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How to treat the flu

With the onset of cold human's immune system weakens. Short Sunny day, chilly weather, cold weather. The body experiences a severe lack of sunlight and vitamins. So in the autumn and winter people are at risk of dangerous viral infections. One of the most dangerous illnesses is the flu. Every year from flu and complications triggered by this disease, millions of people dying all over the world. The flu is dangerous and insidious. Some of its symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of colds, but complications are much more dangerous. They affect the respiratory system, the kidneys and can even cause brain damage. So how to treat the flu at home, if he's so dangerous? Although most people tolerate the flu without serious consequences, in some cases without a comprehensive course of therapy in hospital conditions is not enough.

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Why is it so difficult to cure the flu

The main reason why it is so difficult to treated the flu, is that many confuse it with the common cold or runny nose. It starts similarly, with rise in temperature, sneezing, coughing and runny nose. But the flu is much more dangerous. But still there are some signs by which to distinguish the flu from a common cold, and it can be done at a very early stage of the disease. The first sign is fever (up to 39 and above) which is not bring down any fever medicines. The second is drowsiness and fatigue, the person literally falls down. All these signs appear immediately after infection and last for the entire incubation period, about 5 days, and then only be other symptoms that are similar to a cold. During the development of the disease the following changes occur in the body:

  • in the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and throughout the respiratory tract is infected with a flu virus (the disease is known to be airborne),
  • weakened mucosa of the respiratory tract becomes the field upon which the reproduction of the virus. The patient has fever, lethargy, drowsiness,
  • is suppressed immune system at the cellular level, and this means that those dangerous germs which were in the body, can provide a threat as during infection of the flu, and after he will be cured.

What are the dangers of self-treatment

The flu treatment at home usually takes several days to several weeks. It all depends on how to treat the flu and how the disease was started or is not fully cured. It can start exactly the same, but to be different. The main disadvantage of home self-treatment is that people may not always appreciate how he recovered. Because of this, often, all the efforts are in vain, and in some cases even cause more harm as the virus adapts to the drugs and will not react to them.

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The severity of illness and likelihood of complications depends on the initial state of the body, any disease that the flu can be developed, for example, lung disease, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis. Intoxication occurs due to the infection and fight the immune system against it. The longer the disease lasts, the greater the harmful effects on the nervous, excretory and the cardiovascular system of toxins. It may also impact on the condition of the joints and the brain. After the flu, most often, such manifestations are seen as complications: pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, loss of vessels, which is dangerous to the occurrence of pericarditis and myocarditis.

What to do if you suspect infection

So how to treat the flu at home, so to avoid complications at home? Getting rid of the disease completely impossible without the observance of bed rest, proper nutrition and administration of specific drugs. If you try to transfer it to the feet – there is a risk of very serious complications, even death. So don't try to recover, even to move the flu on their feet. If on the first day of the disease still felt a presence of energy in 2-3 days, you just can't get out of bed. That's all.body will be aching, head splitting. Pills and inhalations will help to get rid of weakness. If you notice all these symptoms, the only solution is to call the therapist at home. Prior to joining the doctor can take measures against the flu, to somehow improve health:

  • take some antiviral medication,
  • if the temperature rose, to drink a tablet of aspirin,
  • to increase the amount of liquid. Water will help flush toxins from the body. It is better to take herbal tinctures and teas,
  • to ensure complete rest, both physical and mental. Lay down in bed, turn off the television and computer,
  • the room should be well ventilated without drafts and the room should be warm.

In some cases, the doctor needs

Of course, calling a doctor at home has its difficulties. First, we decided not to invite the doctor when a cold or flu sick adult, as it is believed that these diseases are not serious. Secondly, many there is a fear of doctors called home since childhood. But if the fever persists for several days and receive drugs do not work, call the doctor at home, it is a matter of life and death!

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In addition to the injection, the therapist will also conduct a medical examination, and recommend a more appropriate treatment for the drug. Every year there is a new virus and the doctors, due to the nature of their profession, are aware of what strain of the virus this year. So the medicine appointed by therapist, are usually the most effective. If neglected the disease or its symptoms suggests that a possible serious complications, the doctor may refer the patient for treatment in the hospital.

Simple recipes and affordable medicines used in the treatment of influenza

To cure the flu, only by applying an integrated approach, otherwise the disease will be delayed. Apart from the fact that it is necessary to fight the disease, will also have to create conditions for the restoration of normal microflora of the respiratory tract, nasopharynx and mouth. To withdraw the body from a state of intoxication and create the conditions for the restoration of immunity. And here's what you need to do to have the treatment at home went well, without complications:

  • taking pharmaceuticals,
  • to apply proven folk remedies,
  • to drink as much liquid as possible,
  • to stay in bed, get plenty of sleep,
  • eat a healthy diet, it is advisable to use natural products, cooked meat, fish, vegetables. In the first days of the disease, is very good at helping to improve the health and raise the tone, nourishing chicken broth,
  • take vitamins and medicines that improve the immune system.

