Home / Sexually transmitted infections: symptoms and treatment of specific type of pathogen / Hidden infections in women — a List of symptoms and methods of treatment of the infection

Hidden infections in women — a List of symptoms and methods of treatment of the infection

There are many ways to protect your sex life from infectious diseases. However, despite precautions, you can get the virus through sexual intercourse. The most dangerous are hidden infections in women.

Due to the fact that sexually transmitted infections are no pronounced symptoms, they are called hidden. They can be identified only after a full medical examination or appearing from latent infections complications.

Common infections sexually transmitted or STDs through intercourse. The incubation period is 5-10 days, sometimes I can last up to 12 months. In addition, infectious diseases can be transmitted during pregnancy, the infection passes from the mother of the child.

Primary symptom

Hidden infections in women can be identified faster if you pay attention to the symptoms:

  1. itching and rash on the genitals,
  2. allocation unusual color,
  3. painful urination,
  4. pain during sexual intercourse.

If the woman noticed one of these symptoms is required immediately to undergo a full medical examination for the presence of viruses in the body.
However, symptoms may appear quickly enough.

Delayed signs appear complications:

  1. infertility,
  2. disturbed menstrual cycle,
  3. pain in the pelvic area.

Each infection has its own symptoms and they are able to cause the body serious harm. In addition to the urinary system can be affected and other organs.

Hidden infections, manifested in women, a list of:

  1. viruses,
  2. bacteria,
  3. mushrooms,
  4. ectoparasites.

The most famous of pathology:

  1. herpes,
  2. syphilis,
  3. gonorrhea.

Less common infections, but also represents a serious danger to the woman's body:

  1. ureaplasmosis,
  2. mycoplasmosis,
  3. papilloma virus,
  4. bacterial vaginosis,
  5. clamidiosis,
  6. herpes.

The disease can be caused by viruses, they can be in a healthy body. Completely cure the virus impossible.
Relapse can happen because of low immunity.

Herpes is accompanied by a red rash, it appears as on the skin or mucosa in the form of painful vesicles and redness. In addition, itching and pain in the genitals, which intensified with time.

The temperature rises, and there is a strong selection. Over time, the bubbles begin to burst, and in their place are formed the scabs, causing severe pain.

If not immediately seek medical care complications:

  • damage to the nervous system,
  • brain damage,
  • lose eyes and skin,
  • encephalitis.

During a recurrences of herpes affects:

  • border of the lips,
  • nose,
  • forever,
  • cheeks,
  • ears,
  • forehead,
  • gums.

Completely cure herpes is impossible, there is always the possibility of relapse. For such cases the attending doctor will prescribe special drugs that stop the development of infection.

Papilloma virus

The viruses in this family can cause cervical cancer, the appearance of warts and papillomas. Papilloma and latent long-lasting virus.
Mainly transmitted through sexual intercourse and is present in 70% of the population.

The infection is most common in women.

The more common the occurrence of HPV in the anal region and the rectal mucosa. The virus is very small, so the use of condoms during sex does not prevent infection.

Contamination also occurs during childbirth, or transmitted through everyday through touch.

In the infected cell the virus can be benign or malignant, and its incubation period from 2 weeks to several years. Although in 90% of cases the body is able to get rid of the virus itself in 6-12 months.

But if the human body is under the influence of debilitating factors:

  1. weakened immunity,
  2. infection,
  3. somatic diseases or other diseases that weaken the body.

In case of untimely medical assistance, the virus causes complications:

  • cervical cancer,
  • breast cancer.


The virus has a strong effect on the human reproductive system, therefore, is the most dangerous. Chlamydia develops inside of a person without obvious symptoms. Because of this, the treatment of the virus can be complicated.

The first signs that can appear:

  • menstrual irregularity,
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • frequent urination in the toilet,
  • pain during urination.


  1. rectum,
  2. cervix uteri,
  3. peritoneum's,
  4. ovaries,
  5. fallopian tube.


The first symptoms of the virus appear a few weeks after infection. The virus can be acquired or congenital.

Infection by the virus occurs:

  1. sex,
  2. through the blood,
  3. in utero,
  4. through breast milk,

Using objects of common use. Towel or utensil, thus, the virus is transmitted when infected with open sores.


Most commonly the virus is transmitted sexually, and no matter the type of sexual contact. In rare cases you can become infected through personal items of a carrier of the virus, lack of personal hygiene or during childbirth. The incubation period lasts from 3 days to 3 weeks.


  1. yellow or white discharge, they are an unpleasant odor,
  2. cramps during urination,
  3. urine small portions.


  • inflammation of the mucosa and muscular wall of the cervix,
  • inflammation of the large Bartholin gland,
  • inflammation of the uterus.

Bacterial vaginosis

The appearance of the virus triggers the bacteria of Gardnerella vaginalis, it is present in the vaginal flora. When immunity decreases or there are other complications that cause the death of dairy bacteria, they begin to decay.

Signs of the virus:

  1. during intercourse there is a burning sensation and itching,
  2. appear discharge greyish. They can be frothy consistency.

Due to the development of the virus complications:

  1. mosposuda vagina
  2. could be giving birth prematurely or have a miscarriage,
  3. inflamed uterus.


Infection occurs mainly through sexual intercourse and in rare cases is transmitted through everyday life. 25% of newborn girls transfer the virus. Therefore it would be better if a girl or woman who is planning pregnancy the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor.

There are many symptoms of mycoplasmosis, they appear depending which organ was infected with a virus:

  • throat,
  • bronchi,
  • easy,
  • vagina,
  • cervix uteri,
  • urethra.


  • rhinitis — damage the respiratory tract,
  • intoxication,
  • fever or chills,
  • pneumonia,
  • burning and redness in the urethra,
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen,
  • bleedings,
  • insomnia,
  • weakness,
  • infertility,
  • cystitis,
  • pain during sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of infectious diseases

To detect the presence of virus diseases used in the method of polymerase chain reaction. This method allows you to find the pathogen among the affected cells and begin to heal the disease.

With the appearance of itching, burning and painful sensations in the genital area, you should immediately go to a medical facility and conduct a full examination of the body. In addition, PCR diagnosis should undergo couples planning to have a baby.

The prevention of infections

The female body is more susceptible to viral diseases than men.

So to avoid that, you must follow certain rules:

  1. every year checked by a gynecologist,
  2. to observe personal hygiene,
  3. during intercourse you need to use protection,
  4. if a virus is detected, you must immediately start treatment,
  5. to monitor the status of the immune system.

Women should be attentive to their health and the presence of diseases as soon as possible to begin treatment. Otherwise, the infection can lead to irreversible