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SARS in infants symptoms and treatment

Often babies are diagnosed with vaginitis. Mom, wonder where it comes from, because in the womb the fetus needs to be protected from the onslaught of all sorts of viruses, also in the period of breastfeeding. Why do infants get sick with this disease at a fairly steady immune system? After the birth she started to fight viral infections.

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The fact is that the immune system at birth the newborn is not formed completely, and colds are common. What to do and how to treat SARS in infants is to see more detail.

How to recognize the baby SARS?

Children's bodies are fragile and herpes even in small doses when injected begins active effects, and even medications finally bring it hard. Also SARS in adults is less common, and from mother to baby can not get infected. The reason is often simple: hypothermia, not only in the spring in wet weather, but in the heat (in summer) due to undeveloped and unstable heat transfer in children.

Clinical signs in acute respiratory viral infections in newborn infants are similar to many viral diseases and are directly dependent on source of infection, provoking factor, when all of a sudden in infants:

  • the temperature rises to 39 degrees,
  • does the runny nose and coughing,
  • observed conjunctivitis of the eyes, drowsiness, lethargy, lack of appetite, malaise, moodiness.

In children under one year is the usual cold symptoms. But parents should know the distinctive features of acute respiratory flu, when the flu appears:

  • rise in temperature,
  • catarrhal intoxication, nausea and vomiting,
  • blanching of the skin of the skin,
  • refusal to eat,
  • nasal congestion,
  • redness in the throat,
  • soreness in the muscles.
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The distinguishing characteristics of influenza from SARS in infants and treatment that in the second case, there's no real evidence and a strong increase of temperature. Sometimes that is manifested by a hemorrhagic syndrome, erythema, and hemorrhaging in the sclera of the eye, discharge and bleeding from the nose.

In addition, the flu can lead to complications and development:

  • pneumonias,
  • otitis's,
  • when parainfluenza hoarseness, nasal congestion, frequent regurgitation prolonged, but without the lack of temperature and signs of intoxication,
  • adenoviral infection when the baby begins to act up, bad to eat, there is diarrhea, enlarged lymph nodes, conjunctivitis develops,
  • respiratory syncytial infection if signs of on the rise: temperature rise, a slight appearance of cough and cold with bouts, discharge moist rales in case of secondary bacterial infection,
  • reovirus infection with fever, nasal congestion, discharge, cough, redness of the face, signs of conjunctivitis, vomiting, diarrhoea, pain and rumbling in the stomach from the first hours after infection,
  • rhinovirus infections, leading to nasal congestion, mucous secretions, strong cough, dry rales when listening, sustained temperature, anxiety, nervousness, lack of appetite in children, the emergence of severe coughing, wheezes when listening.

The symptoms of SARS, the child did not have a progressive course, in contrast to the flu, so the first temperature increase may not be when mom's trying to resort to home-made medicinal herbs to eliminate the unpleasant signs. Actually this is correct, but only if there is no temperature. You can use infusions of chamomile, calendula and sage, add to the bath immediately at the appearance of the primary symptoms: runny nose and cough, rubbing the line back and chest of the baby. Doctors also recommend the use of:

  • safe band-aid with a grass extract to soften, relieve and eliminate cough (available at pharmacies) by bonding to the clothes,
  • Stodal (syrup) at the onset of dry cough,
  • Prospan and Geelix (syrup) in the discharge of wet cough to liquefy the phlegm.

It is a safe remedies for babies two to 3 months, but the dosage and rules of use when using the need to observe mandatory.

SARS in infants is not treated with pills and cough lozenges. According to Dr. Komarovsky antipyretics is valid only when the temperature rises over 38 degrees. In the case of temperature rise can be used Grippferon, Naphazoline, nasal nose drops, approved for use by pediatricians, if you have the baby 1-2 months. The main thing is to prevent further development of the viral infection in infants to preventcomplications, development of asthma, pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs.

How to care for infants?

Of course, if you have a baby in 2 months appeared SARS in infants and the symptoms are there, then you need to see a pediatrician. To a speedy recovery doctor will advise and recommend how to care for the baby and what you can treat. First and foremost, in order to prevent dehydration, is appointed plentiful drink, a rosehip tea by brewing with boiling water and with raisins. The procedure of hydration to replenish body fluids is especially important if SARS occurs with temperature, because the nose is stuffy, increased sweating, and the fluid is quickly excreted from the body.

Moms need to watch the baby, what are the symptoms and treatment will directly have to depend on them. The body requires replenishing with water if:

  • there was dry lips and mouth,
  • decreased amount of urine or depart in a more concentrated form.
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In addition, parents should ventilate the children's room child 2 times a day. If there is diarrhea, then in any case impossible to transfer the baby to artificial feeding, on the contrary, must be applied to the breast to improve digestion and quenching thirst.

Not recommended immediately after treatment to resort to medication. In addition to rehydration therapy can be applied wet towel wipe his face, forehead. Many drugs are dangerous for newborns, can lead to poisoning, allergies. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

What not to do?

Not with SARS:

  • wrap and warm to wear baby clothes should be lightweight and breathable,
  • to give the baby antibiotics, analgin, aspirin,
  • warm up in the hot tub, especially if you have a temperature,
  • buried in the nose onion or garlic juice that can only lead to irritation.

What distinguishes influenza from SARS?

The management of patients with SARS lies with antiviral therapy, taking into account age and weight baby. The doctor will prescribe infants sparing treatment:

  • safe candles (Viferon, Viburkol),
  • vasoconstrictor agents in the form of drops — Nazivin to facilitate,
  • homeopathic remedies for nasal lavage: a solution of sea salt, constant stress with increasing temperature over 38 C, Efferalgan when a strong cough, Sinekoda.

Self-medication to avoid complications and have the opposite effect excluded. All medicines only appoint a doctor.

If be treated not to the end, the possible accession of secondary infection when no antibiotics in the treatment is not enough.

In General, according to Dr. Komarovsky temperature rise in the first 6 months from the birth of a baby is quite natural and normal. The immune system fights viruses and bacteria, and further the stress is only a positive impact on the body will contribute to strengthening the immune system. But vaccination at the time of the disease may be an additional blow, the consequences of which are unpredictable. That is why immunization is required at the time of treatment should be postponed. Also, mothers do not abandon breastfeeding, to resort to antibiotics can lead to allergic reactions and intestinal disorders.

Medications is applicable only in critical situations when other ways to get rid of the symptoms of SARS, the child is simply impossible. Kids often need to clear the spout of accumulated mucus, conduct rehydration by up to 5 times a day, when the temperature can I give paracetamol or ibuprofen, but liking them all the same is not necessary.

What is the prevention of SARS in newborns?

It is important from birth to teach children to respect the simple rules of personal hygiene so as not to accidentally get infected with cold-related diseases, particularly SARS. If the child is ill, then in the first days it is desirable to cancel the reception due to the strong weakening of the child's body, when any viral infection, entered from the street, can only add fuel to the fire.

Prevention of SARS in infants is:

  • hand washing,
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases,
  • feeding the baby exclusively breast milk with the content of beneficial bacteria, minerals and vitamins.
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If there are signs or suspicion of SARS, you should immediately chop the garlic clove, put on a saucer and put it near the crib of the baby. The flavors of the garlic neutralize the air, and prevent the penetration of viruses and bacteria in the mouth through the nasal cavity. Prevention of complications is extremely important. The appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as chills, fever, cramps up to loss of consciousness, palpitations, nausea and vomiting need urgent to call an ambulance, to do everything possible to prevent complications and consequences that could eventually cause SARS.