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Viral conjunctivitis treatment and symptoms

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the thin mucous membrane/tissue that covers the external surface of the eye and inner part of the century. In the occurrence of conjunctivitis attended by many precipitating factors. The disease is divided into infectious and noninfectious types. Infectious, in turn, are divided into viral, bacterial or chlamydial. Noninfectious – allergic, chemical, caused by UV-light etc Treatment of viral conjunctivitis, bacterial and other types different depending on the reasons for the occurrence of the disease. How to treat and what to treat the disease, should determine the attending physician, self-medication in this case is unacceptable!

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Signs and symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of pink eye depend on the pathogen. Viral infection of the eye is characterized by a sensation of "sand in the eyes" and pain of the eye, which adds a clear watery or mucous discharge. The conjunctiva becomes red and wet. In the case of bacterial and chlamydial infection the clinical picture is similar, but this feature, as the allocation is different: they are usually thick and purulent.

In the case of allergic inflammation of the eye is dominated by itching and burning, often the disease is accompanied by clear discharge. Conjunctiva can, but not required, to become red.

For all types typical morning bonding eye secretions. Also can appear the phenomenon of swelling of the eyelids, photophobia and others.

What has bacterial or viral conjunctivitis symptoms and subtypes will be discussed below.


Complications associated with conjunctivitis are not common. Most often, they accompany a bacterial infection, in which there are pseudo-membranes and membranes formed of hardened secretions. Selection stick to the mucous membrane of the eye, they are difficult to separate. Often this condition is associated with streptococcal infection.


  1. Causes of conjunctivitis can be very diverse: infectious, non-infectious, allergic related to some other diseases…
  2. Infectious conjunctivitis is most often caused by a virus and transmitted through contact.
  3. Non-infectious conjunctivitis is represented, in particular, allergic inflammation. Allergic inflammation occurs mainly during pollen season, but can be year-round character. To allergies and can cause mold, Pets, cosmetics.
  4. The term "dry eye" refers to the situation characterized by the absence or poor quality of tears, resulting in ocular surface was not sufficiently wetted.
  5. Conjunctivitis may also result from chronic inflammation of the eyelids. Despite the abundance of tears, irritation of the eye occurs for the reason that tears are not enough quality, and do not provide good hydration of the cornea.
  6. Difficulties can arise even when living in over-polluted areas (smog), when used for long periods of the eye (for example, when working at the computer). Also considerable is the impact of the dry air, smoke, draught.
  7. Sometimes people tend to confuse the eye with other eye disease.
  8. Attention should be paid also when using contact lenses. In that moment, when after their use appears inflammation or redness,visit a specialist.

    Virusnyj konunktivit lechenie i simptomy

Classification of the disease according to the causes and treatment methods
As mentioned above, defines several types of conjunctivitis. Let's consider them in more detail.

Basic classification:

  • Infectious.
  • Non-infectious.


Bacterial conjunctivitis

This disease represent about 5% of all cases of conjunctivitis. The incidence peaks in winter and spring. In accordance with the severity and speed of onset it is divided into:


If the disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae, ophthalmic disease associated with lesions of the genital organs. If pathogens are Neisseria meningitidis, corynebacterie or hemofilus, these infections are accompanied by painful swelling of eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva, thick purulent secretions and formation of membranes.

Treatment: most cases of bacterial conjunctivitis introduces the use of common antibiotics with local antibiotic therapy in the form of drops or ointments.


Pathogens associated with these types of disease are staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus and Bacillus. the disease Manifests itself by a burning sensation, eye irritation, lacrimation, and substantial purulent secretions. Swelling of the eyelids, usually not expressive, as well as redness of the conjunctiva.

Treatment: therapy based on topical application of antibiotics and in the form of ointments and drops.

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This disease is most often caused by staphylococci in the presence of another ophthalmological disease, e.g., anomalies of the century, obstruction of lacrimal ducts and other Symptoms are not so pronounced as in the previous case, but more resistant and less responsive to treatment.

Treatment: it is necessary to identify the pathogen and to rule out other diseases of the eye are assigned to the antimicrobial drugs used locally.


This disease is outside the above-mentioned types, the causative agent is an intracellular microorganism chlamydia. Her serotype AC cause trachoma, and serotypes DK – the so-called inclusive conjunctivitis.

Inclusive conjunctivitis may occur in newborns who are infected from their mothers at birth during passage through the birth canal. Among adults, the disease often affects sexually active people aged 18-30 years when it comes to the spread of infection from the genitals to the eyes.

