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COPD: code according to ICD 10 - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, treatment and of folk remedies at home

International classification of diseases (ICD) to the tenth version of the world health organization in 1989 to organize all known diseases and pathological conditions. In accordance with the ICD-10 chronic obstructive disease passes under 4 codes:

  • J44. 0 – COPD with acute respiratory infection of the lower respiratory tract,
  • J44. 1 – COPD with acute exacerbation unspecified,
  • J44. 8 – Other specified obstructive pulmonary disease,
  • J44. 9 – COPD, unspecified.

HOBL: kod po mkb 10 - hronicheskaya obstruktivnaya bolezn legkih, lechenie preparatami i narodnymi sredstvami v domashnih usloviyah

Definition of the disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – inflammatory disease of a chronic nature, which is characterized by irreversible or partially reversible changes in the lower respiratory tract. The nature of these changes causes a partial restriction of air flow into the lungs.

All varieties of COPD is characterized by the progression of the disease, over time the condition of patients worsens. Mainly affects smokers, and if the patient does not limit your bad habit, throughout life in need of medical care. Even a complete cessation of Smoking may not fully restore the affected tissue.

The term "COPD" often involves a combination of chronic bronchitis and secondary emphysema – enlargement of air spaces distal bronchioles, leading to a number of negative irreversible changes and impaired breathing process.


The main reasons for starting pathological changes in the lower respiratory tract are constant irritants. To them most often include air pollution or the effect of pathogenic microflora.

Among the most frequent causes of occurrence and development of COPD include:

  • Smoking. Contained in tobacco smoke substances cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and cause inflammation. Corruption happens pneumocytes (lung cells). Smokers with great experience, the probability of the development of emphysema. COPD can also occur in passive Smoking,
  • Occupational hazards. Pollution of the inhaled air for a long time – one of the most common causes of COPD. For high-risk professions include: miners, builders (working with cement), metallurgists, railway workers, workers engaged in processing grain and cotton,
  • Genetic disorder. Are not as common, but could become a decisive factor in the emergence of COPD,
  • Frequent colds and acute respiratory infections. Childhood infections of the lower respiratory tract is one of the reasons for the changes in lung function at older ages, under the influence of environmental factors.

Today up to 90% of cases of mortality from COPD is celebrated in countries with low social level, where the activities for the control and prevention of the disease is not always available.


The main symptom that indicates the abnormal changes – the presence of cough. First, periodic, gradually goes into constant symptom, accompanied by shortness of breath. Lack of air also is progressive in nature. Appearing during physical exertion, shortness of breath accompanied by pressure in your chest, inability to take a full breath.

In accordance with the classification, there are 4 stages of the disease:

  1. Is characterized by the absence of any significant symptoms except occasional cough. Gradually, this symptom becomes chronic,
  2. The intensity of the cough increases, it is permanent. The patient is forced to see a doctor, because even minor physical exertion causes shortness of breath,
  3. At this stage the patient's condition is diagnosed as severe: restricted flow of air into the respiratory system, so shortness of breath becomes a regular occurrence even in a resting state,
  4. This stage of the disease already poses a threat to the life of the patient: lungs clogged, and shortness of breath occurs even when dressing up. In this stage, the patient is assigned to a disability.

In the early stages of COPD is treatable, and perhaps the appeal process violations of lung ventilation back. However, a later detection of pathology dramaticallyreduces the patient's chances of recovery and might lead to a number of serious negative consequences.

Possible complication

Chronic disease leads to a constant progression of symptoms and, in the absence of proper medical care resulted in serious complications in the patient's health:

  • Acute or chronic respiratory failure,
  • Congestive heart failure,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Pneumothorax (air leak into the pleural cavity due to rupture of modified lung tissue),
  • Bronchiectasis (deformation of the bronchi, resulting in impaired functionality),
  • Thromboembolism (blood clots with blood circulation),
  • Chronic pulmonary heart (thickening and enlargement of the right heart as a result of increased pressure in the pulmonary artery),
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the pulmonary artery),
  • Atrial fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythm).

