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Enterovirus infection in adults symptoms and treatment

Enterovirusnaya infekciya u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

Enteroviruses (poliovirus) belong to the genus of picornaviruses. They are acid-fast, infect the gastrointestinal tract, the optimum temperature for replication is 37°C. They are stable at low pH, is not inactivated by the acidic environment of the stomach, are transmitted through the faecal-oral route.

Pathogenic human viruses, which occurs as a result of enterovirus infection in adults and children, are polioviruses type 1-3 – widespread culprits of paralysis and polio. Acute enterovirus infection leads to severe damage of the CNS.

Enteroviruses affect millions of people worldwide each year. They are often found in the respiratory secretions and faeces.

Below you can find information about what viruses belong to the enteroviruses, described their symptoms and treatment, in particular treatment of enterovirus infection in children and adults, how to treat, is there a diet method intended to treat the enterovirus, etc.


Enterovirusnaya infekciya u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

Historically, the most serious disease caused by enterovirus is polio caused by polio virus (poliovirus). The infection is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, consequently, the replication of the virus occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. In most cases the virus in the blood occurs only temporarily at the initial stage of infection, which is asymptomatic. Paralysis occurs when the virus affects the Central nervous system due to the destruction of motor neurons.

After the introduction of mass vaccination in 1955 there was a sharp decline in the incidence of disease caused by the poliovirus in the Western world. Poliovirus infections still occur in South Asia and Africa, mainly in Pakistan and Nigeria. In the fall of 2014 in the US there were several dozen pediatric patients with suspected infection with poliovirus.


First of all, we should say that no special treatment does not exist. In the aftermath of the disease plays an important role in rehabilitation, which should begin as soon as possible. The purpose of rehabilitation is, first and foremost, lean muscle mass, which can then be replaced (partially) polio-affected muscles.

The most important treatment strategy is vaccination against polio!

coxsackie virus

The virus is a RNA virus of the genus enterovirus. Known 24 serotypes, which are divided into two groups – A and B. These viruses can cause meningitis, myocarditis, pericarditis and other diseases.

Coxsackie viruses share many of the characteristics of polioviruses. The Coxsackie viruses are divided into two groups depending on their pathogenic effects (group a infects the skin and mucous membranes, group B infects the heart, liver and other organs). The most common disease caused by Coxsackie is a syndrome hand-foot-mouth, which causes the common cold and rashes on the hands, feet and around the mouth (on the part of the body and pour more than the other).

According to who, in the first ten months of 2014, China had more than 2.5 million infected people, 371 human disease has led to death. Tens of thousands of infected people reported from Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries.

Scientific name — an infection of the Coxsackie virus.

Signs of enterovirus infection Coxsackie

  1. Sore throat.
  2. Rhinitis.
  3. Cough.
  4. Headache.
  5. Fever.
  6. Muscle pain.
  7. Nausea.
  8. Diarrhea.
  9. Blisters in the mouth and on the hands and feet.
  10. The pain in her eyes.
  11. Redness of the eyes.

    Enterovirusnaya infekciya u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

What is it?

This is a common infection that spreads easily from person to person. The most common inchildren under the age of 10, but can also affect adults. About half of infected people have no symptoms. In that case, if symptoms occur they are represented by the above-mentioned manifestations: sore throat, runny nose, cough, headache, fever, muscle pain, nausea and diarrhea. The virus can also cause blisters in mouth on hands and feet. Can also be spread of infection to the eye that leads to pain and redness. Serious complications are rare but include damage to the heart, brain, muscles of the thorax or of cerebrospinal meningitis. Newborns are at risk of more serious complications. In most people, recovery occurs after 1-5 days after start of treatment.

As the disease evolves?

The above symptoms appear several days after infection. First of all, appear headaches and muscle aches, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other symptoms include a rash on the hands, feet and mouth, soreness and redness of the eyes.

The symptoms usually disappear within 1-7 days. Most people are contagious during the first week, but sometimes the virus can be transmitted and a week later after the symptoms disappear.


Sneezing and coughing, contact with fluid from blisters or touching the objects contaminated with microscopic particles of faeces can increase the risk of spreading the virus. Here are ways that can help prevent infection:

  1. Wash your hands frequently if you are contagious, especially after blowing your nose, sneezes, coughs, or after using the toilet.
  2. Wash hands carefully after changing diapers.
  3. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
  4. Avoid contact with sick people.
  5. Do not share towels, glasses, Cutlery, computer keyboard, telephone or with someone who is contagious.
  6. The one who is contagious should stay home, not to attend work/school, so as not to spread the infection.

Coxsackie enterovirus infection in adults treatment

There is no specific treatment for Coxsackie virus.

  1. For pain relief you can take Paracetamol, to reduce fever — Aspirin (do not give Aspirin to children or teenagers. This drug may cause Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially dangerous condition).
  2. Get plenty of rest and symptomatic treatment until the virus will not go away.

Treatment at home

Home therapies include:

  1. Rest.
  2. Paracetamol to reduce pain and fever.
  3. Drinking regime (liquid wealth).
  4. Gargling warm salt water.
  5. Eating or drinking hot or cold foods or drinks that soothe the throat pain is recommended herbal teas such as ginger or sage.
  6. Lollipops against sore throat (for example, Septolete).
  7. To strengthen the immune system recommended intake of vitamins (especially b and C) and minerals (especially calcium, magnesium, zinc) that can be bought as food supplements. Very beneficial effect on the immune system is also extract of purple Echinacea and Goji berries. It is also advisable increase the consumption of garlic.


Enterovirusnaya infekciya u vzroslyh simptomy i lechenie

Echovirus is a virus of the genus enterovirus. Echovirus attacking the gastrointestinal tract and exposes the body of exposure to other infections. This is a very infectious virus and primarily affects children. We are talking about one of the most common causes of fever in children and the most frequent cause of aseptic meningitis.

Echovirus most often transmitted by the fecal-oral route from person to person. They can be transmitted indirectly via contaminated water, food, etc. the increased incidence is associated with lower standards of hygiene and areas with large concentrations of people.


Echovirus usually do not cause any serious complications, and disappear without treatment. Patients with impaired immune system may need intravenous gamma globulin to strengthen the immune against infection.


Echovirus can be dangerous for people with immune system disorders or those people who have developed a heart infection due to a virus.

Types of enteroviruses 68-71

Types of enteroviruses 68-71 is a new isolated types of enteroviruses. Cause diseases similar to polio.

Diet for enteroviral infection in adults and children

  1. If enterovirus infection there is a risk of dehydration due to frequent vomiting and diarrhea. For this reason, it is necessary to observe a sufficient intake of fluids in order to rehydrate the body.
  2. Food should be light and easily digested.
  3. The food should be liquid or grated.
  4. Food should not be hot or cold. The best foods for a sick person – warm.
  5. Often enterovirus infection causes food poisoning. Therefore, a sufficient fluid intake is the primary means to remove toxins from the intestines. In addition, you must enter into the diet of thoseproducts that promote elimination of toxins from the body.
  6. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of foods that enhance intestinal motility.
  7. Early in the infection assigned to a strict diet that consists mainly of grain on the water, vegetable soups and purees, baked apples and copious drinking.
  8. After the acute phase (2-3 weeks) diet may be enriched with other foods that are permitted in this disease.