Intestinal colic symptoms in adults

Sudden painful urge to defecate on the type of muscle cramps, is intestinal colic, the causes of which can be very diverse. Abdominal cramps result in spasms in the walls of the colon due to the development of the inflammatory process, and other precipitating factors. What is intestinal colic, what are the causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, we consider in detail in this article.

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Why do I get cramps?

First colic in adults may start to manifest itself in the form of spastic contractions in the walls of the small intestine or colon, and gradually cover the entire cavity of the intestine, leading to various unpleasant symptoms. Adult colic is usually caused by stretching of the bowel loops, irritation of nerve endings in the walls of the colon in the background:

  • excessive weight lifting,
  • the development of intestinal infections,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or oral cavity,
  • allergies,
  • intestinal obstruction in the accumulation of masses of faeces in the intestine,
  • motility disorders in the cavity of the large intestine,
  • eating large portions of food at a time,
  • lesions of the intestine drugs or spoiled food or parasitic infestation,
  • dysenteries.

Intestinal colic in adults can not be called a separate disease, but rather a sign of development of a disease in the digestive system that can lead to:

  • spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine,
  • painful attacks in the abdomen,
  • the increased gas-formation and breakdown of the chair,
  • the discharge of feces with mucus.

Usually, colic in the intestines manifested by seizures, sometimes quite long – more than 2-3 days. Symptoms depend directly on the reasons that led to the disorder in the digestive tract. In addition to spasm, abdominal pain, disorders of stool, diarrhea or diarrhea in adults experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, obstruction of the intestine due to motility disorder of the colon, accumulation of feces, which leads to narrowing of the lumen in the small intestine and spastic attacks in the end. The condition is dangerous, can lead to paralysis of the bowel, Appendix. Sometimes the patient requires emergency assistance and the inevitable surgical intervention.

Causes of cramps in women during pregnancy may be at a sedentary lifestyle, malfunction of the digestive system in the background:

  • non-compliance with diet,
  • passive sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical exercises.
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Generally, intestinal colic in adults manifested by sudden attacks, pain in the abdomen after eating. Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to eat large portions. The fruit increases in size, begins to compress the uterus, increasing the load on the digestive tract and the intestines in General. In the end, large portions of food lead to disturbance of intestinal motility, spastic attacks in the abdomen. Diarrhea or constipation is inevitable. If such symptoms are intestinal colic, to women to ease pain and spasm, you can take a pill shpy or papaverine, but in any case to consult a doctor urgently.

How to recognize colic?

Usually intestinal cramping in the belly of the adult appear suddenly in the form of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen to return into the loins under physical stress or at the time of fast running, receiving copious quantities of spicy, fatty food. Cutting covering the entire lower abdomen pain sometimes reaches such force that I just want to scream. Gradually it grows, radiates to the groin and genitals due to irritation of nerve fibers of the peritoneum, disorders of flatus.

Colic in the intestines in adults, nausea, dizziness, headache, flatulence. Related symptoms:

  • increase in blood pressure in hypertensive patients,
  • impotence immediately after partial emptying of the bowel,
  • pain for a long time in the abdomen even after going to the toilet.

Colic symptoms on the background of acute gastritis is observed in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, burping, nausea and vomiting. For cramps in the stomach, the chair moves with mucous secretions. If the colon is clogged, obstruction is the main symptoms:

  • blanching of the skin of the skin,
  • the discharge of cold sweat,
  • prostration,
  • strong delicacy.

When you see these signs urgently need to see a doctor. As a rule, the intestinal colic is no high temperature, although the intoxication infection or parasitic infestation may increase to 38-39 gr. The symptoms are basically similar with the common cold.

Adult basicsigns of bowel disease is acute pain on the rise with the capture of the genitals and impact in the genitals. Dizzy, Kal depart with mucous secretions, impaired gas. Tension of the muscles there, but it is strong and cramping lower abdominal pain, ulcer of the stomach – all the signs of diarrhea.

What is the diagnosis?

The appearance of intestinal colic in adults requires a thorough examination, a series of tests to establish the true causes that led to this disease, clarify the pathological factors that can trigger the disease. Maybe in the stomach or the intestine runs the infectious process. If there are signs of intestinal obstruction requires emergency surgery. Only the complex of diagnostic measures will help to identify the pathology, symptoms, and treatment will be directly dependent on the obtained test results. Be sure the doctor will listen to complaints will palpate the abdomen, will reveal the visual signs of the disease.

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The main method of diagnosis is the analysis for testing for the presence of intestinal helminthic infections and the development of dysbiosis. For final diagnosis, it is possible to redirect the patient to a colonoscopy, gastroduodenoscopy, holetsistografii. Depending on the type of colic sometimes the patient has a fever, bleeding gums that requires immediate and comprehensive treatment.

Than colic treated?

The basic principle of treatment is “do no harm”. Often the appearance of intestinal colic adults are trying to resolve the pathology on their own, to drink the first arm tablets, which can only give complications lead to complication of diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

It is first important to identify the causes that triggered spasms in the intestines. This may be the course of acute infection in the body, development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, hepatitis, urolithiasis.

As a first aid before the ambulance or the arrival of a doctor, you can take antispasmodic (pill Nosh-PY, Papaverine). Other pain relievers without the doctor's orders to take is not recommended.

