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Cough after SARS does not pass from adult and child

As is known, the disease no one is safe: neither adult nor child. And especially when it comes to acute respiratory viral infections. If you choose the right approach to treatment, with medical assistance, then get rid of the disease is possible after five to seven days. However, often there are symptomatic remnants of a cough. Residual cough after SARS – the first sign that you still have a long way to treatment. However, it is not necessary to panic. Doctors say that prolonged coughing is a normal and quite common reaction of the body. After the SARS does not pass cough due to the presence of an excess amount of mucous expectoration in the respiratory tract. Therefore, any kind of cough is a kind of "protection", which clears the bronchi, lungs and trachea.

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Why cough after SARS is not lost, how long is the residual effect?

SARS is a viral infection that is accompanied by acute inflammatory process, and occurring in the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, during the progression of the disease is the destruction of the epithelium of the bronchi and tracheal.

If the cough remains after the SARS, it should identify the primary reason. For this it is necessary to elucidate the type, duration, and which selection have been observed coughing. Coughs are divided into two types after the SARS:

  • dry,
  • wet.

Dry cough with SARS, and after it is unproductive because the person is not the audience's coughing up phlegm. The receptors that are in a constant state of irritation, constantly remind myself. Therefore, the patient constantly feels uncomfortable. So, the result of soreness in the larynx, if there is no sputum. If time is not taken for the treatment of dry cough, then the consequences are rather dire:

  • rise pressure,
  • appears hoarseness,
  • if the case started, it increases the risk of cardiovascular failure or suffocation.

But if the cough is wet, phlegm stands out quite intensively. However, it is possible manifestation of such complications as pneumonia or bronchitis. If time does not cure a cough, when expectoration may leave the blood with pus.

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After identify the type of cough, it is necessary to accent attention on the duration. Thus, according to this characteristic cough is divided:

  • acute cough. For two or three weeks the human body is actively fighting an infection in the respiratory tract. In the first stage, a dry cough, then sputum and mucus.
  • long. The patient does not rest the cough within one to two months. This duration indicates that the patient suffers from asthma, tracheitis, pleurisy, etc.
  • chronic – complications manifested in the form of diseases: tuberculosis, lung tumor, cardiovascular failure.

What is the difference between a cough young patients and adults?

Of course, the first cause of cough is the common cold (SARS). Statistically, adults are much easier for children to tolerate this disease is limited to short-term medications. Most often it happens that medolechenie "repeat calls" manifestations of SARS or lingering cough after sham treatment. After all, weakened body even more attracts various kinds of infections and viruses.

If you do not the cough in a child after SARS, the parents should raise the alarm. A severe cough can last for a long time, turning into chronic bronchitis. As you know, during bronchitis inflamed lungs. Therefore, adults should try to make every effort to cough to cure in the early stages of disease development.

Should treat the cough after colds or not?

Often the cough, if viewed as residual effects of SARS, curing is not recommended. The patient needs to struggle the excess mucus. So, cough after viral respiratory infections in adult lasts for 5-7 days. However, a more prolonged cough seen in children. Therefore, treatment of persistent cough takes at least two to three weeks. Dry cough doctors prescribe medications that help to moisturize the mucous membrane.

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In such situations, you should carefully observe certain moments in the treatment of cough in young patients.

  1. Should take the amount of water a day from 2 to 2.5 L.
  2. Doctors insist recommended to drink mineral water (Borjomi or Essentuki). It is this water dilutes and removes phlegm.
  3. You need to be outdoors and regularly ventilated room.
  4. Selectmedications cough should be based on type and duration.

If patients are children, they are usually prescribed "harmless" drugs. For example, these include various mixtures or syrups, based on herbs. These tools help the motor function of the respiratory tract to be rehabilitated. To "harmless" remedies include doctors and such:

  • mucolytics (NAC, Bromgeksin, Impurity),
  • warm milk with honey,
  • products based on medicinal herbs (Mukaltin, Bronholitin),
  • syrups and pills absorbable (Dr. mom, Codelac phyto),
  • aerosols (Ingalipt, Geksoral).

Among the folk remedies recommend gargle salt bitmap and put mustard, if there is no temperature).

It is also possible as additional measures to RUB the back and chest a special warming ointment, often used eucalyptus balm. Remember: it is important not to damage the delicate skin of the child. Therefore, check the reaction of the skin, using new items.

If the child is coughing does not stop even after the application of the above remedies, then immediately consult the doctor. He can prescribe stronger medications.

If coughing is observed in the adult, it is often accompanied by headache and muscle pain, increased fatigue and increased blood pressure. To the question "How long will the treatment of cough?"the doctors answer is ambiguous: "depending on the therapies."

You can use the technique of mechanical refrigeration. For this it is necessary to moisten in cold water a gauze cloth and gradually add it to the neck, groin and underarm areas. A throat can be rinsed with a solution of Aqua Maris – sea water. Thus, the trace elements contribute to the regeneration of the mucous, soothe the cough.

If for a long time the expectoration are observed, then consult your doctor. He will hold a number of necessary diagnostic tests, therefore, can accurately prescribe the necessary treatment.

To viral pathogen again enters the body, should follow General preventive recommendations:

  • keep your feet warm,
  • avoid hypothermia,
  • maintain optimal temperature in the room,
  • if possible priviliges from virus infection,
  • take complex vitamins,
  • lead a healthy lifestyle,
  • maximum limit yourself in contact with sick people.

As a preventive means you should regularly do breathing exercises. Thus you will restore and normalizename the functioning of the respiratory muscles. You need to perform a simple exercise:

  • become straight, while breathing, arms out to side,
  • when you exhale as much okay, hang over the shoulders and stay in this position for about 30 seconds.

With the same purpose, to effectively perform the exercise, inflating the balloon.

Remember that undertreated to the end of the disease and prolonged coughing can provoke not only a decrease in the immune system, but serious complications, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, respiratory distress syndrome.

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Easier to prevent many of the complications at the initial stage of the disease. And the choice of drug therapy should be approached thoughtfully and seriously. Be healthy and take care of yourself!