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Analysis of blood for infections transcript

Very often infection can be completely featureless, without clinical signs. All of this leads to progression of the disease and causing serious consequences, who are treated for a long time. But what if you want to know the absence or presence of possible infections? In this case it helps analyze blood for infections. Renting it in a timely manner you can be sure of your health or reveal hidden infections at an early stage. Then the treatment will be appointed in time and the disease will not bring harm.

Analiz na krovi na infekcii rasshifrovka

Where to start

The first step of diagnosis is a common blood test. It can be used to see whether there is infection in the body. The overall picture of the status of blood changes under the influence of viruses and bacteria. Indicators after the analysis it becomes clear the presence of blood infection, which helps the doctor accurately see the beginning of the disease. Even in the absence of obvious symptoms the blood tests show clearly hiding viruses.

Independently to understand how to determine need to look at the column labeled leukocytes. If the disease is caused by bacteria, their number will increase dramatically. This is due to bacteria, blood, viruses make it weaker. But to know their presence by increase of monocytes and lymphocytes. But the analysis cannot reliably say what kind of virus caused the disease. So you need to take a blood test for infection.

Why this analysis and how it works

To obtain accurate diagnosis and to be able to know which infection has weakened the body, carry out analysis for the hidden infections. Techniques to research quite a lot. One of the most reliable is PCR. This technique helps to identify waste products of infection, has a high sensitivity and can detect blood in the presence of the pathogen even when it is impossible to define them in other ways. In addition, the technique of research will help to determine not only acute infection but also latent.

Analiz na krovi na infekcii rasshifrovka

Donating blood for hidden infections and will accurately determine the disease. Due to this treatment corresponds to it, which has a positive impact on its elimination.

Tests during pregnancy

As you know, during pregnancy, some infections are dangerous not only for women. Sometimes it can hurt the unborn child. Therefore, doctors recommend to undergo examinations during pregnancy planning. But do not despair if this does not happen. Tests for infections can be in this wonderful period for women.

The very first it is advisable to pass the TORCH complex, which includes the

  • rubella,
  • toxoplasmosis,
  • cytomegalovirus,
  • herpes.

Rubella is most dangerous from this list, if the expectant mother is not ill with this infection in childhood. In this case, she already has immunity. Therefore, even after meeting with rubella again, you can not be afraid of it. But if a woman is not sick, it is necessary to protect yourself and your baby. Before pregnancy can be vaccinated, but pregnant to do its not. Therefore, they have to protect themselves.

Such infections can cause miscarriages and cause malformations of the child. Therefore, to conduct the study is necessary. It'll tell not in the body of the pathogen or antibodies.

Analysis RW

Often check blood for syphilis and such analysis is called Wassermann reaction (RW). Though already using microprecipitation on glass (RPR), but the name of the analysis referred to by the old habit.

Spend it to everyone, pregnant women, coming to work, study. The analysis process is quite simple and consists in taking blood. The result is the negative and the positive. In the second case it is necessary to conduct additional research to obtain a more precise answer.

But in some cases, the answer turns out to be false-positive. This happens when the incorrect preparation of the analysis. The night before not to drink alcohol, too much fatty food. To ensure accuracy in the future conduct of the IFA.

Sexual infection

Do not be afraid of testing for STIs, because they are in the running form leadinfertility, miscarriage, and even contribute to malignant formations. To determine the disease in men and women take the swab.

It is advisable to take before you attend the examination of the antibiotics that smeared picture analyses. Also refrain from sexual intercourse for 1-2 days. Be sure to come after unprotected intercourse, but during menstruation should wait for its completion. To make the analyses much more reliable not to use before taking the smear bacterial soap, douching or vaginal suppositories.

Analiz na krovi na infekcii rasshifrovka

For blood the laboratory using the ELISA method for detecting antibodies, and a convenient PCR for a smear test showing the DNA or RNA of the pathogen. With the help of these researches is impossible to identify:

  • genital herpes,
  • clamidiosis,
  • candidiasis,
  • cytomegalovirus,
  • mycoplasmas.

and many other diseases. The faster and better the response, the sooner you can begin treatment, getting rid of the unpleasant discomfort and avoid serious consequences.

Viral hepatitis

This infectious disease affects the liver. The most severe of these is hepatitis C, which goes without medical treatment cirrhosis of the liver. Usually check for hepatitis b and C. Vaccinated sometimes get a positive result on a hepatitis b antigen, but not to worry. It is advisable to inform the doctor about your vaccination or to make a more detailed analysis.

If an infected woman is pregnant, she should follow the doctor's recommendations, because this disease is really dangerous and can cause the contamination of the child. Sometimes a natural birth in such cases prohibit, choosing a cesarean. This will help to save his life, because a small body will not be able to cope with this disease.

Tests for children

Often children affected by viral diseases associated with cold. But despite the similarity of some of the symptoms of the disease may be quite different. This requires individual selection of treatment. In this case, it is easier to identify infection in children with the help of analyses.

As soon as the symptoms started, you can test for the presence of antibodies to the virus. For this purpose, blood, urine or sputum. It is advisable to carry out research in the beginning of the disease, because the bacteria can under the influence of the therapy "to hide", that makes the answer uninformative.

Analiz na krovi na infekcii rasshifrovka

Current research for children for herpes viruses. They have been known to sleep in the baby's body up to a point. Sometimes they continue to be present, but not interfering. But with the appearance of some kind of infection and weakening of the immune system, these viruses begin their activation.

Hiv infection

HIV testing is not only essential for getting rid of anxiety with a negative answer, but also to determine the presence of disease. Diagnose it by polymerase chain reaction or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. With their help, will reliably detect antibody or to detect the virus.

To make this analysis possible in every hospital or AIDS centers. And they all done anonymously and does not depend on where the person lives. Usually the term of the study takes up to 10 days.

The meaning of the data analyses

Many do not understand the meaning of columns and letters in the leaflet with the tests, therefore, requires deciphering blood test for infections transcript will help you learn self-response study. The most common study is the search of antibodies. They are IgM and IgG, meaning immunoglobulin M and G.

If after research you can see that next to those letters there is a minus sign, it means you are healthy and have not had this infection. When the minus sign near the M and the plus sign next to G — you are healthy, but used to be involved with disease. If the signs are opposite, it indicates a fresh disease. With two plus signs, the patient was ill informed and sick at the moment.

With tests, you can protect yourself in time identifying the disease. No need to postpone the visit to the hospital and fear, because a long delay will only worsen the situation, which will entail the loss of health.