Any of the above complications can significantly disrupt quality of life, that is why special importance is early diagnosis and timely medication.


To diagnose COPD in its earliest stages can use the following methods:

  • Spirometry,
  • Sputum examination,
  • Blood test,
  • Chest x-ray,
  • ECG,
  • Bronchoscopy.

This method allows us to establish an accurate diagnosis may be spirometry, which is a measure of the speed of entry and exit of air from the lungs, as well as its volume. These studies can give an idea of the severity of the disease.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of COPD can be divided into phases depending on the condition of the patient.

During exacerbation are obtained from the following groups:

  • Bronchodilators: Salbutamol, Fenoterol, Serevent, Oksis. Not only eliminate fatigue, but also have a positive effect on a number of pathogenesis,
  • Corticosteroids: Prednisolone (systemic), Pulmicort (inhaled). Systemic medications provide a more stable effect in long-term use, but inhalation have fewer side effects because local effects,
  • Antibiotics: Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Levofloxacin, Zinnat. The choice of drug depends on the severity of the patient's condition and can only be done by the attending physician,
  • Mucolytics: Ambroxol, Mucosolvan, Acetylcysteine. Assigned in the presence of viscous sputum in the period of exacerbation. As a rule, in a stable condition not used,
  • Vaccine influenza. For the prevention of exacerbation in the period of outbreaks of influenza recommended vaccinations in the autumn, killed or inactivated vaccines,
  • The pneumococcal vaccine. Also used as a preventive measure, preferred is the use of bacterial vaccines for oral administration Ribomunyl, rutaskorbin Rue "Belmedpreparaty", Brankovica.

In the later stages of disease after failure of medical treatment may be used oxygen therapy, noninvasive and invasive lung ventilation. In some cases, with emphysema the only acceptable solution may be surgical intervention.

In treatment a must-have item should be the reduction of risk factors: Smoking cessation, preventive measures designed to minimize the impact of production of hazards, atmospheric and household pollutants (harmful chemicals).

One of the treatment areas is the implementation of educational programmes on topics: Smoking cessation basic information about COPD, General approaches to treatment, specific issues.

Folk remedies

For breath normalization during remission is used as an additional means of medications popular recipes:

  • Make a mixture of chamomile, mallow and sage in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. One tablespoon collection pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist, filter and take twice a day for 0.5 cups for 2 months then change the medication,
  • Ground on a grater one root beet and black radish. Add boiling water and insist 6 hours. Infusion take 4 tbsp three times per day for 30 days, then make a week break,
  • A teaspoon of anise seeds soaked in a thermos, Bay 200 ml of boiling water for 15 min. and then cool the infusion and drink 50 g before meals 4 times a day,
  • At night, every day, drink boiled milk (cooled slightly) 1 teaspoon any fat badger, pig, goat,
  • Birch juice mixed with fresh milk in a ratio of 3: 1, add a pinch of flour per Cup and drink at a time 1 Cup of the mixture. The course of treatment – 1 month,
  • Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp dried Heather, insist, filter and drink during the day in a few receptions,
  • Washed and crushed roots of a nettle fray with sugar in the ratio 2: 3, after which the mixture for 6 hours. The resulting syrup take 1 tsp several times a day.

The use of popular recipes should be done only after consultation with the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.


To prevent the emergence or development of COPD may be undertaken the following preventive actions:

  • Refusal of smoking,
  • Wearing respirators in hazardous industries,
  • Timely treatment of lung diseases,
  • Protection of children from tobacco smoke in passive smokers,
  • Strengthening the immune system: a complete fortified food, a gradual hardening, playing sports, long walks, stable emotional state.


The prognosis for the development of the disease is extremely unfavorable. So if you have any symptoms or suspicion must undergo a thorough examination. If the disease is detected in its early stages, it is likely, subject to the recommendations of the doctor and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, to stabilize the condition for many years.

An effective measure of prevention is also timely vaccination against pneumonia and flu, is able to protect against the development of the most severe complications of infectious diseases.