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Stomach flu symptoms in adults and treatment

Stomach flu – what is it?

The intestinal form of influenza, professionally called gastroenteritis, it is not acute respiratory disease, which may cause viral or bacterial agent. Most often appearance of the disease is attended by rotaviruses, noroviruses, adenoviruses, enterovirus, and Astrovirus. It is an inflammatory infection disease, in which affected small intestine and stomach.

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Stomach flu in the adult and child may occur due to the consumption of spoiled food or exposure to infection.

Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults and children under normal conditions are similar to the symptoms of SARS. Early symptoms of stomach flu include:

  • malaise,
  • fatigue,
  • weakness,
  • headache,
  • usually comes to increase in temperature.

Subsequent symptoms of intestinal flu include:

  • severe pain in the abdomen, which can take all the time of the disease,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting (watery stool sometimes mucus and blood).

Early symptoms along with intestinal manifestations appear within 3 days after infection.

Let's look at the disease closer and get answers to questions such as:

  1. How long is the course of gastric flu in adults and children?
  2. What is the treatment for intestinal flu in adults and children?
  3. How to treat and how to treat stomach flu: which drugs and antibiotics in case of intestinal flu to take?

Acute and chronic forms of the disease

Intestinal flu in adults and children has 2 forms – acute and chronic. The acute form is characterized by a sharp rate, but can usually go away within 3 days. The chronic form may take weeks or until then, until it is determined the causative agent of the disease and fail to cure him. However, this disease is almost without symptoms. Therapeutic methods in this case should appoint only the doctor depending on the cause of the disease. To treat the disease at home is possible, only after consultation with a specialist.

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Transmission of flu occurs in several different ways. Among the most common note is the stomach irritation that is caused by the ingestion of spoiled food, i.e., toxins. You can become infected also in close contact with an already infected person, as well as drip or by air. The great danger of intestinal infection is present, especially in developing countries where lack of clean drinking water and hygiene do not meet basic rules.


The presence of intestinal flu treatment involves not particularly difficult.

Disease stomach flu symptoms in adults and treatment are directly related. The basis is to relax, calm and, above all, contacting a specialist. The doctor will be history, take samples of feces, urine and blood for laboratory studies. If there is a disease of viral origin, the doctor will prescribe only a strict diet.

If necessary, also introduced antibiotic drugs.

With regard to bacterial origin, the disease stomach flu symptoms treatment involves the disinfection of the intestine. Even in connection with this syndrome, the person cannot avoid a strict diet. Proper nutrition not only helps to cure the disease, but it is cleared through the gastrointestinal tract, restores proper balance of vital gastrointestinal flora.

Drinking regime during the flu

The symptoms and treatment in adults and children suggest drinking regime, which is necessary in the treatment as well as diet. In case of vomiting and diarrhea, there is a danger of dehydration. Thus, it is necessary fluid intake in small amounts, but often.

Diet rules

1 day diet after the outbreak of intestinal flu are not advised to eat food at all, however, it is necessary to maintain an adequate drinking regime. It is best to drink the cold black or herbal tea, or pure water. Also help slightly salted water. The next day you can include in your dietcrackers, low-fat rice and steamed carrots. However, it is necessary that the food was only adopted in small doses.

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On the 4th day a person can eat potatoes, apples and bananas. But it is preferable to consume food in a more easily digestible form – for example, in grinded form. Once a person begins to feel better, the diet is gradually to include other products. With food high in fat, dairy products and sweets, however, need some time to wait. The transition to solid food should be gradual.

Herbal treatment

In the treatment of intestinal flu can help and herbs. Helps with cramps, mostly ginger and mint, or calendula. With diarrhea the best way to consume dried fruits, blueberries, red clover decoction of oak bark and leaves of BlackBerry and raspberry. In the case of constipation, are useful Senna pods and aloe Vera.

If you decide to use herbs with strong laxative effect, which include Senna pods, of course, should be first excluded such a cause of constipation, as a bowel obstruction or chronic disease of the digestive system. Great attention should be paid to possible dehydration.

Treatment at home

Stomach flu can be cured at home, however, after consultation with the doctor. In that case, if symptoms of dehydration (thirst, fatigue, apathy, dizziness and dry mucous membranes) or there is blood in the stool, refer for medical attention is a necessity! This rule also applies when the patient's condition doesn't improve after 48 hours, especially if it begins to deteriorate.

Intestinal flu: children and the elderly are at risk!

In children, the stomach flu can be very dangerous for older people. Their immune systems are not so effective and the body cope with the infection more difficult. Thus, these two age groups need special care to comply with preventive measures, thus avoiding contact with any possible source of infection and fully comply with the elementary rules of hygiene.

Effective prevention

Against intestinal influenza, in General, is used quite effective prevention, which consists in the strict observance of hygiene rules. Hands should be washed frequently, especially after using the toilet and contact with faeces. Virus on hands can survive up to 4 hours. In the prevention against intestinal infections (including flu), you should not forget about proper food preparation. You need to eat only fresh and quality products, fruits and vegetables are properly washed. In the summer there is an additional risk of infection through ice cream. It is also advisable to strengthen your immune system, you will have a variety of dietary supplements.

The symptoms and treatment of the disease in children

In children the stomach flu is a much more severe disease than adults. Due to the risk of dehydration, the disease may present a danger to life. Although children often refuse to drink and drink instead of asking for candy, is that the parents were consistent, providing the infected child drinking regime and diet.

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If the stomach flu strikes baby, important hospitalization, in which he will be provided food and rehydration intravenously. Because dehydration is also accompanied by loss of essential minerals, young children, doctors recommend to drink isotonic drinks.

Symptoms usually enough expressive. A disease manifested by severe diarrhea with liquid stools. It is impossible to stop, diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain. Additionally, in children the stomach flu is associated with severe vomiting that occurs several times a day. Other symptoms presents with fatigue, body aches (especially joints) and fever. It is important not to confuse stomach flu (because of the similarity of symptoms) with other common viral infections. It can even be less runny nose and sore throat.

The symptoms of mild dehydration are represented by dryness of the mouth and tongue, absence of tears and clearly visible irritability. Severe dehydration is manifested General malaise, dryness of the skin.

A doctor should be contact if the first signs of the stomach flu, don't wait for the first signs of dehydration.

Very important to ensure adequate fluid intake. You need to drink slowly, a teaspoon every few minutes. The best option is pure water or mineral, but still.

If the child is not breastfed, should be excluded from the consumption of milk. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted.