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Best cure for colds and flu

Influenza is an acute, highly contagious viral infection with rapid onset, associated with fever, General fatigue and Qatar Airways. Any other respiratory virus can also resemble symptoms of SARS and flu, but these viruses do not cause epidemics affecting all age groups. The clinical picture of seasonal and pandemic influenza are different.

Clinical picture

When flu symptoms appear abruptly with full health. The most common of these include such things as:

  • high fever over 39°C,
  • chill,
  • headaches behind the eyes,
  • muscle and joint pain flu is also not uncommon.

Fever with flu continuous or periodic (in the case of the introduction of fever-reducing medications). A few hours after raising the temperature begin to show symptoms affecting the respiratory tract, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and sometimes a dry cough, you may receive a feeling of fullness in the nose, heavy serous rhinitis, however, to the typical clinical picture of influenza these symptoms do not belong. Less often, the sick person indicates photophobia, burning eyes and painful movement of the eyeballs. You may also experience gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, nausea and diarrhea (in infants and young children). Is not uncommon and meningeal syndrome.

How to treat the flu?

Perhaps the best remedy against flu and colds is in bed and rest. It is also good to pay attention to the consumption of large amounts of fluid. If you really have the flu and you are on the brink of their physical strength, you can take comfort in the fact that after 3 days the condition easier.

Herbs help, but use them correctly

Good cure for flu and colds, can help to alleviate the symptoms of disease presented herbs. If you are not familiar with them well enough, you can buy some mixes that I recommend at the pharmacy. Follow the directions carefully in cooking. After the recommended time, strain the brewed tea through a sieve, preferably not metal.

Probably the most common cure for the flu is Linden. Its flowers contain many important nutrients that support the production of sweat, urine and bile. In addition, it also help dissolve mucus and reduce the annoying cough.

Preparation. Tablespoon of flowers pour boiling water (do not boil!), after 10-15 minutes, strain. The tea can be drunk pure or with lemon.

From SARS and anti-flu drugs include not only teas and infusions, and baths. They can also be prepared from lime blossom.

Natural remedies for flu include plantain (tea is made out of about 5 grams of the plant, which is filled with boiling water and infused for 10-15 minutes, and then filtered), elderberry (effective juice from fresh berries), mint (for tea use a tea spoon with a hill of leaves, which are filled with boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and filtered), thyme and chamomile. As well to help mallow and hops.

For increase of immunity it is recommended to take vitamins and natural products, such as acerola, Echinacea, rose hips, buckthorn.

Chicken soup — eat it even if you have no appetite

In severe disease, there is usually no appetite. Do you need to overcome the aversion to food, in order not to weaken the body by fasting? Yes, it is better to try to overcome lack of appetite. Hunger may cause harm. If "not go" nothing else, try at least to drink chicken broth. During illness it is better to follow the principles of good nutrition to provide the body sufficient but not excessive energy consumption, the diet should include fats, carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and minerals are also necessary.

Good options are sandwiches with lean ham or broth already mentioned. The ideal source of nutrients are bananas and yoghurt. For example, proteins contained in dairy products, which often, especially duringdisease underestimated. At the same time, they take a direct part in the improvement of protective forces of an organism. But what about advice on piles of spirits? With the development of disease is a "cure" does not help. His role in the preventive purposes is also quite exaggerated.

Another Council of folk medicine hot black tea with lemon – is also the best medicine. Tea removes fluid from the body, therefore it is not recommended to drink during the day only him. It is advisable to prefer fruit teas, mineral water and fruit juices.

Nasal drops — apply before using a handkerchief

The only real advantage of flu is that, at least early in the disease is no rhinitis. This flu is different from colds in which the nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms. Note, in particular, on nasal congestion the common cold is caused not by mucus, but by swelling of the mucosa. Mucus is a substance that swollen mucosa was trying to defend himself.

The bandwidth of the nose can be greatly improved. This can help nasal drops, which is aimed at reducing mucosal edema, and nasal sprays which thin mucus.

Mucus prevents proper functioning of the nose, people tend to breathe through the mouth. In addition, the mucus through the nasal passages to get into the lower respiratory tract, the area of the middle ear and cause inflammation there.

Against nasal congestion is another trick. Put your hands up to the elbows in hot water. On hands comes to the expansion of blood vessels hence nose decrease swelling. Rhinitis, usually caused by viruses against which antibiotics are not effective.

A sign that is not normal rhinitis and possibly need antibiotics, a change in color of mucus from clear to greenish or the presence of other complications – for example, the absence of the downward trend in temperature or a bad cough.

Antiviral medication is a great help but not a miracle

Anti viral drugs are drugs that, in the case of influenza, can stop or at least mitigate its course. The mechanism of action of these drugs is in the closure of the cells so that the virus, although they shall reproduce, but can't be released and spread to other cells. Subsequently, the affected cells in which the virus continues to multiply, die.

Antivirals must be administered early in the disease, when just beginning to show symptoms of the flu. Tamiflu and zanamivir are the only antiviral drugs that are used for the treatment of serious conditions with flu. Tamiflu capsules can be obtained by prescription in pharmacies. Zanamivir (relenza) is used by doctors, especially in hospitals, because this drug is more resource-consuming in terms of application – it is administered by inhalation.

However, when taking these medications should be cautious. Complications can include disturbance of the lungs, which requires highly specialized treatment. Pharmacists also warn about the risk of counterfeit drug Tamiflu in case of online shopping.

