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How to treat viral infection

Treatment of viruses

Viral infections caused by pathogenic viruses are quite varied, but most doctors have to solve a question, concerning the treatment of viral infections of the respiratory tract. Respiratory infections have a viral etiology accounts for about 80% of cases. The most important role in antiviral immunity play NK cells, cytotoxic Tc lymphocytes, antibodies and interferons. It is a viral disease with protracted recovery may lead to a secondary type of immune cells, and is often accompanied by chronic fatigue. The weakening of cellular immunity is accompanied by virtually all chronic and recurrent infections. Known especially infections caused by herpes viruses. So the question is, how to treat the virus, is relevant not only in the cold season, but in any other period.

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An increase in the frequency of infectious diseases, especially respiratory tract also may be the first symptom of autoimmune disease or Allergy. Before making a decision about how to treat a viral infection, and the introduction of immunostimulatory drugs, it is first necessary to determine the exact symptoms of viral diseases and prevent these diseases. First, it will help to avoid delays causal therapy, and secondly, iatrogenic excess of nonspecific stimulation of the immune system, including during viral infection, does not have to go without risk. Introduction some bacterial immunomodulators in autoimmune diseases contraindicated.

The types of immunotherapy

Parents usually wonder what to do in order to support the immune system, especially in children suffering from recurrent infections of the respiratory tract. In these cases, the doctor is likely to recommend immunomodulatory therapy in autumn and winter when the frequency of the infection manifested itself in full force. Year-round stimulation of the immune system is not recommended. Person ( including a child) is a viral disease characterized by a normal course without any serious complications which require repeated treatment with antibiotics can fight the disease with the help of certain bacterial immunomodulators without special immunological tests.

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The term "immunomodulation" refers to the interaction mechanisms on the immune system from the point of view of its fortifications (immunostimulation), attenuation (immunosuppression) or restore reduced function of the immune system (immunosenescence), which also includes the replacement of missing immunological mechanisms (monosubstituted).

Nonspecific immunostimulation

In clinical practice, mainly non-specific immunostimulating therapy. Thus, is strengthening the immune system without reference to a specific antigen. There are a couple of medications. The main representatives of anti-viral immunomodulators are Isoprinosine and Kunar. When deciding on how to cure the infection caused by a virus, you can drink immunomodulatory drugs bacterial nature and vitamin D which are free from the prescription limits.

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The isoprinosine (inosinum pranobexum)

It's a synthetic derivative that has a broad antiviral and immunostimulatory effects.

First and foremost, this drug stimulates the immune response to a specific type of cells, both specific and nonspecific. In infected cells the Isoprinosine inhibits the replication of some viruses, it inhibits the synthesis of viral RNA, especially at the beginning of treatment.

Therapeutic indications include:

Immunodeficiency, especially a disorder of cellular immunity, which is accompanied by prolonged or recurrent viral infections

  1. Recurrent herpes.
  2. Shingles, chickenpox.
  3. Measles.
  4. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.
  5. Cytomegalovirus infection and the virus Epstein-Barr.
  6. Genital warts (external genital warts), skin and mucous candidiasis (subclinical) or lesion of the mucous membrane of the cervix with involvement of infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

id="i-4">Virus and children

The most common cutaneous viral infection in children is molusca contagiosa. About a favorable therapeutic effect of the drug Inosine in this disease, informs a number of publications, but there are also possible irritating reactions.

The dose should be individualized on the basis of body weight, nature and severity of the disease. As a rule, the dose in children aged 1 years 50 mg/kg of body weight up to 4 g/day, divided in 3-4 divided doses.

During maintenance therapy, the dose may be reduced to 500-1000 mg (1-2 tablets) per day. For some types of viral infections, however, it is recommended other regimens. During continuous use for 3 months or more, you must control uric acid in serum and urine, renal function test liver function and blood tests. Requires adequate fluid intake.

This drug is popular among doctors in a study conducted in 1999, which was attended by 43 children, however, has not been proven its positive influence on the reduction in the frequency of viral infections.


It is an oral lyophilisate, in which the active substance is presented in soluble extract obtained from leukocytes of the peripheral blood of pigs. It is a mixture of low molecular weight peptides, nucleoproteins, including regulatory T lymphocytes, which are released under physiological conditions in the immune response.

The drug is recommended in cases of laboratory-proven disorders of cellular immunity. Or for the treatment of conditions associated with violation of cellular immunity.

Bacterial immunomodulators

The use of bacterial immunomodulators in viral infections may seem counterintuitive. However, basically, we are talking about bacterial lysates containing antigens that stimulate as nonspecific and specific immune response. When you activate nonspecific immune mechanisms were demonstrated increased production of lysozyme, secretory IgA, activation of phagocytosis, production of interferons and defensins, activation of NK-cells. All these mechanisms are used in antiviral immunity. In this respect it may be noted, for example, known drugs Broncho Vaxom and Ribomunyl. They are indicated for the prevention of respiratory tract infections or supportive therapy for acute respiratory infections.

vitamin D

Studies show that intake of vitamin D3 from food in Europe is not sufficient, especially in winter. It was found that the final metabolite (calcitriol) has strong immunomodulatory effects, and many studies show that people with lower concentrations of vitamin D3 have a higher risk of infections of the respiratory tract. Recommended daily dose for healthy people is controversial. In respect of children over 1 year of age, recommended daily dose is from 200 to 600 IU. European professional society is recommended dose is somewhat lower. If the child, in particular, is overweight, suffers from recurrent viral infections of the respiratory tract, the immune system in a period of low biological activity of sunlight (roughly from October to April) should be encouraged by taking vitamin D, 1 drop a day, depending on dietary habits. If the child consumes 2 or more times per week seafood, the drug of vitamin D3 is unnecessary.

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Food additive

Methods of influence on the immune system through over-the-counter medications or dietary supplements that are popular among the population. Dietary supplements do not undergo long and demanding test of the effectiveness of the way clinical trials. A natural or legal person, nominating the market, sobstvennolichno responsible for their effectiveness. But it is possible that some plant extracts, probiotics, nutrients, etc, if that does not solve the problem of how to cure the virus, but a positive impact on antiviral immunity.

Specific immune stimulus

Specific immunostimulation is carried out by introducing antigens derived from infectious microorganisms, thereby, by activating specific immune response directed against the pathogen. In this case, the virus is through vaccination.

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Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure is to support anti-infective immunity. Individual anti-virus vaccines have their place within the required or recommended active immunization. Among the recommended vaccine is a vaccine against influenza. Vaccination is available for children from 6 months old, and has certain medical conditions. The people staying in large groups, there is an increased risk of influenza infection. In particular, the ailing children, vaccination against influenza is recommended by the doctor.