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SARS in pregnancy effects

Like everyone else, pregnant women are in danger as a trivial viral infection, and the risk of viral diseases, which, starting from the first week during the second trimester and/or 3 trimester of pregnancy can cause serious complications.

Pregnancy lasts 10 months, during which time various health complications are not uncommon. For every week of pregnancy, starting with 1, however, the situation requires caution. Any acute respiratory disease requires a special approach. As example, SARS during pregnancy.

Women are afraid to take medication because of fears about potential effects on the fetus, often this precaution is typical for doctors, in particular, not related to gynaecology. This ignorance in the field of health and anxiety lead to the fact that the therapy of SARS in the early stages of pregnancy and later, is missing. The situation arises when the consequences of viral diseases, in the end, indeed, may endanger the fetus.

Obviously, the treatment of SARS and other viral diseases in pregnancy is necessary. What therapeutic methods can be applied, advise the attending physician. This files most often recommended vacation and nonspecific measures (bed rest, vitamins, etc.). In situations of epidemiological risk, these measures can be applied as prevention of SARS in pregnancy. This applies to many other viral diseases.

So, what are the risks of viral disease (particularly, how dangerous SARS), what are the possible consequences of SARS in pregnancy in the absence of treatment, how to treat SARS in pregnancy, what you can take medication – this will be discussed further.

Acute respiratory viral infections and their treatment

Conventional treatments include painkillers and fever medicines. SARS and pregnancy is a combination involving Paracetamol, which can be considered safe.

In the treatment of SARS in pregnancy 2 trimester and 3 trimester suggests to avoid salicylates – in preterm labor drugs in this group increase the risk of intracranial bleeding in newborns.

Other analgesics-antipyretics with SARS and other viral diseases also should beware, they may cause premature closure of the ductus arteriosus. (This does not include one-time admission for anesthetic effect).

In the case of SARS in pregnancy is needed antipyretic therapy. high temperature has a negative effect on the fetus at early pregnancy fever may have a teratogenic effect in the end increases the demands on embryonic oxygen supply.

Receiving antitussives and expectorants in the treatment of SARS in pregnancy is a problem. Some of them have been proven teratogenic effects in animal experiments, other studies do not exist. The practical risk is minimal – if the mass intake of these drugs a significant impact on the fetus would certainly have been registered. It is advisable to limit treatment to a short episodes during the requisite period.

A common therapy you can add any local treatment. No rinsing or nasal drops do not have the slightest effect on pregnancy or the fetus.

On the contrary, absolutely the variety of plant and natural products. Their influence on the fetus has never been seriously investigated, and sporadic studies recommend not to underestimate the risk. Please note that you are taking a combination of biologically active substances in unknown quantities and with unknown interactions!

Some pregnant women, when deciding how to treat SARS, seek the help of homeopathy, considering it to be safe. However, homeopathic medicines are totally inappropriate. First, because a pregnant woman should be treated specifically (the fetus is at risk of the disease itself), and secondly, because the effect of homeopathy on the fetus have never been investigate.

Influenza and adenovirus infection in the first trimester of pregnancy increase the frequency of spontaneous miscarriage and possibly birth defects of the fetus.


Enteroviruses cause a variety of diseases most often affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and can also affect the skin, contributing to the manifestation of skin rashes. In some women the disease is asymptomatic.

Enteroviruses are very ustoichivy. Infection occurs by the fecal-oral route (the virus is found in feces). This happens most often if a person doesn't washhands after using the toilet. The viruses survived on hands are transferred to the surrounding objects (pens, furniture, food), and subsequently can infect other people. Another option transmission is irrigation of vegetables with water from an open reservoir that contains particles of the virus. If subsequently, these vegetables will not be washed and eaten, there is not only the threat of infection with enteroviruses, but also viral hepatitis, and other very unpleasant diseases that are transmitted the same way.

Enteroviruses in the development of the fetus, usually do not cause birth defects, but in the perinatal period (i.e. the period from the 38th week of pregnancy until 1 week after birth) infection can cause inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle.

Mumps virus

Parotitis refers to the number of diseases against which vaccination is practiced. Their appearance is quite rare. The disease at an early stage of pregnancy may lead to miscarriage. The more developed the fetus, the virus does not damage, but the high temperature that can accompany the disease, often poses a risk to the fetus.

Measles virus

Measles is a disease against which in our country also vaccination, therefore, manifestations of this disease is quite rare. Infection during the first 3 months of pregnancy may cause miscarriage, the virus can be the cause of some birth defects, the fetus can jeopardize the high fever that accompanies the disease.

Rubella virus

Against rubella in our country vaccination, similarly to the above diseases. The disease among the population is very rare. One of the reasons for the introduction of vaccination was the fact that the rubella virus can seriously affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. For fruit, in terms of harm, is the most risky period of time until the end of the 16th weeks, but the damage can be applied at any time during pregnancy. The rubella virus can lead to the following complications:

  • abortion,
  • damage to ears, eyes and heart of the fetus,
  • congenital malformations of the genitourinary system, musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the Central nervous system,
  • serious congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, underdevelopment of the esophagus),
  • the fetus may be inflammation of the heart muscle and meningitis,
  • the child may suffer from rubella syndrome who, after birth, manifested by recurrent diarrhea, inflammation of the heart muscle, meningitis and pneumonia,
  • along with the above mentioned symptoms, it may happen that the child will not manifest any symptoms of the disease, but shortly after birth, the rubella virus begins excreted from the body, and the child is the source of the disease.

Vernal encephalitis

People get it after tick bites. The disease can be very serious. The virus is not the cause of birth defects, but it can be dangerous to the fetus, due to the high fever that accompanies the disease. (Another disease transmitted from ticks is Lyme disease).

Herpes simplex virus

The virus causes local inflammation of the skin manifested by the appearance of small blisters. The virus is dangerous because after the infection it survives in the body, and in the case of its weakening aktiviziruyutsya, whereby the disease breaks out again.

  1. Herpes labialis – herpes affecting the face and around the lips.
  2. Herpes genitalis – genital herpes.

If a pregnant woman has genital herpes during birth, it is possible to transmit the virus to the child. Therefore, it is necessary to report this situation to your doctor who will assess the appropriateness of caesarean section. Disease in infants can be very severe!

Herpes zoster – shingles

This virus is the cause of chickenpox in children. If a woman contracted the virus in the first half of pregnancy, there is a risk of transmission through the placenta to the fetus and serious damage. If a pregnant woman gets infected in the period 3 weeks before childbirth, could be infection of the child, the disease to manifest within the first 5 days of his life.

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