Vitamins — saving fruits and soups

No need to swallow vitamins by the handful. Of course, has the value of vitamin C, ideally, it is better to get it from fresh fruit, is recommended even to increase the dose of vitamin C to 1 milligram per day (for example, 2 kilograms of oranges).

This vitamin is found in most citrus fruits. In addition, we should not overlook the vaunted sauerkraut.

It is best to combine sources of vitamin C and not to consume it only unilaterally. In each case, a natural source of vitamin C – better than pills.

You also need enough to drink, priority should be given diluted fresh juices. Other suitable drink is warm tea, in the ideal – herbal, fruit or black.

If you want to add in tea with lemon or honey, put it in a cooler liquid, because in these hot medicinal products lose most of their nutrients, their degradation also contributes to mixing of the liquid with a metal spoon.

Cold drinks should be avoided as they irritate the weakened mucous membranes.

To boost immunity after infection, it is recommended to take vitamins and natural products such as black currant, horseradish, lemon, orange, pepper.

Medications — what to do at high temperature?

If you do, a flu related disease headaches and muscle aches are more severe than the common cold. Thus, it is advisable to seek the assistance of medicines that contain painkillers or antipyretic substances. One such substance is ibuprofen. On the market are the most common drugs like Brufen, Ibalgin, Ibuprofen or Nurofen. Substance ibuprofen compared with paracetamol, for example, has anti-inflammatory action, but, unlike him, can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is recommended to take medication that contains ibuprofen, after eating.

Ibuprofen is also more,than paracetamol, which also belongs to the group of antipyretic drugs, can cope with the soreness of the joints, muting the pain. Temperature, pain and inflammation also reduces acetylsalicylic acid, which can be found, for example, the drug Aspirin. However, and this drug can have a negative impact on the gastric mucosa.

In addition, when the ingestion of aspirin by children under the age of 16, they are at risk of developing dangerous Reye's syndrome.

During typical viral infections such as colds rhinitis and accompanying high temperature, recommended medicines containing paracetamol. These medications in the form of syrup can be used by children. In all cases the rule applies: if the temperature drops, it's good to alternate the meds, but after at least 4 hours. Some drugs are also sold in combination with vitamin C or other substances that relieve the nasal mucosa, for example, Coldrex Hot Rem (packets of drink mix).

Cough syrup — take, depending on, dry cough or productive

If the cough is part of a viral infection which is not accompanied by other difficulties, there is no need to go with him to the doctor. Given that the cough is helping to remove from the respiratory tract of harmful substances is not always helpful to get rid of it. If intolerable cough causes discomfort or interferes with sleep, are used cough medicines. Most of them suppress the cough reflex.

Basically, we are talking about drugs, containing codeine, or other similar substance. These medications come in various forms, including tablets and some of them dispensed by prescription. To take medication to suppress the cough, it is recommended, especially before bedtime. On the other hand, drugs that stimulate expectoration – expectorant – before going to sleep make not recommended. The same principle applies to mukolitiki that help regulate the nature of mucus, facilitating its expectoration. Their best taken about 5-6 PM.

Never take medicines, a muted cough with expectorant drugs. As a result of such combinations can reach to the accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the respiratory tract, without the possibility of expectoration. Medicines for cough muting are also available in the form of tablets, syrups or drops. Most of them can be bought without a prescription. Problems can improve and grass, and they, too, should be selected in accordance with whether a cough to facilitate or support the expectoration.

Sweating adults helps, children better cooling

If the temperature is not too high, don't take antipyretic drugs. Fever is a defense mechanism against viruses. Body best feel when you lie down, you will sweat and sleep. To alleviate the condition will help the cold wraps. Lowering temperature (antipyretic drugs) is recommended in the evening before going to sleep, because at night the temperature tends to increase, and only if you really bad.

The ideal duration of bed rest during weeks, 3 days are necessary. In the case of the flu, usually, the person feels so bad that a disease that literally puts him to bed. Transferring the disease on the legs, you can cause complications – such as pneumonia or very severe inflammation of the lining of the heart.

During flu season you are likely to be more headache and whole body than mild viral infection that will make you take a drug. Children – especially little fever, of course, need to downgrade if you don't help medication, you can try wraps. The baby should be in bed, but sweating is not necessary.

After the introduction of fever-reducing medicines in acute as the child usually does not sweat because of a fever keep coming back, stable the temperature drop is not observed, the situation when that happens, it is a sign of improving health. In the case of the presence of classical influenza, with the highest probability, the highest temperature will be maintained for several days.

Homeopathic treatment of flu

The manifestation of the first symptoms are advised to introduce a homeopathic product Oscillococcinum (Oscillococcinum). The first dose should be taken as soon as possible, then 1 dose 3 times a day for 1-3 days. Oscillococcinum is a drug which has the highest degree of scientific evidence of efficacy not only in treating but also in preventing influenza.

In the case of rapid onset of the disease can be consider taking fighter ripopodibna (Aconitum napellus). Indications for use of this substance, usually, presents sharp cold.

Another common drug is recommended in the initial phase of the disease, is belladonna (Atropa belladonna).

If the onset is associated with a small increase in temperature of about 37.5 ° C, presence of dry cough, a suitable product is iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum). Frequency of administration of the drug is 5 granules 3-5 times a day.

Timely appropriate therapy may development of flu to completely stop or at least greatly alleviate the conditionsick person.


The flu is a disease that affects a large number of people every year. Due to the fact that today there are many strains of the virus in the first signs of disease is recommended to consult a specialist and only after that to start treatment, including home. This will help to avoid many of the complications of the disease, which can pose a serious threat to the health or even life.