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The rash of enteroviral infection

Syp pri enterovirusnoj infekcii

To enterovirus infection include viruses that can infect the internal organs. The symptoms may be expressed in various ways, for example, the rash of enteroviral infection is quite common. In most cases, the pathogen affects the digestive system, but there is the possibility of developing symptoms associated with respiratory phenomena and the defeat of other internal organs. Note that the weak immunity of the child, exposes it to greater effect. The child can get infected more than 60 varieties of the virus under consideration. However, after the first infection have antibodies that are no longer able to develop the virus in the body. Despite the appearance of antibodies enterovirus infection in children can manifest in a slightly different form. Consider the features of such groups of the virus, ways of infection and methods of treatment.

What are the pathogens?

All viruses that belong to this group have a capsule structure, which is based on the core. In the nucleus contains RNA, and the shell acts as a kind of protection from external influences. Features shell and structure of the virus is getting the main features into separate groups.

This information is quite important for diagnosis. Treatment depends on the serotype trapped in the body of the virus, as different groups affect different internal organs: intestines, liver, heart.

Treatment should be depending on what organs were affected. Parents should be aware that their own to carry out the treatment in this case does not happen. Possible complications lead to the defeat of internal organs and the development of various pathologies. Only by using modern medical equipment can determine how the virus affects the child's body.

Way of infection

Do not assume that this is a fairly common virus will bypass the child's side in the case of hygienic norms. This is because when ingested, the pathogen may die due to production of antibodies of the immune system. But if the immune system is exposed to other infections or have a chronic illness, the child is not nourished, the pathogen will take root and begin to multiply.

Transmission of the pathogen following:

  1. Airborne infection spread from person that has pronounced symptoms. However, some people initiate may be located in the body but not cause symptoms. The incubation period lasts for several days depending on the characteristics of the organism. Excite is transmitted by sneezing, shouting, talking, crying, and in other cases.

    Syp pri enterovirusnoj infekcii

  2. Significantly increased risk if the child does not wash his hands after using the restroom or visiting public places. Poor cleanliness leads to disease for the reason that it develops in the intestine, and the pathogen long enough lives in the soil.
  3. Water and food transmission method also should not be forgotten. The pathogen can enter the body through food, water, unwashed fruits or vegetables. Therefore, the preparation of each dish must boil water, as the virus is not resistant to temperatures from 45 degrees Celsius. Swimming in the pond can also lead to the disease.

According to the results of the studies, in most cases the infection before the virus occurs in ages 2 to 4 years of age or students from 1 to 5th class. In the first case the infection is due to the fact that young children are all pulling in the mouth, the second – at this age children do not follow personal hygiene, visiting a public place.


The appearance of the virus in the body leads to certain symptoms. The first symptoms appear already during the incubation period. We can distinguish the following several stages, the manifestations of the virus in the body:

  1. The incubation period, passing often without showing symptoms, can last for 10 days. During this period, the pathogen enters into the lymphatic system, affects the mucous membranes, for example, can pour in the oral cavity.
  2. The recovery period is prolonged. As a rule, selected drugs and diet help to ease the virus and kill it over time, the body produces antibodies.
  3. The course of the disease is a vivid character: high temperature of about 39 degrees Celsius, which can hold not less than 5 days. Depending on the reaction of the immune system and what organs were affected, there may be a feeling of nausea, headache, vomiting and General weakness.

    Syp pri enterovirusnoj infekcii

Quite importanttime to see a doctor, as the temperature during the course of the disease may then increase, then decrease. What is dangerous high temperature – long manifestation disrupts brain activity. Pass the infectious disease itself may not.

Manifestation of the rash

What else is shown, considering the virus? Enterovirus rash may appear after a couple of days after getting the virus in the body. The skin is covered with rash due to intoxication by ingestion of the virus of Coxsackie. The rashes appear on the palms, foot, torso, knees.

Syp pri enterovirusnoj infekcii

Treatment in each case is assigned depending on the degree of manifestation of the disease. If symptoms are expressed, then spend it in the hospital. In mild disease there is a possibility of the treatment at home. As a rule, prescribed recommendations are to diet, abundant fluid intake. The rash can smear prescription drugs. Individual antibiotics are prescribed to fight the virus. You should limit the child's communication with other children or adults, as there is a likelihood of pathogen transmission.

Specific means that can be used to combat enterovirus, no. Excessive drinking is assigned for the removal of harmful substances from the body and reducing body temperature. It is worth noting that in many cases neglect the diet, what not to do. Proper nutrition supports the body, strengthens the immune system, allowing you to effectively fight the virus.

Often the diet is represented by the use of only easily digestible food. Adults must monitor your everyday diet, as noncompliance can lead to weakening of the body that fights the virus. The food should contain quite a lot of nutrients, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. All these elements are necessary to sustain the body.

In conclusion, we note that to avoid infection consider infection in school a few is almost impossible. Children do not pay enough attention to hygiene that leads to infection. The administration of educational institutions must take certain measures in the fight against the spread of infections, in infectious disease one of the children has conducted a thorough disinfection and notification of all parents whose children have been in contact with the infected child.