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AIDS symptoms last stage

Spid simptomy poslednyaya stadiya

When in the early 80-ies among homosexuals began to appear not a common form of skin cancer, no one had the slightest idea that starts the outbreak of a new viral disease, which at the end of the Millennium will claim the lives of more than 50 million people worldwide.

Shortly after this was discovered the causative agent, leading to the progressive destruction of the immune defense functions of the organism – the HIV virus that causes disease AIDS (a syndrome, characterized the phenomenon of acquired immunodeficiency).

In Europe, in the Western hemisphere, South and Central Africa affected by HIV-1. West Africa, in turn, suffers less transmitted HIV-2.

Because humanity in stimulating the sexual appetite and in use of aphrodisiacs has unlimited imagination, with the exception of dried penises of various animals, extracts of various herbs and potions, came the turn-and-blood animals. This is one of the hypotheses as the HIV virus, which originally was characteristic of the chimpanzee, mutated and transferred to humans. Maybe everything was more prosaic, and the transfer occurred after contact with blood of infected animals while hunting. Who knows!

A virus is a particle that is not capable of long-term existence without his master, and consists of viral nucleic acid (RNA), which is the carrier of genetic information and, therefore, properties of the virus. When HIV enters the host, it is quite easy to include its nucleic acid into the cell, and the rest of the work for it makes itself the infected cell.

With each multiplication of the cells is multiplied and viral nucleic acid, due to the new viruses infect other cells. Some of the cells that the person receives at birth, throughout life and do not breed in the aging process just spent (for example, grey cells). The virus in them, thus unable to reproduce. On the other hand, the cells functioning as the building blocks of the immune protective barrier intensively proliferate, due to their activities.

Spid simptomy poslednyaya stadiya

This type of white blood cells – lymphocytes CD4 – HIV virus attacks the most. Apart from them he selects a specific type of skin cells, lymph nodes and pulmonary so-called "eaters of pests". The CD4 cell count is an important indicator, which determines how the disease develops and as the initial stage of HIV

evolving to the last stage, the stage of AIDS. This is the reason careful monitoring of the CD4 count of HIV-infected people. To complicate things further, the presence of HIV in the body stimulates certain immune system cells to reproduce. The result is an extremely high production of antibodies against the pests with which the body was found, and recognizes them. With the new attackers, it is helpless, and antibodies of the immune protection against them do not work.

The risk of HIV transmission

Unprotected intercourse

The question arises, what sexual intercourse is protected and what is not, what is safe and what is a higher risk. It all depends on what we want to defend. The sexual revolution gave the world the pill that kills sperm lubricating gels, vaginal suppositories, and a good old condoms. But be protected from conception is not the same as to protect themselves from possible HIV infection.

Besides, deep in our consciousness is fixed stereotype of the Association of HIV with homosexuals. It is wrong opinion. From the point of view of HIV infection every Homo - and heterosexual intercourse with an infected partner is risky.

AIDS vaccine does not yet exist, contraception will not help, therefore, remains the only effective protection barrier, preventing contact with infected secretions condoms. Under development are also bactericidal vaginal gels, but, as before, the best choice is a latex condom. The virus can be transmitted through tiny injuries that occur on the mucous membranes of the genitals and anus without the use of "wild" sexual practices.

Anal sex from this point of view is much more risky than vaginal. The mucous membrane of the rectum is fragile and richly supplied with blood. How about oral sex? The environment in the mouth is not friendly to HIV and oral sex is considered less risky than the previous two.This does not mean that transmission cannot occur. Passionate, the so-called French kiss – exciting, but a certain concentration of virus in the saliva may cause, in addition to infectious mononucleosis, a much more dangerous disease – HIV-infuziu. The risk increases even contact with the mucosa of the oral cavity of the ejaculate, vaginal secretions or menstrual blood.

Blood or other blood products

This transfer method is currently virtually impossible. Donors and donor blood is screened for HIV-1 and HIV-2. Therefore, the degree of risk is minimal.

Injecting drug use

A simple way to transmit the virus than the use of a syringe infected with HIV positive blood, can not exist. Currently, no homosexual sex, sharing of needles, syringes and other supplies for injecting drugs is the most common method of HIV transmission in some parts of Europe.

Transmission from mother to child

Spid simptomy poslednyaya stadiya

Infection can be transmitted to child during pregnancy and childbirth, and due to the fact that the virus is present in breast milk, and breastfeeding. It was therefore established routine HIV testing in pregnant women, and, even without their consent.

Modern medicine allows to partially protect the unborn child, provided, of course, cooperation of the mother with the doctors. Timely and effective treatment helps to ensure that the child does not develop AIDS-the final stage of infection. On the other hand, HIV infection is a medical reason for abortion, but the decision remains with the woman herself.

As the virus is not transmitted

In particular, cancer, certain skin diseases and HIV-positivity bring their holders, in addition to physical difficulties, and other very inconvenient time, to a certain extent, social exclusion. Important all possible ways of transferring know rationally to protect themselves, but on the other hand, wrongly no one to isolate.

HIV is not transmitted through normal social and working contacts, with a handshake, staying in the same house (without sexual contact). Drip method of transmission could be very dangerous from the point of view of transmission of opportunistic infections, but does not bear the most risk of HIV infection. Furthermore, it is not justified to be concerned about transmission of the virus from mosquitoes or other biting insects.

The real threat, on the contrary, are risk-takers and the existence of the so-called immunologic window.

Immunologically the window – this is the stage of the disease from infection to appearance of antibodies to HIV in the blood of the infected, which lasts 2-3 months. During these 2-3 months, the symptoms of HIV do not exist, people do not know about their infection, but can transmit the infection to other people.

Symptoms – from infection to AIDS

From the moment of getting HIV in the body and until the last stage of AIDS, usually, is a long time. Its duration depends on many factors. Matters, such as whether the body is weakened by smoke and alcohol and maintained a healthy diet with adequate amount of rest. In addition to dietary habits is also important to psychological well-being and the presence of other diseases.

The incubation period, i.e. the period from infection to the time when appear the first sign is approximately 3-8 weeks.

Spid simptomy poslednyaya stadiya

The onset of symptoms, or acute HIV infection are not typical of all the infected. Only about half of them experience difficulties as well, like the flu or infectious mononucleosis. Remaining without any treatment, as well as in uncomplicated influenza or infectious mononucleosis, will survive this period, after which the disease enters a latent form, which shows no problems. The only key may be swollen lymph nodes (generalized lymphadenopathy) which, however, is not an encouraging sign.

The next step is characterized by early problems and the development of various diseases. This period is called the symptomatic stage of HIV infection or AIDS. The failure of major functions of the immune system represents a loss of protection against harmful irritants from the outside and therefore loss of protection from infectious diseases. Even in the body there are different injured, or even dead cancer cells, and the task of the immune system was in their recognition and destruction. Thus, by itself, the virus does not cause infectious diseases or cancer. These so-called opportunistic infections and tumors develop on the background of the elimination of the immune system infected with a virus and characterized by a sharp decrease in CD4 lymphocytes. Along with overall gradual depletion of the body develops a full picture of AIDS.