This conjunctivitis is characterized by chronic, protracted nature, is manifested initially unilateral redness of the eye, then mucous secretions, eye is irritated, the infection often moves to the cornea. However, the disease can be almost asymptomatic.

Therapy includes treatment of disorders of the reproductive organs, and local treatment of eye infections, thus, introduces the General reception of antibiotics and local.

In the case of trachoma in the absence of treatment, infection can lead to permanent blindness as a result of infection comes to the indent of the eyelids, due to which eyelashes while flashing scratch the cornea.

Viral conjunctivitis

This type are the most common form of acute conjunctivitis. The disease is accompanied by a feeling of sand in eyes, burning and stinging, redness of the eye. Discharge from the eyes have a watery appearance. Agents, represented mainly by adenoviruses and herpes viruses.

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Disease transmission occurs through contact of infected secretions from the respiratory system eyes, for example, when using a towel. The disease lasts about 3-6 weeks and is often also associated with swollen glands.

This viral conjunctivitis treatment involves symptomatic. Recommended cold compresses is flushing conjunctival SAC, local can be administered NSAIDs. In severe forms it is also possible to introduce steroid drugs.


The disease is called two types of the virus – HSV-1 and genital form of HSV-2. The onset of symptoms is quick. The disease is manifested by pain and a burning sensation in the eyes, redness of eyes, eyelid edema and swelling of the glands, accompanied by mucous secretions. Often, the infection progresses to the cornea. It is a serious infection that requires professional treatment.

For the treatment prescribed antiviral ointment Acyclovir Zovirax.

Other pathogens causing viral conjunctivitis are picornaviruses, enteroviruses, Coxsackie virus.


For noninfectious conjunctivitis are those that are not caused by microorganisms. Such diseases may be accompanied by allergic or autoimmune diseases, and can also be caused by mechanical damage, UV radiation or chemical eye irritation. Their appearance also involved a bad correction of ophthalmic defects.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is a very common disease.

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The most common types of dry seasonal or long-term chronic relapses. Manifestation occur when contact Allergy to the allergen, which is represented by pollen, dust or mold. The disease is characterized by redness of the eyes, itching, tingling, and excessive lacrimation. In contrast to the infectious type, affects both eyes. In addition, the disease is usually accompanied by allergic rhinitis, so, in this respect, often used the term "rhinoconjunctivitis".

The treatment is based on administration of antihistamines as common actions, and local, in the form of drops.

To allergic conjunctivitis include the following types:


We are talking about a problem that may occur as a result of the immune response to the drug administered in the eye, or directly caused by drug toxicity. This conjunctivitis is accompanied by itching, redness of the eyes, there may be some slight defects of the cornea.

Therapy is discontinuing use of the drug that caused the disease. In certain cases introduced antihistamines or steroids, the effect of which is aimed at reducing inflammation.


In this case we are talking about the unification of the conjunctiva and cornea, i.e., about keratoconjunctivitis. This inflammation recurs and occurs most often in the spring. It's accompanied by photophobia, itching and foreign body sensation in the eye. There are viscous mucus. To the damaged cornea can develop defects in the form of flat ulcers.

The treatment is based on avoidance of the allergen, climatic therapy at the time of the deterioration of the situation given oral corticosteroids, etc.


His symptoms are itching and burning in the eyes. The disease often occurs in people with atopic dermatitis that affects the eyelids. This is a serious disease that can be treated in a similar fashion as seasonal keratoconjunctivitis, in addition, in the case of infection, treatment may involve taking antibiotics.

Conjunctivitis caused by irritation

Gigantothermy conjunctivitis

In most cases, occurs in people who wear contact lenses. Manifested by itching and the presence of mucous secretions.

Treatment is simple, and consists in the replacement of contact lenses. In acute inflammation also introduced cromoglicate, corticosteroids and other drugs.

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Conjunctivitis caused by ultraviolet radiation

Here is the place the defeat of the conjunctiva and cornea. You need to protect your eyes from UV radiation, i.e., to wear sunglasses. The disease is manifested by irritation and redness of the eyes, watery discharge present.

Treatment involves applying ointment, contributing to the restoration of the mucous membrane of the eye ointment with analgesic effect for pain relief and antibiotics.

Conjunctivitis caused by chemical irritation

The disease can be caused by drugs, as well as chemical substances in the environment – aerosols, gases, smoke, dust, ie, factors that cause eye irritation. Symptoms include redness, burning, pain and lacrimation. The most important point of treatment is to reduce the stay in the environment, which causes irritation and relieve symptoms.