Tetanus shot: adverse events, complications

If you have recently been made tetanus shot, side effects are possible. The question is, if they pose a danger or are a normal and healthy reaction to the vaccination? Let's deal.

Privivka ot stolbnyaka: pobochnye proyavleniya, oslozhneniya

The vaccine against tetanus is usually introduced in the framework of the comprehensive DTP vaccination. It is used for vaccination of children, but for adults, choose drug without protivokashlevyh components – ADS. It gives protection against two diseases, tetanus and diphtheria. If vaccine components tetanus in humans is an allergic reaction, it is used only vaccine against tetanus – as.

Last vaccinated at the age of 16-17 years. Its effect persists for a sufficiently long period of about 10 years. But at the age of 26-27 years in adults are not immune from this disease. To support it, the vaccine is administered every ten years.

If the period was missed, a more complicated scheme. The first visit is vaccination. The next shot is of 30 days. Revaccination is carried out through the year. Then repeat it using the same term – 10 years.

A tetanus shot is considered quite reactogenic. But the reason is not in the vaccine, and the components which enter into its composition. To act was right, and formed a stable immunity, vaccines should be gradual – over several weeks. The retardant is the aluminium hydroxide. The doctor very carefully chooses where to do the injection. All the vaccine should get to the muscle, where will gradually be absorbed into the bloodstream. But if they are taken in the subcutaneous tissue, it can occur local reaction.

These factors often cause complications after the vaccination. They are not dangerous, although can provoke unpleasant symptoms.

A normal reaction to the vaccination

Privivka ot stolbnyaka: pobochnye proyavleniya, oslozhneniya

It is essential to distinguish normal side effects of vaccination and pathological complications. In the first case, it is simply the body's reaction to the introduction of foreign substances. These symptoms in children and adults have no health consequences and are fast enough.

The consequences of a tetanus shot could be next:

  • Redness, swelling at the vaccination site, swelling, formation of lumps. Most likely, the shot was set not quite right, and the vaccine was partially got into subcutaneous tissue, causing local inflammation. It is not dangerous and passes in a few days. To speed up the process, may impose on the area the bandage from absorbing ointments.
  • Pain at the injection site. If it was made inoculation under the shoulder blade and a sore injection site, or give pain in the hand, it also speaks to the inflammatory response. If you suffer much, you can take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Rise in temperature. A slight increase in body temperature to 37-37,5 degrees for 1-3 days after vaccination – normal reaction. It requires no action or taking drugs.
  • Weakness, lethargy, fatigue. The vaccine can cause common reactions, but if these symptoms are 2-3 days and do not lead to a failure, nothing wrong with that.
Similar effects after vaccination against tetanus is not considered as complications. These only talk about the normal reactions to the injection that the immune system responds to a stimulus.

At the same time, if the injection site hurts for more than 5 days, if the pain is severe, if the temperature rises to 38 degrees or more, you should consult with your doctor.

Possible complications of vaccination against tetanus

If the normal adverse reactions observed in 20-30% of children and adults, the likelihood of complications is much lower. Statistically, most people do not worry about this, a chance encounter with them – less than 1%. But still, such a reaction is possible.

Most often noted are the outcome of a vaccination against tetanus:

  • Allergic reaction. Rash, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock. Severe symptoms (anaphylaxis and angioedema) can be called one of the most frequent and severe complications. But they appear immediately after vaccination, when the doctor can notice them and to react properly.
  • Indigestion. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea. In children, these manifestations occur more often and may develop in the first three days.
  • Rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis. Symptomsrespiratory diseases appear from time to time have a very small number of people who were introduced the vaccine against tetanus.
  • Convulsion. Such complications occur in rare cases.

What to do in such cases shall be decided by the doctor. So if you have any of these symptoms, should as soon as possible to go to the doctor.

Most often, the time of occurrence of the most dangerous complications is low. So you can just spend some time in a medical facility where vaccinated. If 30-40 minutes is not any symptoms, you can go home. If you have dizziness, injection site hurts badly, you feel shortness of breath you should immediately tell the doctor.

What to do after the vaccination

Often people ask what can and can't do after the vaccination. The main prohibitions include:

  • Reception of alcohol.
  • Heavy, fatty meals.
  • Active sport.
  • Sauna, steam bath.

Such actions can disrupt the formation of the immune system, and cause side effects. Some time, you should more rest, if possible, to reduce the load, easy to stick to a sparing diet.

Contraindications to vaccination

After vaccination did not appear uncomfortable symptoms, you need to choose the time of vaccination. There are the following contraindications:

  • Low weight children, premature birth.
  • Any acute illness or exacerbation of chronic.
  • Critically low level of immunity after chemotherapy, radiation, immunosuppressive therapy, or any form of immunodeficiency.
  • Allergic to vaccine components.
  • A severe reaction to the vaccine previously.

We should also discuss the possibility of appointing a vaccination to pregnant women. In most cases this condition is considered a contraindication to vaccination, but there are a number of features. Pregnant women are not recommended to do any vaccinations. Optimally is to worry about the vaccination at the planning stage. Then the mother's antibodies will be transmitted to the child and will protect him in the first months after birth. But if the pregnancy was unexpected, but in the region there is poor epidemiologic situation of tetanus, the vaccine can enter the last weeks of pregnancy to have time to develop immunity.

The consequences of emergency vaccination

In addition to routine vaccination, there is an emergency. The serum immunoglobulin administered to people who have not been vaccinated and was injured, which can lead to infection with tetanus. The two most common form is horse and human immunoglobulin. First more affordable, but often causes allergic reactions, so weakened, prone to such reactions to people, children and pregnant recommend the introduction of the serum of the second type.

This drug is immediate action that needs to be entered as soon as possible after the injury. It significantly reduces the risk of disease, but still, it's better to take care of their defence in advance and regularly vaccinated.

I hope that after reading this article you better understand what could be symptoms of complications after vaccination what to do if the injection site is swollen or sore, which is especially vaccination during pregnancy and what are the complications and what should be your actions when they occur.