Warts — Effective treatments for human papillomavirus

A carrier of human papilloma virus in fact can be any person on the planet. However, such a harmless thing as papilloma can lead to quite serious consequences. A delicate matter is the treatment of human papillomavirus. At this time, special treatment is not established and a complete cure is impossible. Therefore, antiviral therapy is aimed not so much at eliminating trapped in the body of the virus, how to suppress its activity and destruction of severe signs of the disease. Finding on your body warts, some the question arises: how to treat HPV? This definition part is not accurate. When a virus affects the entire body to cure it completely impossible.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

Only one correct option is to delay the occurrence of the disease, that is, to arrange it so that the virus, though there was in the body, but by necessity, does not Express herself.
Exercise is absolutely possible. Therapy is the administration of drugs, prescription, to consolidate the activities of the body with all the popular methods. When the patient has a great immunity and no neglected diseases, the virus itself does not reveals.

Identified approximately 200 different types of human papilloma viruses. The population overall infection rate is 60-80%. Only 30-40% of people see the outside signs of the disease.

Papilloma of the person, the treatment can only be performed after determining the type of agent, the terms of the protective system. Most infected no outward signs. Such treatment of papilloma aimed primarily at strengthening the immune system.

Papilloma is a type of neoplasm that is formed from a smooth tissue over the skin level in the form of a nipple. In other words, papilloma is such an influx of minor size, usually flesh-colored. The origin of papillomas is a virus of the papillomavirus which is inside of the body.

Consequently, the most important reason for the formation of papillomas on the body part, the skin is the detection of infection with HPV the entire body.

In certain materials it is time to detect the notion that papillomas are the overwhelming majority of women, it is not quite so. To the formation of papillomas with equivalent difference prone individuals of both genders, but only female he carries heavy consequences. Another superstition is the fact that the HPV virus suffer solely elderly people, mostly in the neck, but it is not so. The formation of papillomas tend people of completely different ages, though the spines may be present on various area of the body.

The circumstances of the disease IDP

The human papillomavirus enters: when the mucous membranes, with bodily connection, and of course the inheritance indicator. Of Contracting human papillomavirus possible and on the other, which outwardly he does not appear, but he may become a carrier.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

Infection through sex

The most known route of infection the virus is communication of a sexual nature. In addition, the virus can be transmitted during various sexual activities without the use of protection methods. As a result, the virus may manifest itself by open entry.

Virus transmission by inheritance

In the womb of the mother, the child can get infected by the virus. The objective probability of catching the virus is certainly not huge, but still the risk of disease available.

At a touch

Because of a mere touch of the human papilloma virus can be transmitted from infected to healthy. In addition, HPV may be a long period of time to be in social places people stay.

Infection by the human

Samsarajade is one of the possible types of infection with the human papillomavirus. This usually occurs with shaving or waxing, then the HPV virus penetrates the epidermis.

What happens to a person infected with HPV

Once in the human body the virus enters into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, passing in certain cells and destroying DNA. Ultimately, the papilloma is found in the external manifestations. Attending not feel any discomfort, but you must be careful, because they can lead to more severe result.

The human papilloma virus can be on the body for a long time. In addition, you can get HPV, and throughout life expectancy, this disease can simply not startto develop in the body. But this person can be a source of infection. To treat papilloma virus, better drugs, not forgetting the possibility of their removal.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

The primary virus in lesions of the organism encounters the obstacle of immunity. When immunity to infection is good, it may suppress the virus and not give him to prove himself. But it is only the body slightly to weaken as the virus takes up. The human papillomavirus can stay in the body for several years, but show themselves only after severe stress, or the weakening of the immune system.

The discovery of IDPs.

Human papilloma located on the body, do not cause discomfort and does not feel pain, Tumor on the skin is the only manifestation of HPV. They are divided into two types:

Growths flat

Smooth growths are usually flesh-colored is the so — called flat warts. They are accompanied by healthy feeling and irritation. Their usual location on the neck, arms and face.

