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Blood in acute leukemia

Analiz krovi pri ostrom lejkoze

A General analysis of the blood in leukemia is the main and compulsory method of investigation for suspected leukemia to determine the degree of development of the disease.

Leukemia, what is it?

Leukemia — a violation of the process of cell division, their malignancy and spread in the bone marrow. Cells when malignancy outside of brain tissue lead to the development of gematosarkoma – the same disease of blood, but outside of the cavity of the brain. Such a systemic disease like leukemia characterized by the rapid reproduction of young immature leukocyte cells, to introduce tissue hematopoiesis and brain cells. Begin to accumulate blasts (immature white blood cells), clams to be embedded in all internal organs. Normal bone marrow cells in the periphery begin to mutate and are no longer able to participate in the desired reactions of the immune system. Obtained closed-loop circuit. The blood in the brain does not get the required nutrition while in the blood vessels quickly begin to metastasize blastoma of affected cells, leading thus to violation of the functionality of all systems and organs.

Leukemia can be caused by many diseases, in particular viral, can lead to the defeat of the human brain, irreversible mutations in cells. Factor provocateur leukemia, development of tumor process in the brain cells is often hereditary, when previously was diagnosed with leukemia in close relatives of the patient. Causes of leukemia can be:

  • constant exposure to chemical, household, industrial chemicals,
  • radiation, radiation exposure, leading to damage chromosomes, malignancy and development of the substrate (tumors) in the brain.

How to prepare for the blood draw?

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The blood in leukaemia require advance preparation. To the fence of the analysis do not eat for 8 - 9 hours, only allowed water intake in moderation. Also medication for 2 weeks prior to the procedure, to exclude or to warn the doctor what medications have been drinking the night before. Before the fence it is advisable not to donate blood for 2-3 days, avoid taking fried, spicy and salty food. Preferably 2 days before the study not to be nervous, to remain calm and not to smoke for 2 hours prior to the procedure.

How to diagnose leukemia?

General clinical analysis of blood with possible leukemia are the most traditional methods of research to determine the leukocyte cells in the brain. To clarify the type of leukemia, the degree of spread of tumor cells in brain biopsy tissue. It manages the doctors to create a complete clinical picture of the development of the malignant process in the brain.

In the analysis of blood, there is a lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells. To visual symptoms in a patient with leukemia is attributed:

  • hair loss,
  • the emergence of a sense of weakness and helplessness,
  • blanching of the skin of the skin,
  • the distortion of the sense of taste,
  • tinnitus,
  • constant dizziness,
  • palpitations even at low loads.

Platelets are responsible for normal process of hematopoiesis and protects the body from blood loss in case of deviations from the norm in either direction lead to the development of thrombocytosis or thrombocytopenia. The shortage of platelets begins to develop acute form of leukemia, which can provoke hepatitis, systemic lupus erythematosus.

Leukocytes also designed to cleanse the blood from harmful viruses and bacteria with the deviation from the norm in the smaller side lead to the development of leukopenia in a big way – to the development of leukocytosis. Normally it should be in 1litre of blood 49/109. A deviation from the norm — the beginning of the development of a particular disease in the body.

Indicators in the General analysis of blood

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About the patient with leukemia is a blood test with a modified content of leukocytes in the smaller or big party. Platelets and white blood cells in leukemia monoblastny significantly reduced. By reducing the number of red blood cells needed to transport oxygen and disposal of carbon dioxide, the patient manifested signs of animination or anemia, indicating that the decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, the deviation from the norm in 2 times (below 20 g per 1 liter of blood).

A blood test shows acute leukemia, a complete lack of healthy leukocyte cells (bestiality and eosinophils) in the composition. Inin most cases, such a composition is seen in children, when diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In adults the cause of the rapid malignancy of tumor cells is usually the diagnosis — chronic myelogenous leukemia.

Biochemical analysis indicators

The study of the blood in leukemia biochemistry indicates increasing levels of urea, bilirubin and globulin in the blood. Reduced or highly deviated from the norm indicators of glucose and fibrinogen in the blood. Biochemistry of leukemia helps doctors to determine the full information about the disease, to identify possible metastasis of the cells, the severity of the disease.

Acute and chronic leukemia, what's the difference?

Analysis of the blood in acute leukemia will indicate a high level of immature lymphocytes and blast cells, and also the predominance of myeloid lymphoblasts, erythroblasts.

Acute leukemia is characterized by a predominance of blast cells, in between cells of white blood cells is little, and the number of other cells is severely reduced.

In chronic leukemia in the blood observed a sharp increase in the level of leukocytes, the presence of blast cells in a large number of the lack and a sharp decrease in the number of other healthy cell types. In chronic stage of the disease and predominantly immature granular leukocytes in the blood in leukemia, liver, spleen, lymph nodes.

How often should I get tested?

Leukemia is malignancy of cells in the hematopoietic system, the change of indicators of leukogram in one direction or another. All of this suggests the development of a tumor in the brain. Successful outcome directly depends on early detection of diseases, blood tests (General biochemistry). To be tested for leukemia prevention is recommended at least 1 time per year.

The modified indicators of General blood analysis shows the development of oncological processes in the brain. It is a low hemoglobin level, signs of anemia. At the initial stage of development of leukemia in the blood is also observed:

  • low level of red blood cells,
  • the presence of red cells (Taurus) blood in small quantity, there is a leukemia,
  • the decrease in the content of erythrocytes and lymphocytes,
  • the lack of white cells in the blood responsible for the maintenance of immunity in the norm.

Frequently observed in childhood leukemia increase or decrease in the level of leukocytes, which indicates that leukemic failure. The young and healthy cells (eosinophils basophils) are present in minor amounts or are absent at all, Mature it becomes much more. Markedly reduced levels of platelets, red blood cells, on the contrary, increased. Starts rapid sedimentation of red blood cells and the development of different size and form malignant tumors.

It is important to understand that the sooner treatment begins of the disease, thus greater the likelihood of expectations of positive results after the treatment. Important for doctors to correctly detect taken from the patient tests and fully evaluate all parameters of blood. Also to find out the cause of the condition, perhaps the presence of other viral infections or colds occurring in a patient in an acute form.

If the patient had been ill on the eve of a viral respiratory infection, and then blood donation must be postponed for some time because the results can be false.

Analiz krovi pri ostrom lejkoze

The risk group includes people working directly with radioactive materials or having a genetic predisposition. For such people, the testing should meet at least 2 times a year. Still, an accurate diagnosis is not enough passing once and one (General) analysis. Often patients additionally appointed the biochemical examination of the blood. To get the results of the functioning of all systems may take the puncture of the brain, as CT, MRI examination of the bone marrow. If the brain cells are identified and transportyou of blastoma, inevitably the appointment of patients chemotherapy, or laser irradiation with suspected degenerative processes in the hematopoietic system.

The patient may be redirected to a complete study of brain biopsy, cerebrospinal fluid for examination of the internal organs in cases of suspected metastasis of malignant cells, blasts.

The main methods of the study of leukemia should include tests for tumor markers where there is development of cancer cells in the form of specific proteins in the blood. Leukemia indicators for tumor markers, in particular microglobulin can be observed strongly elevated.

The lack of treatment for leukemia can lead to death. Blood disease is dangerous and it is impossible to hope that the malignant process will take place over time by itself. Extremely important time to take the tests and pass the proposed physician operational methods of diagnosis, and accurate diagnosis is necessary to pass the whole complex of diagnostic measures.