Human papillomavirus HPV infection during pregnancy

Papillomavirusnaya infekciya VPCH pri beremennosti

HPV infection in pregnancy is not the worst of diagnoses, which is established by tests for the detection of hidden infections. Evidence that the virus has a serious impact on the period of gestation, has no evidence. The HPV and pregnancy in only one case can cause serious concern for the baby: if the infection is passed to child during childbirth, but also there are many cases when the HPV goes away on its own.

Pregnancy and HPV type 16

HPV 16 and 18 as does not occur on the surface of the skin, but this type of virus has a high potential oncogenic type. The first symptoms of HPV 16 appear in the form of warts flat. The main areas of localization of warts flat type is the vaginal mucosa and cervix. In the presence of HPV 16 among other things, specialists are required to conduct a series of studies that include biopsy and colposcopy. This kind of systematic observations will help in the future to undertake a number of activities that will help to eliminate the infection of the child during childbirth.

Pregnant women with HPV 16 to be the patients of special control, the experts in exceptional cases suggest with this diagnosis terminate the pregnancy, but it is done only when there is a real danger for mother and child. A high degree of risk to infect the baby during natural childbirth sometimes leads to the use of other methods for maximum security, usually in human papillomavirus infection apply a cesarean section. Treatment HPV during pregnancy method of removing flat warts increases the risk to the health of the fetus and its further proper development. In most cases, gynecologists are not allowed to remove papilloma in pregnancy, but if there is an urgent need, it is possible to make application of the technique of freezing or using laser therapy.

Planning of pregnancy with HPV

Papillomavirusnaya infekciya VPCH pri beremennosti

Given that HPV and pregnancy is a risk factor associated with a number of complications during the period of gestation, as well as, most likely, in subsequent delivery with cesarean section, women who have during examinations discovered the papilloma virus, have before to plan the replenishment in the family, consult with experts.

Previously required to collect material for Cytology. Based on the obtained results, the doctors give permission, or Vice versa, are advised to postpone pregnancy for some time. If you have found that in the cervix changes are of pathological nature, experts advise to treat the disease as long as the areas exposed to the negative consequences of not coming to normal.

Planning a pregnancy in the presence of the virus need to be prepared for the fact that for the whole period until the onset of labor employees will be constantly under the supervision of specialists.

The influence of HPV on the period of carrying a child

The exact evidence that the presence of HPV type infection in pregnant women adversely affects pregnancy and fetal development medicine does not have. The virus does not cause premature labour and miscarriage, as well as not create situations that cause pathology in a child during fetal development in the womb. The only threat during pregnancy can manifest in the form of appearances of anogenital warts and papillomas of the genital type. In the period of gestation a woman has lesions papillomas, but the period of conception is not always available information about the presence of infection in the body and the patient may not know about the disease.

If the period of conception on the body already have HPV and warts during pregnancy, their shape and number may vary. Just in case there is a direct threat to child to be infected, if papillomas and warts are located in close proximity to the vagina or anus. There are cases when the child's immune system itself to cope with the risk of Contracting the virus. In the last time physicians increasingly are practicing in case of detection of infection is not to induce you not in a natural way, allowing pregnant women themselves to give birth the natural way.

Methods of treatment of the infection

In case of pregnancy, the cervix undergoes a number of modifications, after a consultation with the doctors prescribes the treatment, which is tasked with a number of additional activities related to the control of further development and study of tests for Cytology andcolposcopia, who have to pass the woman.

Papillomavirusnaya infekciya VPCH pri beremennosti

Infection treatment with drugs is carried out very rarely, only in exceptional cases when there is a threat to the health of the baby. If in a normal situation, the papillomas are removed from the areas with liquid nitrogen, then in the period of gestation to do this is highly undesirable. During pregnancy doctors may prescribe treatment in the form of immunomodulatory drugs and contributing to the strengthening of the protective barrier in a woman's body.

If the problem is a weakened immune system to let slide, may be at risk of deep infection, which in consequence will cause disease of the fetus. Planned testing specialists will help to identify the presence of the virus in the future to determine how to combat the disease.

Precautions patients with HPV during pregnancy

In the early period of gestation, if the woman identified the virus human papillomavirus infection, any treatment during pregnancy virus HPV is highly undesirable, all activities start only after a 28-week period. This is due to the fact that by this point the baby's organs will be formed and the drugs used for the treatment of the virus, will not negatively affect the baby's health.

To avoid the risk-to-child transmission of HPV infection for the entire period of gestation, the pregnant woman should be under constant supervision of health workers. During delivery, the baby is at risk to be infected with the virus and the cause may be early breath when the baby has not yet emerged fully from the womb of the mother. In these cases, the child may acquire tumors as papillomas on the vocal cords.

Papillomavirusnaya infekciya VPCH pri beremennosti

In the absence of warts in the vagina or in the vicinity, that during the birth of their contact with the fetus completely ruled out, the child does not contract the virus HPV. This is no reason for weakening of control over the level of protection of the immune system women, the expectant mother should monitor their health for the entire period of carrying a child.

If the virus was detected earlier than the woman decided to get pregnant, first you need to take a special course of treatment, after which wait for a certain period of time, and only after re-taking the required tests to complete the project. In most cases period is not unduly long, the doctor usually gives the go-ahead on the next monthly cycle after it was treated.