If this is a common intestinal colic, the treatment is not required, the relief should occur after the release of gases and going to the toilet. The seizures completely stopped after 12 hours.

If the attacks of intestinal colic associated with the anatomical features of the body in adults, concomitant diseases or the intake of alcohol, Smoking, psychotropic drugs what to do in the first place, it is important to revise the diet, eat only small portions, which prevents the overeating (especially salty and fried food), give up bad habits.

It is the poor diet, snacks on the run are often the cause of spasm and pain in the intestine. Eventually lead to serious complications and even irreversible processes in adults, further difficult the treatment of: jaundice, hepatitis, ruptured appendicitis, abscess and ruptured Appendix, tumors in the intestine, necrosis of the pancreas, suppuration in the kidneys, kidney failure.

In such cases, surgery and the emergency operation is inevitable. Spruce emerged the primary symptoms how to treat colic will tell the doctor, you should not delay treatment.

At the onset of colic, caused by overeating or intake of poor quality food you need to try to cause vomiting for the liberation of the stomach from the remnants of food. With the aim of eliminating pain and Strong will help But-shpa, Smectite, Enterosgel for removing toxins.

At the onset of colic sometimes but with a doctor's permission possible statement of an enema to cleanse and bowel movement. With the appearance of viral disease, you can take activated charcoal.

If colic is caused by severe stress, you should take a warm bath to soothe and relieve pain.

Colic can be caused by serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, infection of any of the intestine, the development of cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis or colitis. Treatment is required in the first place the underlying disease, the elimination of dyskinesia intestine, the restoration of impaired motor functions.

Many problems can be adjusted food. Essential diet for colic with the inclusion in the diet of foods containing fiber. Excessive flatulence can take to reduce the gassing of Meteospasmyl, Espumizan, Drotaverine.

To relax the muscles of the intestine, normalization of abbreviations as first aid you can prepare a decoction of Helichrysum, in the early hours of colic to refuse to eat at all except drink tea without sugar.

The medication will help Diphenhydramine, Becarbon to relieve the spasm and relax the muscles of the intestine. Perhaps the appointment of rectal suppositories (papaverine injection) antibiotics in the development of colic vsledstvie destruction of intestinal bacteria, toxins, and infections. Furazolidone, Gentamicin, to remove inflammation and disinfection of the intestine. In infectious infestation of the bowel is administered an IV with glucose. In severe cases, a blood transfusion. Spasms of the intestine caused by the tumor development, is shown holding a course of radiation and chemotherapy, the appointment of anti-cancer drugs.

After passing the examination, testing urine and feces, ultrasound andestablishment of a true cause, provoke intestinal disorders a doctor will be assigned to appropriate therapy. Self-treatment spasm can lead to complications and other irreversible consequences.

How to eliminate colic folk remedies?

Such treatment, as traditional methods are likely suitable in order to prevent from the possible appearance of snipe in the gut. Effective folk methods only after establishing the true causes of pain and spasm in the stomach, only after the attending physician will establish a final diagnosis and prescribe the treatment.

To eliminate renal colic can prepare a decoction of sage, chamomile, knotweed, rose hips, lime blossom, birch buds. To make a salad of carrots and onion with honey.

Reception on an empty stomach with cramps in the liver will help infusion of herbs, Senna, cinnamon, decoction of oak bark or birch fungus.

It is recommended for healing the gut to eat the apples. To relieve spasm prepare a decoction of alder cones.

Kishechnye koliki simptomy lechenie u vzroslyh

Well eliminates diarrhea, nausea and cramping, a decoction of marjoram, motherwort, chamomile, Helichrysum. Popular prescriptions against colic and garlic for ingestion in its natural form.

Colic in the pancreas effective diet with daily consumption of oatmeal jelly for beneficial effects not only on the pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Rectal cramps recommended reception infusion of rose hips, wild cherry, chokeberry.

If treatment of folk remedies to no avail, and it becomes easier not, then you need to go to the doctors. For colic, caused by the Appendix, folk remedies will not help, the disease can become chronic stage, when surgical intervention will not be avoided.

At the initial symptoms you can make a decoction of BlackBerry, sage, tarragon. If colic is caused by poisoning with chemical substances and lead home methods will not help. It is urgent to go to the doctors. After completing the basic treatment course at home and need to establish power. For the removal of residues, toxins, and other chemical elements from the body to include in the diet eggs (protein), grain, broth from rice, buckwheat, oats.

What you need to know to prevent?

In the first place to avoid such problems it is important to follow a diet to regulate proper nutrition. Never refuse a light Breakfast to start the stomach, but snack on the run consisting of sandwiches should be eliminated forever. Better to eat the fruit, drink a milkshake.

If plagued by constipation permanently, it is recommended to drink a decoction of flax seed to cleanse the body and to completely abandon sharp, salty food. To include in the diet protein food to eat at night (it is better to drink a glass of yogurt, kefir) to refuse or restrict the intake of alcohol and Smoking. Also not to forget the timely treatment of colds infectious diseases. Not to disparage ordinary colic. If severe pain and spasms in the intestines began to worry constantly, it may be the symptoms of serious ailments in the body. Only timely treatment to the doctor will help to avoid serious health problems in the future.