to breathe freely, it is connected to the ventilator. If there are problems in the intestines, it introduces a flatus tube.


    In severe form about 30% of patients die. Large number of deaths among the elderly. Mortality rate is 80 %.

    Complications of tetanus

    Dangerous complications when the disease is asphyxiation and the restriction of works in the parts and vessels of the heart. Tetanus causes fractures in the limbs, tearing in muscles and ligaments, disorders of the spine. It leads to pneumonia, heart attacks and strokes in humans. In children, the tetanus leads to sepsis.


    It is based on the use of two methods: specific and standard.

    The first method is based on the introduction of a special vaccine, neutralizing the infected cell.

    The second direction is performed the incision and the removal of wound contaminants. Then the treated area is lubricated with a special substance that helps stop the activity of foreign bacteria and their death.