How to help a newborn with colic

Infant colic – what is it?

Intestinal colic and the baby is almost inseparable. Infant colic (i.e., "three-month" colic) usually is characterized as a state of increased irritability with sudden onset and development, manifested by crying, screaming, tight belly, flushing of the face. Often, this condition leads to flatulence. The child is difficult to calm down.

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Many parents, therefore, interested in the question how to help baby with colic how to calm a baby with colic what medicines you can take…

Most often, colic is characterized as a condition in which children (often infants than children older than 6 months) cry, and the scream lasts longer than 3 hours per day and occurring at least 3 days a week. Crying spells usually occur in the late afternoon and/or evening.

Infant colic is typical for 10-35% of children, regardless of whether the kid breastfed or artificially, as a rule, appears after the 2nd week of life, peaking at age 6-9 weeks, after which less often appears. Therefore, the most urgent question of how to help a newborn with colic, as this period is the most complex.

Sometimes infant colic is sometimes mistaken for normal physiological evening anxiety babies. Children are often in for several hours before bedtime require breast-feeding for a long time or, conversely, a brief, but very often. During feeding, the baby may pull away from the breast, and then drink again, this is not a sign of lack of milk or baby colic, often after such a "breast-marathon" came the long stretch of sleep. Frequent breast-feeding will not damage the infant, since the time spent in the stomach accustomed to the constant consumption of nutrients, it can not overeat, in addition, breastfeeding is not only a source of food and liquids, it also performs the function of sedation, it is equally important to sleep. In the absence of breastfeeding the baby may help the nipple.

Causes of infant colic

As a rule, the cause of the problem is not clear, relatively often, colic is a symptom of food intolerance or allergies (most of the problems caused by cow's milk protein), gastroesophageal reflux, and disorders of the intestinal microflora, the other objective reasons is very unlikely.

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Intolerance to some foodstuffs or vaccines to cause a problem can some substances which are their food in mom's breast milk or are part of artificial milk (the vast majority of types are made from cow's milk). It is, basically, the indigestible protein of cow's milk (he is the culprit of most cases of colic, provided that you do not define any objective reasons, cow's milk protein found, for example, even in vaccines PEDIACEL or INFANRIX), or egg white, often cause flatulence foods that cause similar problems in nursing moms.

Food allergies: due to hypersensitive reactions to substances that enter food from mom's breast milk or contained in artificial milk and vaccines cause allergic inflammation in the digestive tract (the most common is an Allergy to milk, in second place – an Allergy to soy and eggs).

Gastroesophageal reflux: due to the underdevelopment of the flap between the esophagus and stomach the esophagus is irritated by stomach acid.

Disturbed intestinal flora of a child or nursing mothers: poorly populated gut hampers digestion, facilitates easier release of blood potential allergens, resulting in the intestine occur unwanted processes (fermentation, production of toxins andgases'.)

Swallowing of air: the reason is wrong eating habits – improper technique of breastfeeding, the wrong place, poorly chosen baby's bottle without burping.

Socio-psychological factors: colic can be a child's reaction to the lack of satisfaction in close physical contact, stress of the mother or father, problematic relationships, quarrels in the family

Secondary lactose intolerance: the cause is the decreased production of the enzyme lactase due to intestinal infections, diarrhoea, child, or due to the use of antibiotics or other drugs a child or nursing mother.

The effects of cigarette smoke, substances contained in cigarette smoke or their metabolites may be irritating.

Use of medications a nursing mother or a child: some medications, to their excipients or metabolites can be annoying.

Mechanical problems in the intestines: constipation, strangulated hernia, anal fissures, volvulus (intestinal obstruction), intussusception, pathology bile ducts.

Infectious diseases: meningitis (inflammation of the brain), otitis media (ear infection), pneumonia, sepsis (an inflammatory disease), urinary tract infection, viral infections, candidiasis (fungal infection).

Injury or neglect (diaper rash).

Disorders of the Central nervous system: headache, hematoma, glaucoma.

Metabolic disorder.

The most common questions about infant colic

Colic is among the most unpleasant problems in the first 6 months of baby's life. So the question is, what and how to help your child with colic, the most relevant at this time.

Why are cramps called "three months"?

The peak incidence occurs in 3-month age. Usually, the problem to some extent subside within 6 months.

How to determine what to have it colic?

The baby is crying without any identified reason, at least 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week. The state has a cyclical character: usually occurs in the late afternoon or evening. The problem begins suddenly and also ends suddenly. Usually the crying is accompanied by redness of the face (sometimes even bluish), sweating, pulling of the tummy (child is "making the bridge"). Feet sometimes pressed to the tummy, hands clenched in fists.

It is always necessary to exclude organic origin of the problem. If not defined no obvious reason, most likely, we are talking about colic.

Does colic more common in children on artificial feeding than breastfed children?

There is a big difference. The origin of this problem probably lies in the expansion of the intestinal loops, the swallowing of air during feeding, as well as gases produced in the fermentation process in the intestine.

Are there any practical steps how to relieve colic?

Most attempts at how to help baby with colic, you do not have a significant effect. Sedation usually occurs after defecation and waste of the wind. So, first of all, everything must be done in order to expel from the intestine of the child an excessive amount of gases. Helps the adoption of the vertical position, the application of dry heat, massage the abdomen clockwise. In addition, when artificial feeding should pay attention to the proper preparation of milk, especially in relation to the amount corresponding to the age and weight of the child. Need to observe the correct technique of breastfeeding and the obligatory burping babies. But most importantly, to calm down and wait out the turbulent times.

Is it possible to infants for pain relief to give any medication?

In stubborn cases the help, I can provide medicine, which is aimed at reducing the swelling of the intestines, for example, probiotic drops, perfect age of the baby.

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How to identify a serious problem? When should I contact the doctor?

When the above symptoms are added, for example, cry for a whole day, the temperature may diarrhea with mucus or blood, or green stools, vomiting, etc. most likely it is a more serious problem. In this case we should exclude organic causes trouble, for example, malformation of the digestive system, hernia, appendicitis, reflux from the stomach into the esophagus, intolerance to cow's milk. When changing mood, loss of appetite along with these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Any other problems with digestion can occur in children? Can there be diarrhea or constipation?

Infants have a characteristic chair, "mustard", yellow, slightly runny. Defecation may occur several times a day or every few days. Is not present, neither diarrhea nor constipation.

Diarrhea in children of early age is life-threatening condition characterized by frequent watery stools with mucus and blood, the child is at high risk of dehydration.

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Constipation in babies breastfeeding safeand is not a frequent occurrence. Usually occurs when the transition to artificial feeding or the feeding input.