Treatment of influenza folk remedies

Feature of people's methods of struggle against the flu is that they work not directly destroying a virus, but through strengthening and support General immunity. To work as well as antiviral drug folk remedies can not, therefore they are used in conjunction with medication. But they allow to reduce the negative impact of drugs, to reduce the duration of the disease and improve health. Typically, when treatment at home, you must do the following:

  • consume plenty of fluids — selection of teas and infusions: chamomile, lime, raspberry, rose hips and viburnum,
  • there is honey, lemons, oranges, good currant or raspberry jam. These berries and fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C,
  • to use a variety of spices: garlic, peppers, onions – they increase metabolism, increase sweating, thereby accelerating the process of withdrawal of toxins from the body,
  • make an infusion with the mustard. Taken 50 grams of vegetable oil, juice of 1 lemon, 3 cloves of garlic and half a teaspoon dry mustard. In the oil drop by drop added lemon juice, chopped garlic and mustard. All well mixed. Drink 1 teaspoon twice a day before meals.
  • to make compresses. Does 1 tbsp of flour, the same of dry mustard, butter calendula and honey, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vodka. The mixture was heated in a water bath and stirred until a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture was smear on a piece of cloth or quadruple folded cheesecloth and applied to the chest, neck or back. From above to wrap bandages or tape, to wrap a warm scarf. Make a compress in the evening, before bedtime. Change every day until the cough passes.
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So as to be treated exclusively folk remedies impossible, should be taken together special medicines. They are usually prescribed by your doctor, but they can also be taken alone or after consultations with a doctor. It is desirable that these drugs were always in the home medicine Cabinet. Folk remedies can not replace the main treatment, but can help and make it less painful and dangerous. To begin drug treatment should from the first days of the disease, the only way to try to avoid possible complications.

Medical treatment

There are many drugs against influenza, which can be purchased in the pharmacy as a prescription and freely available. This is mainly drugs intended solely to combat the flu virus. They do not affectsome other viruses and bacteria causing respiratory diseases. It should be borne in mind that the funds that have antiviral effect of wide range will not be able to overcome the flu. For example, Theraflu, Anaferon – these drugs will not help cure the flu. To combat the flu virus used drugs such as:

  1. Tamiflu is made on the basis of the oseltamivir, is used in the treatment of influenza, both adults and children 1 year and older. The drug is also allowed to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but to use the drug carefully. It is contraindicated suffering from renal failure and in the presence of Allergy to the components included in the preparation. The medication should be taken no later than 2 days from the moment of infection. Dosage: adults and children over 12 years of age should take 75 mg twice a day for 5 days, children under 12 years old — 75 mg once a day.
  2. Relenza is made on the basis of zanamivir. The medicine can be taken by adults and children over five years for treatment and prevention of influenza type A and B. Produced in the form of vial for inhalation, which is very convenient. You can't take the drug in diseases of the lungs and bronchi, as well as hypersensitive. The recommended dose is 2 inhalations (2 x 5 mg) twice a day for 5 days.
  3. Arbidol — inhibits viral surface protein hemagglutinin and prevent influenza virus A and b inside the cell. Very effective, has a prolonged protective effect, helping the body to deal with intoxication, reduces the duration of illness and prevents the occurrence and development of complications. The drug is prohibited for children under 2 years of age and persons who have individual intolerance to the components included in the prescription. To take the drug, before food 4 times a day for 5 days. Dosage: 2-6 years — 0,05 g, 6-12 years — 0.1 g, over 12 years and adults — 0.2 g.
  4. Amiksin – active substance of the drug – tilorona. Not only helps in the fight against influenza, but is also used in the fight against well as hepatitis A, b, cytomegalovirus and herpes. The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, resulting in the number of viruses is reduced but by reducing their fertility. The drug is contraindicated in children under seven years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Dosage: in the first two days of illness 0.125 g, then take 0.125 g in a day.

Proper diet – the road to recovery

Influenza greatly affects the immune system. If you can't afford to stay more than a week to recover. The hospital is known to give out a maximum of 7-10 days, complications can occur. Because the body needs not only to overcome the disease, but also to withdraw all of the ones that remained after her body. A lot in cleansing the body of toxins depends not only on what drugs were used, but also how people ate during the illness. Some foods delay the removal of toxins from the body, promote the formation of mucus in the lungs and preventing its excretion. One such food is sugar and foods with a high content of it. Because during illness it is not recommended to eat sweets. Honey is not sugar, it consists of fructose and glucose, which are useful for the body, so it can be used. That the disease was faster from the diet should exclude: fried and fatty, fast food, sausage and canned food, alcohol and coffee.

During his illness and afterwards, for several weeks to improve the health and immunity can be accepted. As in the struggle against disease, the body expends enormous resources, and in the winter, and so consumes very little food rich in vitamins, so taking these drugs will be very helpful.

When treatment in a hospital setting required

The flu is really a serious disease that spares no one. To sagripanti can as the elderly and very young children. Of particular concern to doctors are the cases when influenza infected pregnant women, as this disease can cause miscarriage.

Some people suffer from chronic diseases, posing a threat to the immune system and the appearance of dangerous complications after treatment. Such people must always be on guard and the appearance of the characteristic symptoms, consult a doctor. After examination, the doctor may prescribe hospitalization. A physician can prescribe hospitalization in case of complications, such as otitis media, sinusitis and rhinitis, meningitis and encephalitis, pneumonia, lesions of the cardiovascular system, the nervous system, tuberculosis.

This is not the whole list of complications that the doctor may send the patient for hospitalization. So do not underestimate the flu. If you have any chronic disease, it is best when the first symptoms of influenza, consult a doctor.