Genital warts

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

For the most part genital warts are in the form of knobs. The highest concentration of warts mostly found in the genital area. In women the infection is exposed to the whole intimate area. Warts also occur on the fingers and face. Genital warts do not cause discomfort, but can turn into malignant tumors, namely cancer of the cervix.

When on the body are warts that such a phenomenon is perfectly normal, but the appearance of genital warts, is fraught with consequences and it is imperative to consult a specialist. If the doctor will establish the presence of HPV, they should be eliminated and to perform a therapy in the body.

Therapy of IDPs

Papilloma of the person, what treatment to take. It consists of antiviral therapy and consolidation of the entire immune system. Usually, under these circumstances, the specialist sets the antiviral drugs. Due to the fact that HPV is becoming prominent with a decrease in immunity, in addition to the antiviral drugs are prescribed and stimulating the immune system. Other medications will be at the discretion of the doctor.

Measures for prevention.

Due to the implementation of preventive actions dramatically reduced the risk of cervical cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to treat HPV, and should happen at the gynecologist 1-2 times a year and be on the examination. After all, preventing illness is always easier than to cure its consequences.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

The following preventive methods:

  1. A suitable supply of material, Mature development of teenagers,
  2. a study on the causes of the risk of HPV infection and further transmission of the virus, vaccination,
  3. the flow of periodic inspections for the presence of HPV (allows you early on to detect the disease),
  4. examination by a gynecologist to identify at the initial stage of the disease in the cervix, which if not detected in time can lead to cancer.

Cure for IDPs

Dermatologists do not able to prescribe the therapy that would lead to the elimination of the human papilloma virus, is removed because only the external signs of the disease: warts and condylomas. And it turns out that on the question of how to treat the human papilloma virus, experts suggest a variety of measures to eliminate the growths. But to eliminate them altogether is not advisable if the growth is not growing and not bother, then removing them is not necessary. But this virus is a constant threat pre-cancerous and cancerous diseases.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

To remove warts is possible with the participation of certain measures:

  1. Freezing. Using liquid nitrogen the removal of genital warts. It's a very popular approach, as it causes no pain and leaves no scars. If there is a distribution of outgrowths fact, the removal is performed in one or two steps.
  2. The radio wave separation. Is using the knife of radio waves. Should be a good local anesthesia. Significant the effectiveness of this type of therapy.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Therapy is current. This method is painful and requires anesthesia.
  4. Treatment lasers. All removal the laser beam is performed under local anesthesia. This method is prescribed for pregnant women.
  5. Remove with the help of surgery. Is used quite rarely. Indication of the detection of cancer.
  6. Removal of warts using chemicals. Used drugs that affect the death of tissue. Is not used very often, as it does not give 100% guarantee.

Treatment HPV

Absolute cure human papilloma virus is not yet invented, and experts recommend for the treatment of such drugs, which would spur the immune system. For this method of treatment prescribed medications,who fight against the viruses, in parallel, strengthening the immune system and affecting the tumor.

The use of folk methods.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

Simple medicines can not fully cope with the disease, and often people resort to traditional methods. If treated different herbs and fees, it will give the same result and that the treatment with medicines. Apply methods for resistance by the virus and to eliminate warts. To increase the productivity of natural interferons using plants that contain polysaccharides.

The effect of IDPs on time pregnancy

Pregnant women who are infected with the human papillomavirus, repeatedly expressed in the form of heavy readings, warts on intimate areas, though they are quite a significant amount. But happens and so that after the birth of the child the growths disappear. These effects may be characterized as a shift in the hormonal environment of the mother, destruction of microflora of the vagina and the entire immune system.

Papillomy — Effektivnye metody lecheniya virusa papillomy cheloveka

When a pregnant IDPs found, then the doctor should be unchanged by installing a treatment that contains a medication designed to cure inflammation and antiviral effects, and then it is necessary to inspect for HPV.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, preferably the execution of the therapy of HPV. Severe manifestations should be removed, because, at a much late pregnancy probably accelerated their development. If this is not done in time, there is a likelihood that the child will manifest papillomatosis of the larynx.

Thanks to radiowave coagulation in pregnancy, is the elimination of the growths, but don't forget about the rinsing of the vagina with antiseptics before the procedure of elimination.