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SARS treatment while breastfeeding

The common cold is virtually the excitement. But what if a breastfeeding mom is sick? Indeed, in this case there are many doubts about breast-feeding and treatment. Actually SARS during breastfeeding can be cured without consequences for mother and child. But it is advisable to follow the doctor's recommendations and not to self-prescribe a medication.

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The complexity stems from the fact that some drugs have a negative impact on lactation and the child's body. Because the medication taken by the mother through the milk gets to the baby. Therefore, the drugs are selected very carefully and completely harmless to the guards. Knowing how to treat SARS will emerge from this fight with minimal losses.

Precautions in the treatment of

As you know this is transmitted viral respiratory infection that dangerous for the baby. It is therefore necessary to take all precautions to protect him from danger. For children this disease is really dangerous and a simple cold can turn into bronchitis or pneumonia. This is due to the body at this early age.

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You can use medical mask. But remember that you need to change it every three hours, do not forget to ventilate the room. Be sure to wash your hands frequently to infection did not happen by contact. If the woman's condition deteriorates, for care of the baby to attract people, what will limit the stay of a child next to a sick mother. Some have inquired whether it is possible to breastfeed in this case, doctors advise to stop breastfeeding.

Some recommend the use of immunomodulatory drugs to prevent the disease. But use them for infants only when the purpose of their pediatrician. A good natural substitute is mother's milk help the immune system. Therefore it is not necessary to stop feeding.

Features of treatment of the mother with a cold

When the disease SARS in nursing mothers treatment will differ from the usual. The attending physician may designate certain funds associated with certain disease features. But most often treatment is not too different and some women may self-treat respiratory diseases.

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The important features are:

  • bed rest,
  • proper diet,
  • sufficient drink.

If everything is correct to observe, the treatment will be more successful. In fact bed rest will not allow you to make the condition worse, the liquid will help to fight with fever and prostimulirujte cleansing of the body, and food will provide all the necessary vitamins. Still forced to try to eat no need. You should listen to your sense of fullness and eat only at the request of the body. For the liquid, use plain water or warm tea. Add sugar as desired, but a better minimum number.

Drug therapy

High fever and acute headache decrease the activity of women and during lactation may adversely affect the quality and quantity of milk. Therefore it is necessary to reduce the temperature at 38 C. in Order to measure use:

  • the popliteal depression,
  • the elbow,
  • oral cavity.
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Armpits lactation can give an incorrect result, greatly increasing the indications of the thermometer.

Some recommend avoiding pharmaceutical drugs and use rubbing vinegar or vodka. Better not do that, because of will be absorbed through the skin and a pair of means mommy will also inhale. Especially if she is going to feed the baby, which is also inhale unwanted substances.

A good helper nursing mom in this case will be antipyretic drugs for children. Of course, the dosage will have to increase, but they will be safe for the baby. Doctors allow the use of drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. But only in pure form. A combination of drugs, in addition to allowed for feeding components, are composed of many other, which is undesirable for a child.

Treatment of the common cold

A nursing mother may appear cold, which further increases the headache and adds fatigue. To fight him normalmethods are not desirable. One of the cheapest and most effective way is washing the nasal cavities with salted water. 200 ml of water 1 teaspoon of salt, mix well until dissolved and serially rinsed cavity.

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If the nose is still laid out and difficult breathing, are allowed to use drugs with Xylometazoline or Oxymetazoline. It is desirable that it was a nasal spray.

Help and traditional methods. Chamomile flowers used for the infusion, burying it several times a day. 100 ml of boiling water teaspoon of plants. It's good to use aloe Vera juice, diluted with cooled boiled water in the ratio 1:5.

The use of local funds

SARS often becomes accompanied by pain in the throat. For the relief and elimination of possible use of local funds. They are virtually not absorbed through the mucosa, but pretty high quality help.

Correct use described in the instructions and you should listen to them. No need to overdo it, better to follow the specified dosage and do not apply them more than 5-7 days. The most convenient are the sprays. They eliminate the inflammation, soreness and fight off viruses and microorganisms.

If you are afraid of pharmaceutical drugs, can use home proven tools. One of them can be used at any time. To do this in a glass of warm water to dissolve a tablespoon of salt and gargle every 3 hours. Instead of salt you can add Lugol's iodine.

Help relieve inflammation decoction of chamomile. In a glass of water a tablespoon of chamomile brew, cool and gargle. You can even drink tea from it, which is beneficial to the body.

Combating cough

Sometimes the treatment of SARS is complicated by the appearance of cough. Deal with it you can inhalation. For this purpose, the inhaler or the habit of breathing over a container. For the treatment of brewed herbs or use mineral water, suitable for the addition of drugs.

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The black radish will be another defender because it has excellent antibacterial properties and is a natural "antibiotic". Her finely cut or RUB on a grater, mix with honey and during the day drink a few tablespoons of the resulting liquid. If allergic to honey, it is replaced with sugar.

Some use mustard or banks. Dry mustard added to a warm foot bath or heated with dry heat. But these methods are possible only in the absence of elevated temperature.

If these methods of struggle are not satisfied, use drugs. They are now a great many, but nursing mothers are contraindicated medications with Bromhexine.

What drugs cannot be used nursing mothers

Those who do not interrupt feeding when SARS are often interested in unwanted drugs. You should avoid taking the medication:

  • adversely affecting lactation,
  • unexplored,
  • toxic,
  • causing allergic reaction,
  • consisting of several ingredients.
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Some medications can decrease milk supply, leading to insufficient amount of food for the baby. Complex drugs can contain unwanted for nursing women substances.

But you need to remember that even safe medicines for improper or prolonged use can harm. To protect the child, it is recommended to take the medication at night, when the number of feedings minimal. Also be sure that the peak effects of the drug is not dropped for feeding.

Preventive action

Usually lactation the immune system of women weakens. So knowing a few ways to help yourself, you can prevent the disease. First of all you need to avoid crowds, especially indoors. There is a virus transferred faster and the risk of infection is significantly increased. Therefore, you can wear a mask that will become a barrier for them.

In the living room not to forget to maintain humidity, and periodically to ventilate. You can go for a walk with the baby and slightly open the window. During this time, the apartment is well ventilated. Don't forget about wet cleaning, which eliminates the spread of microorganisms.

To limit the visiting guests during the winter period, when there is a period of epidemics. It will reduce the risk and protect against infection. The children's clinic to go only on the day a healthy baby.

By following simple rules of prevention and proper treatment of SARS takes its toll. But in the case of too high temperature, not decreasing more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor. He will determine the problem and prescribe quality treatment, eliminating the symptoms and the cause of the disease.