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How much time a person with SARS contagious

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Infection Acute Respiratory Viral......... These words bother many people, especially in the cold season.

Regardless of the time of year, people attending the collective places (offices, public events...), wonder if SARS is contagious, how contagious people with SARS, as that is how many people are contagious after SARS, in what period there is the greatest risk of Contracting the infection?.. .

Let's look at this question together.

SARS – feature

SARS is a contagious viral disease that occurs worldwide in cold season, with fewer Sunny days in the temperate zone, and mainly during the warm rainy season in tropical areas. In our country, "risky" season, when there is the greatest probability that one infected person will transmit the illness to you is, basically, the period from January to March, it is reported on the annual infection 850,000-1,200,000 people, but the actual incidence is even higher.

Is SARS a trivial disease?

No. This is evidenced by the large number of people affected with the disease. In our country, viral diseases cause serious complications in around 2000 people a year, the case, as in the virus and exacerbation of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, etc.

Source of infection

Direct source of infection is sick person. SARS can infect mainly by airborne droplets, ie, when breathing, coughing or sneezing of infected people and through contaminated hands that touch the face. Thus, SARS is easily portable. And, no matter how long, how much time a healthy person was in contact with the patient, the virus under favorable conditions is transferred instantly. People with SARS are contagious almost immediately after receiving the virus (already on first day) so he unknowingly transmits the infection. He may not be sick, he does not feel any symptoms…

How many days contagious SARS patient, and what are the symptoms?

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The person usually becomes infectious in the environment after 1-3 days after infection, before the appearance of the first symptoms of the infection. After the display of signs a person is contagious for about 3-5 days, children from 7 to 10 days.

From SARS can heal yourself: strengthen your immune system

Autumn, cool weather and the dampness in the air are a real Paradise for the spread of viral diseases. Almost every person at least once, but complains of runny nose, headache and soreness of the neck.

SARS is a General term for infection caused by a virus. The most common viral diseases include colds and flu. They are, as mentioned above, is transmitted through the air, saliva, promotes the spread of infection and poor hygiene.

How to recognize the disease?

Is there a "common" cold, clear symptom is a nasal discharge and, unlike influenza, a person is not worried about General weakness, muscle pain and fever. At the first sign of the disease is necessary to resort to increasing the amount of vitamins, to enter quiet mode, to deal with the cold will help rest and plenty of fluids. In the case of flu, which a person moves, there is a risk of complications due to the development of bacterial infection, so if you need given oral antibiotics.

Strengthen your immune system

  • The weakening of the immune system plays an important role of stress and switching of "power" – excessive physical or mental stress. Learn to relax, at least on the weekends.
  • Do not overheat your home. Enough temperature of 18-19 degrees for the bedroom, in other rooms should not exceed 21 degrees. Warm and dry air worsens the condition of the mucous membrane, favoring to the fact that the infection penetrates the body.

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  • 70% a strong immune system depends on the intestine. Its cleanliness and proper functioning is essential for human health. Its good condition depends on a healthy diet, probiotic cultures, whether in the form of tablets or in natural form, and regular motion.
  • During exercise in the autumnweather, dress properly – you should be neither hot nor cold. Keep in mind that the body is in motion. Many layers of clothing will help you to catch a cold.
  • Provide the body a healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals. Avoid the "E" in food, artificial colors. Body, processing chemicals, loses the strength needed to fight viruses and bacteria.
  • Strengthen the immune system throughout the year, in particular by hardening. Air exercise in any weather, will train the body to temperature changes. This will allow for more dramatic weather fluctuations to survive and not get sick.

When to see a doctor?

Even when the immune system is fighting with his last strength, there is no need to immediately run for a doctor.

Mentioned bed rest should be combined with adequate amounts of fluid. Drinking should not be too cold or hot. Undisputed are the healing properties of honey, garlic and lemon.

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A sore throat may help to rinse with salt water, also help over-the-counter disinfectant tablets and sprays.

When the cough it's time to go to the doctor, who will determine the cause and will introduce effective treatment.