Syphilis in women: from etiology to prevention

General malaise

Syphilis – pathology of infectious nature that affects various systems of the body. The disease is sexually transmitted, which means its preferential spread through sexual contact. In addition, you can become infected through bodily fluids, which contain blood, and vaginal secretions, from mother to child in the home (in close relationships). The causative agent of syphilis – pale Treponema, which was opened in the early 20th century by German scientists. There are four subspecies of treponemes and all of them cause disease in humans.

Syphilis in women is a socially significant disease. Every year in our country there are nearly 300 thousand cases. Over the last decade, the number of cases (including women) has increased several times.

It is proved that sexual intercourse sick can only be in 1 of 10 cases. The first symptoms most often the doctor detects it on the reproductive organs (the pubic area, vagina, cervix, etc.). After the disease immunity is not formed. Therefore, there is a risk of re-infection (reinfection).


The pathogenesis is reflected in the reaction of the human body for invading the Treponema. The activity of the pathogen is characterized by a polymorphism of pathological processes. Classic for includes 4 follow-up for each other, period, hidden, primary, secondary and tertiary. Symptoms last periods are very diverse.

Clinical picture

The first symptoms begin to appear after the latent period, which lasts about 3 weeks.

Symptoms of syphilis in women visible in the form of primary syphiloma, which is a seal (Assembly). On palpation he did not hurt, after a short time it appears a formation resembling ulcerative defect, the so-called chancre.

A similar formation appears in place of the input gate, namely the genitalia (e.g., labia, cervix, vagina). If the disease was preceded by oral sex, the doctor can detect the chancre in women on the mucous membrane of the mouth, lips, larynx. The first symptoms of this disease with atypical shape in girls are manifested in the form of multiple, painful, purulent ulcers. So manifests itself chancre. A few weeks later a chancre in women is beginning to heal, and often forms a scar.

A month later secondary syphilis appears as small rashes on various parts of the skin (predominantly on the palms, mucous membranes). The syphilides – so-called lesions, can be in the form of papules, pustules, roseola. Referring to their damaged skin can be easily infected by the disease. These symptoms pass on their own without therapeutic effect after 2-8 weeks. In addition to rashes on the body and in the genital area a person can feel General malaise, chills, swollen lymph nodes and soreness, pain in the throat when swallowing. In parallel, syphilis in women, affects the meninges, liver, kidneys, organs of vision etc. If the disease has a latent period, that is, the clinical symptoms are not visible and to determine its possible serological study of blood.

After years of developing tertiary syphilis. It is characterized by the appearance on the skin, the reproductive organs of a kind of entities – nodes, ulcers (in this case, there are specific selection of them). From the cardiovascular system professionals often found the following pathologies: strokes, acquired heart disease, aortic aneurysm. In 5% of cases patients may damage to the nervous system (neurosyphilis), which looks like paralysis or paresis. Completed the last stage of profound neurological disorders, blindness, vascular lesions etc.


To prevent the disease can be affecting the different links of the pathological process. Genital syphilis (if chancre which appears at the outer organs) can be prevented if:

  • to eliminate promiscuity;
  • the only reliable way to protect yourself and your partner from infection is the use of a condom. In protected contact allocation not fall on the mucous membranes of the organs;
  • if, however, there have unprotected intercourse, you should as soon as possible (within two hours) to process the organs (vagina, pubis, crotch) with a suitable antiseptic.

In everyday life it is not recommended to use your individual personal hygiene items, e.g., toothbrushes, razors (in this case, chancre when shaving the skin in the genital area can be formed on the pubis, or some big sex lip).


Drug treatment of syphilis is not without antibiotics. Anydrugs are prescribed most often? Treponema pallidum is sensitive to the effects of penicillins. If you are allergic to these drugs, they are replaced by erythromycin, cephalosporins etc.


In the diagnostic process, the doctor focuses on the clinical symptoms. Chancre on large and/or small labia, indicates that the patient has syphilis genital. A chancre is also evidence of primary syphilis. In addition to his from the vagina there are no specific selection, as in other sexually transmitted diseases. In a similar way by the aggregate of certain symptoms, the doctor will determine the subsequent stages of the disease. Of laboratory methods for both female and male syphilis is determined by the reactions of Wasserman, RIF, ELISA etc.

It is important to remember the timely detection of characteristic signs of disease and contact – the key to a speedy recovery.


What is the danger of the disease? Treponema, once in the tissue, strikes:

  • nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis, increased intracranial pressure, etc.);
  • the cardiovascular system (valvular heart disease, aneurysm);
  • musculoskeletal system (arthritis);
  • the digestive (liver, stomach, intestines).

A timely appeal to the specialist will successfully cope with the disease, possible complications, improving patient's quality of life.