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How AIDS is transmitted from person to person

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One of the most serious diseases can be called AIDS. It develops only when ingested a specific pathogen is HIV. This pathogen is transmitted only in very specific ways, making the body defenseless against other infections, neoplastic processes. As a rule, in lesions of the immune system that occurs at the time of parasite development in the last stage, the probability of a lethal outcome for the cause of the symptoms, even ordinary diseases. For example, the common cold will occur in a very severe form, which is not found in uninfected people. That is why you should pay attention to what is HIV and AIDS the ways in which one can spread, and in some cases it is not transmitted.

What is HIV and how this concept differs from AIDS?

When you consider how AIDS is transmitted, the first step is to draw attention to the fact that the body gets HIV and AIDS – the last stage of destruction of the immune system. Even if the medium has developed the syndrome of immunodeficiency and passed the infection, before the onset of the last stage may take several years, with proper treatment, more than 10 years. Therefore, when you consider how AIDS is transmitted, infection always mean HIV.

Way of infection

The first step is to draw attention to how AIDS is transmitted. Note that the virus can be spread by blood and certain bodily excretions. Ways of infection with the pathogen, which develops immunodeficiency:

  1. When unprotected, in some cases, protected sexual contact, if one partner was previously infected. Sexually transmitted infection occurs quite often, as a carrier for several years might not suspect that it was previously infected. At the same time to recognize the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome only on the last stage of development, in General, HIV does not manifest itself in the body of the carrier.
  2. When using non-sterile medical instruments. If this should happen, serious lesions of the skin – the pathogen must get into the circulatory system. Also through the bloodstream pathogen can be transmitted when you visit manicure Cabinet go to the barbershop, tattoo parlor.
  3. Pretty rare, but still possible that the infection occurs due to contact with infected blood into an open wound.
  4. In the last decade examining the ways in which the virus enters the body in the first place set the procedure of blood transfusion and organ transplantation, the use of donor sperm. Established norms define what the donor undergoes a complete examination to identify the causative agent of AIDS. However, it was previously defined low efficiency. The advent of modern methods of analysis of the sample allowed us to exclude the likelihood that donors will become HIV-infected.
  5. Infection can take place with high probability during gestation of the fetus or breast feeding baby breast. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, screening for hidden infections.

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The above points should be taken into account when considering how HIV is transmitted. However, some people mistakenly make this list and other ways of transmission of the virus. Consider how AIDS is not transmitted in more detail.

It is not transmitted the causative agent of AIDS?

Be transmitted, the virus may be as follows:

  1. Airborne droplets when using the same items. Also spread the pathogen can not if you are using one bathroom, the bathroom, in the swimming pool.
  2. When shaking hands or casual contact with an infected there is also no likelihood that he would transmit the virus.

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The virus is transmitted only through the allocation of the genital organs, blood and maternal milk that should be taken into account when considering whether AIDS is transmitted through saliva.

The flow of the asymptomatic period

In recent times you can find a situation in which if AIDS is transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact, infected submits to the court for prosecution. The sexual partner must be informed that he has the acquired immune deficiency syndrome. However, it is worth considering that this disease for a long period practically does not manifest itself and symptoms reminiscent ofa slight malaise.

The disease is as follows:

  1. The first days after infection, no symptoms are manifested.
  2. A few weeks after infection appear, in some cases, the symptoms that could be confused with the manifestation of influenza. An example can be called a malaise, insignificant increase in body temperature, diarrhea. Prominent symptom is the increasing several lymph nodes.
  3. Show symptoms goes away within several days or weeks. Therefore, the infected person may not know that his body is developing a deadly virus for him and his sexual partners. So he takes no precautions to protect others.
  4. The period is characterized by the absence of symptoms can last for several years. As a rule, the treatment to increase this period to 10 years or more. If the treatment is not conducted within 2-4 years after infection may have a serious forms of disease that will indicate the coming of the last forms of development of HIV – AIDS.

Peculiarities of consideration of infection determines what infection is hidden. However, it is difficult to establish an event where there was a transfer of the virus. For prevention, consider in what way transmitted pathogen.

The infected needle in a public place

Many perceive HIV infection as a death sentence. This fear of AIDS began to be used for extortion of money in public places, for example, in the subway. The attacker threatens to transmit HIV through injection previously infected needle. Is there any chance of infection this way?

In considering this question, note that only when you hit the needle in a major vein there is the chance of infection. At the same time the virus on the needle can not live more than a few hours. The present study shows that the probability of infection in a similar way, provided the use of a needle that has the virus, is around 5-10%.

How to check?

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Considering the above information, the question arises: how is it possible to test himself in the case, when there is the likelihood of transmission of infection or if symptoms persist. To begin, we note that since the infestation must be at least one month. Blood tests during the passage of a smaller period will lead to obtaining false negative results.

All studies based on the study a blood sample, which is taken from the vein. Modern methods allow us not only to give a false or negative response, but also to predict the development of the virus in the body. Probability of erroneous result, but with repeated testing it is reduced to a minimum. Diagnosis on the basis of the symptoms manifested is not possible, as they are merely a pretext for carrying out of laboratory researches of blood. Every patient has the right to take blood for determination of HIV infection on their own, even in the absence of symptoms.

In conclusion, we note that there is a risk. People who are treated in them, should carry out blood tests in determining HIV infection periodically. Only with timely detection of problems and treatment can significantly prolong life. Otherwise, the last stage, which becomes a cause of fatal outcome, can occur several years after infection.